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3 ways to show your vagina you love her – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Oct 10, 2019 7:00:00 AM

Have you heard about those studies where people say beautiful, positive things to plants and they thrive and grow?

And then people say mean, negative things to plants and those plants shrivel?

{IKEA just did this study…IKEA!! What will our lives be like in 10 years when consciousness is shifting so fast!?!?}

Well…I’ve got something for you to ponder today….

How do you speak to your pussy?

Are you saying beautiful complimentary things to her so she can thrive?

Or are you judging her and criticizing her…or even worse…ignoring her?

The truth is that most women are judging and ignoring her…so don’t feel bad if you are too…

But you know what happens when your pussy shrivels under negativity and meanness?

She drys up, she stops desiring, she stops playing, she stops having orgasms, she stops craving sex/life/beauty/pleasure…

And you might end up thinking there is something wrong with her…

But what if she’s just like a pet kitten that gets mistreated and starts hiding under the sofa?

There isn’t anything wrong with the kitty…she just needs what we all need…safety, love, and a good sweet stroke so she will want to climb into your lap and purr.

You might even HATE the word pussy…(and if so, I made an amazing vlog for you I’ll be sharing soon…)

A lot of women don’t even have a great word for HER. So they feel awkward and disconnected talking (or even thinking) about her.

So how do you change this relationship?

If you have a broken relationship with her, what can you do to heal it?

If you have a great relationship with her, what can you do to make it outrageously awesome?!

Behold the newest vlog below where I share 3 ways to show your pussy you love her.

You’ll be able to easily incorporate one of these daily practices to start celebrating her…and just like those luscious jungle flowers that bloom because the rain and the sunshine say sweet, sweet seductive things to them…

Your pussy is gonna bloom so so bright.

Here’s to the season of radiant, colorful pussy blossoming all over the world – starting with YOU today.


So how is your relationship with your pussy? Let me know in the comments.

Get the Pussy Love Package



3 ways to show your vagina you love her

I want you to love your pussy. I want you to love your pussy. I want you to love your pussy.

So it is so important to love our pussies. And the crazy thing is, is the word pussy might even like, like, be like, like nails scratching on your skin, or like a little bit strange. Most of us don’t even embrace the word vagina, cunt, pussy, whatever you wanna call it, there’s this distance.

And one of the things that is so important is to give positive energy to this precious part of our body. We don’t usually even know how to claim her name with pride and love. Let alone speak to her in adoring ways. Now I know it can be hard to look at your pussy and see pure beauty. It’s usually a practice.

So when I first took an iPhone to my pussy and a mirror to my pussy, I was like, oh my God, it was such an intense experience. And yet it’s so important for us to learn, say, positive, loving, beautiful things to this part of us. So even plants respond to positive versus negative words. They’ve done study after study. Ikea funded this amazing study, where if people say beautiful, positive things to plants, they thrive, they grow. They show up in these amazing ways.

And when they say bullying, mean hateful things to plants, they shrivel. And a lot of people have also documented that when you neglect something or ignore it, that’s actually the worst case scenario. So it’s so important to do this. And yet, when are you gonna do this during your day?

Like, when are you just going about your day? And like, gee, I should shower my pussy with praise right now. Like if I was president, that’s what we would all be doing. There’d be like a pussy love day. It’d be like Tuesdays, but that’s not what’s happening right now.

So you have to find a way to replace any ignoring, any numbness, with a positive, beautiful relationship.

So these are my three favorite, most effective practices to show your pussy that you actually love her. And to remember, to take that time to say, you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful. I love you. I love you. Thank you. It works.

It’s so effective when you take the time to do that. So one of my favorite practices is doing a pussy care ceremony. And so what this is, is taking care of your vulva in a very specific way, but really bringing in that positive talk as you do it.

So one of my favorite things to do is to create a special scrub for my vulva and the groin and thigh area. So I use really fine salt with a bit of coconut oil and sometimes even a touch of honey. And you wanna make sure it’s not too harsh because you don’t wanna be really harsh with the area, but just a light scrub that you can make yourself.

