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3 ways to feel exquisite sensitivity inside your vagina – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Feb 14, 2019 8:00:00 AM

One of my biggest #lifegoals is to have every woman explore her deep vagina….

And LOVE it.

But let’s be honest, most of the time, once I’ve managed to convince you and you head in there (usually with some fear or disgust or loathing uggggggg)…

Hoping to find, I don’t know, orgasmic unicorns and it’s like: 🚫

And then, I hope in a non-creepy way, I’m right there with you saying, “Don’t worry!! This is totally NORMAL! It’s like a garden that’s been neglected. You’ve got to do some work, but it’s not gonna be that one lonely tumbleweed forever in your vagina.”

sexcoach #inspiration

In fact, and I’m totally not full of s**t, if you do some daily, simple practices, you can actually have those rainbow unicorns in your vagina and then it’s all like: ⛔

What practices you say?

Well, I’ve got three amazing ones for you today.

But please don’t assume it’s one and done.

If you’ve built up a relationship with your vagina for years and likely decades, it’s not going to change overnight.

It’s a deeper, long-term process, but here is what I can absolutely promise you.

Every single vagina is magic.

Including yours.

Each one has incredible sensitivity that is possible.

You just have to take the time, care enough and stick with it.

But the results are soooooo worth it.

Check out my 3 top practices to build exquisite vaginal sensitivity below.


Want more? Sign up for my Wild Woman Masterclass.




3 Ways to Feel Exquisite Sensitivity Inside Your Vagina

I don’t know if you’ve ever had the experience of, oh my God, is my vagina numb. Like maybe it happens during sex or intercourse, and you’re just sitting there being like, I just don’t feel anything. And if you’ve heard of other women having orgasms during intercourse and you’re like, how would that even happen?


And even with women in my courses using the Jade egg, it’s usually very surprising to them at first, how little they feel like they feel inside of their vaginal canals. Now some of this is biological. You’re actually designed not to be that sensitive in the vaginal canal because otherwise birth would basically be impossible.

There are areas of the vaginal canal where you can build sensitivity and you can restore a sense of like sensational pleasure and ecstasy. It doesn’t happen overnight, but of every woman I’ve worked with and I’ve worked with thousands upon thousands of women, you can always build sensitivity inside the vagina and report having more powerful orgasmic experiences and better sexual experiences overall.

So I wanna share with you, what are the three techniques and tools that I’ve seen are the most effective for restoring vaginal sensitivity? My favorite practice ya know this is Jade egg or any other internal tool that you use on a regular basis. So when you have a regular Jade egg practice, it’s yoga for your pussy.


I used to feel from like here up and when I first went to, uh, my spiritual coach and you know, my first therapist and they were like, can you tell me what you’re feeling inside of your body? And I was like, what are you talking about? I don’t feel anything inside of my body. And then I started doing yoga and I was like, oh my God. There’s like, there’s all kinds of things in here. And the more I did yoga, the more I was like, Ooh, like it’s, it can actually be kind of amazing.

So when you do Jade egg with your pussy, you’re doing the same thing. It’s like your pussy wakes up and you’re like, oh wow. I didn’t, I didn’t even realize I had that in there. I didn’t even realize there was so much pleasure or so much sensation. It’s through a consistent, regular, weekly or daily practice that you open up.


You open up this energetic aliveness, you open up a sense of strength, flexibility, and connection. I have so many women come, uh, to me in tears. Like I like, I didn’t, I didn’t know. I had no idea what was inside of me. And a Jade egg practice can wake that kind of awe up. And every woman has it. I don’t want any of us to die without knowing that.

One major thing you can do is use your fingers internally when you’re masturbating or self-pleasuring. When you use your fingers internally, during masturbation, you’re building this mind, body sensitivity because you’re using your hands. You’re touching certain areas and you’re aware that you’re touching yourself there. And so you build this kind of neuronal sensitivity inside of the vagina. It’s also the easiest thing to do. You probably already masturbate. You don’t have to buy anything. You’ve already got a hand most likely. And so it’s very easy to use this.

So the final thing I’ve got for you is conscious masturbation. Sometimes I call it sacred Self-pleasure, self-pleasuring, but also I think maybe I’m gonna call it woke masturbation, which means basically you have woken up to the truth of your vagina, the truth of your pussy, that there’s nothing wrong with her. That she’s incredibly beautiful and that whatever you’re feeling in there is okay, it’s celebratory. It’s respectful. And for me that’s what I wanna feel, like there’s a party down there.

I wanna feel like there’s so much love. I wanna feel like bliss and ecstasy are welcome. I wanna feel like it’s a temple. Like my vagina is a temple. And every single time I go to masturbate, I am conscientious about what I put in there.

So you may have experienced this. If you feel so unsafe, you shut down, you get tense, you curl up, you stop feeling right. If you don’t feel safe for long enough, you just stop feeling. And women’s vaginas have not been safe in our society for so freaking long. And so when your vagina feels safe, she starts to open. She starts to feel, she starts relaxing. She starts being there again for you. And so there’s this huge piece of how you touch yourself and how you relate to yourself where you can create safe, certain emotions, a certain level of respect, a certain level of honor.

It’s time. I can already see the emails. Why do you use the word pussy? It’s so offensive. I hate the word vagina. I already cringe. It’s okay if you feel that, but pussy, vagina, no matter what you call her, she is sacred. And when you masturbate in a woke way, you treat her like the sacred pussy, vagina, cunt that she is. And she starts feeling when you give her that safety, when you relate to her that way, when you treat her with respect, she starts to feel again, she starts to come alive. There’s a rich sensation. That is pretty much indescribably there. And I want that for you.

If you’re curious about taking this further, learning even more tools and techniques, finding out more about the Jade egg, then go on over to Sign up with your email address. I send weekly videos on these practices, and I also encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and thank you so much for being here and for being just such an amazing part of this whole entire process.