You can scrub the whole area and as you’re scrubbing and massaging, either outside in the grass, in the sunlight or inside the shower, you can just say, I love you. I love you. I love you. You’re so beautiful. You’re so beautiful.

If that sounds cheesy or corny to you at all, you just wait and see what happens when your pussy’s like so alive and you feel magnetic and powerful and awesome. Then you can rinse her off. And one of the really cool things to do is to do just a touch of essential oil.

So something like organic lavender, um, or you can use anything else that you really love. And you just do a little dot, uh, right where your pubic hair would start. So you don’t wanna do that anywhere near your vagina or inside of your vulva lips because getting essential oil internally can be irritating or painful.

And something I’ve been getting into lately too, is giving myself pussy facials. So if you get ingrown hairs or little black heads, you can actually use a facial set that you can get off of Amazon and just make sure to disinfect all the tools with rubbing alcohol before and after each use.

And you can actually give yourself this glorious pussy facial. And it’s like the cleanest and most vibrant, I’ve felt my skin. And as I’m doing this with the scrub and the anointing, I just remember over and over again to take that time to say like, you’re beautiful.

Even just to connect with my pussy, like have this moment of looking at her, touching her, caring for her, feeling love and warmth for her, it makes all the difference.

So my second favorite practice is a jade egg practice. Now I’ve shared with you many different jade egg practices before, but I wanna share with you today, why the jade egg practice is this amazing touchpoint because when else do we stop, slow down, and just be with our pussies without pushing them, without having so many expectations, without trying to get them to go to climax, but just being with this glorious part of ourselves.

So some people are like, eh, like why would you do a jade egg practice? You can just get like a Kegel weight and do the exact same thing. Or you can just be driving your car and like squeezing your pelvic floor and it misses the heart of what the jade egg practice actually is.

It’s like “you” time but for your pussy. And it creates this enlivening of your whole vulva and vagina, where you feel more pleasure. You have better orgasms. You become more alive inside and out and just like it creates this mind-body connection.

So you’re like, oh, I have a pussy. And my pussy is spectacular. And you actually embody that and make that real when you do the jade egg practice regularly.

The last practice that I love is a body meditation for your pussy. So what you do is when you’re lying in bed, or even just during a yoga practice, you can do this, you scan your pussies, you’re gonna feel your pelvic floor.

You can even feel your anus, your butt. You can feel your sacrum. You can feel your cervix or the energy of your cervix, your vaginal canal. And what you do is you just sweep your attention back and forth through this area and you feel, what kind of sensations are you feeling and where are you feeling them?

As you feel them, you speak out loud, what are you feeling? And where do you feel it? This helps you create amazing awareness inside of your pussy. It helps your brain and your nervous system actually communicate to you what kind of sensations you’re feeling.

This is excellent for feeling more and being more sensitive during sex. But the most important part of this practice is that you don’t judge what you’re feeling.

So it’s so easy to get in a habit of being like, I’m not feeling enough. I’m feeling too much. I’m too numb. I feel pain. It’s not good enough. It’s not orgasmic enough. I know. I know. I know. I know what that can feel like.

And so as you do this practice, you’re just scanning and speaking, feeling and speaking, but you carry this underlying approach that it’s all. Okay, it’s all okay. It’s all okay. It’s all okay. What I’ve seen is if you want to unlock your most powerful orgasmic states, this practice is the key.

And during this as well, you remember to say, you’re beautiful. I love you.

If it doesn’t feel real at first, you just keep going and eventually you’ll find it will start to feel real. When you love your pussy, you love something essential, something core, something good, something beautiful about you as a woman. It’s so, so, so, so, so valuable.

All right. I hope you bring these practices into your daily life. Use them as often as you like, let me know how it goes, turn yourself on and be like a beacon of radiance to the world.

If you love this practice, I highly suggest you try out my sex magic practice. It’s an amazing self-pleasure and ritual that helps you get what you want.

You can also download my free E guide for women, Wild Woman in the Bedroom. It will give you lots of practices like this, and more step by step and like this awesome e-guide format that’s really spectacular. If you want either of those, please go ahead and click on the link down below. Thank you so much for being here. Remember to subscribe and I will see you soon.