VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

A 10-step pussy massage to enter ecstatic states – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Nov 7, 2019 8:00:00 AM

I’m in a quick and dirty **straight to the point** kind of vibe today, so this video is for you if:

  1. You want to get into total natural ecstasy that blows your mind and uplifts your soul
  2. You would like to give and/or receive a 10-step pussy massage that invites such ecstatic states
  3. You would like the full 10-step process in a guided and free audio download in my **arguably** sexy and soothing voice
  4. You want all of the above and/or
  5. You’re interested in a deep and weird internet rabbit hole and this is the best offer you’ve got available right now

Oh, and if you’ve got a lover or partner that you want to give this to you – forward them this email with a suggested date and time.

Or if you’d like to **consensually** offer this incredible experience to someone, forward them this email with a suggested date and time.

Enjoy your ecstasy below.


You can get the audio follow-along practice below.




A 10-step Pussy Massage to Enter Ecstatic States

Okay. In this video, I am going to share with you a 10-step pussy massage that you can do or you can receive to go into ecstatic states. I have a free audio download and use it to give this pussy massage step by step to a partner. This is not your everyday pussy massage, but it is specifically tailored to open the recipient into a profound and delicious state of ecstasy. And now, I’m going to share with you why ecstasy is the older, hotter, more graceful, svelte sister of pleasure.

Ecstasy, the word comes from the Greek word ekstasis, which means to be outside of your everyday reality. Now, I am so passionate about ecstasy because I believe that our souls hunger to return to ecstatic states. It’s one of the things that I think humans need to touch into regularly to feel sane and healthy and whole. We need to lose the sense of ourselves, our little narrow mind, our little worrying about things and thinking about the future, and just, oh, give ourselves over to the most profound potent states of ecstasy.

In this case, one of the cool things to understand is that pleasure, experiencing pleasure, but you and the pleasure are two different things. Whereas, and let’s go real deep here for a moment, ecstasy is the experience of being one with the pleasure. So, there’s no more sense of you or personality or thinking mind. You are pure pleasure itself. And just like the synthetic drug, ecstasy can be profoundly healing, can heal PTSD and depression states.

My theory, although not yet scientifically proven, is that regularly tapping your natural state of ecstasy can probably do the same thing for you. So now, usually, when I say things like this, some of you write in and ask where you can learn more about it. I’m going to share that with you now. There is an excessively nerdy, very obscured text called Ritual Texts for the Afterlife by Fritz Graf and Sarah Johnston. I love this book. You can check that out if you want to learn more about this.

In pussy massage, you aren’t pushing her to orgasm or climax. You’re not expecting her to feel pleasure. You are present with her step by step, allowing her to feel what she feels. This pussy massage is about stepping into ecstasy. So, I’m going to share the 10 steps with you now.

Step number one is set the space, light some candles, put down a faux fur blanket, because nobody wants to experience ecstasy in a messy shithole.

Step two is you’re going to set an intention. So, intention is everything. In this case, for this pussy massage, the intention is to experience ecstasy. And here’s the key. You want to keep returning to your intention over and over again. And if you don’t feel ecstasy during the massage, you want to take everything that’s appearing as a teaching, a lesson for you about ecstasy and your relationship to ecstasy.

Step number three, you’re going to do what’s called fears, desires, and loves. So, you’re going to share with your partner, you’re going to go one at a time. What are you afraid of? What do you really want? What do you desire? And then, what do you love about each other? This is important because then you don’t have a bunch of unsaid stuff before you get down to business. If you get to express what you’re afraid of, if you get to express what you really want to happen, if you get to tell each other what you love about each other, you’re setting yourself up for a much more well-held ecstatic pussy massage.

Step four, you’re going to have her start a deep connected breath. What a connected breath is where you don’t have a pause between inhale and exhale or exhale and inhale. You really want her to do the connected breath, especially for the first 10 to 15 minutes of the pussy massage.

Step five, you’re going to move towards a breast massage. You can either sit between her legs or you can sit at the top of her head and massage over her breasts with a firm stroke, with body friendly non-scented oil. So as you stroke her breasts, you’re going to encourage her to keep the deep breathing. You’re going to encourage her to feel what she’s feeling. Maybe she needs to cry. Maybe she wants to purr. Maybe she wants to make a sound. For some women, they have never felt a depth of permission to allow themselves in their whole life. So, this can be a really healing part of the whole experience.

Step six, you’re going to warm up her inner thighs and pelvic area. You can stroke in long movements up through her inner thighs, over her pelvis and hips. What you’re going to do is encourage her to breathe into this area, keep feeling and keep sounding. You can also do circles with your palms over her pelvic area, also stroking her clitoris on the downward movement, but this whole massage is really meant to wake up her pelvic area without going immediately to the focus on her clitoris.

Step seven, you want to start to stroke her clitoris in a really slow, delicious way, but without bringing her to climax. You can either use your palms doing circular movements over her clitoris, or three fingers making circular movements over her clitoris. But the idea is to spend five to 10 minutes stroking and allowing her to breathe and feel. This is a huge key to entering into an ecstatic state, not pushing her over to climax or orgasm during this period, but allowing her to build up her pleasure and then slow back down again, build up her pleasure, and then slow back down again.

Step eight, you’re going to do a vulva massage. It’s so powerful to cup over her vulva and do a really grounded stroke where you press up against her pelvic floor and her pelvic bone and do a really deep circular stroke. You can move up and down depending on what she likes and what she prefers. This is what’s going to make you an excellent pussy massager. You can truly feel in your heart that whatever she’s feeling is welcome here, she will feel that in the space, too.

Step nine, you’re going to feel whether she wants an internal massage. And with your non-dominant hand, you can actually stroke over her clitoris in a really delicious way. With your other hand, you can begin to bring one or two fingers inside of her vaginal canal. You can try some different strokes, a light penetration, so bringing your fingers slowly inside, slowly outside. You can stroke the inside wall of her vagina. You can do a deeper G-spot and cervical massage, both of which I will guide in detail in the audio download. So, go ahead and download that by clicking below if you want to know all of the more detailed steps.

Step 10, you are going to find the stroke that is most activating or most pleasurable for her. You’re going to move to that stroke, and you’re going to encourage her to keep breathing and sounding. So, she’s going to inhale, feel, exhale, sound, inhale, feel, exhale, sound. And in this, she can actually start to enter a deep ecstatic state. And then, you’ll feel the energy will usually peak at a certain point, and then, it’s time for her to rest and ground. Sometimes, it will take several of these pussy massages over weeks or even months to be able to restore her to her full ecstatic freedom and pleasure.

Then, I also recommend doing what I call a recap, so I’ll guide you through this in detail in the downloadable audio. But basically just share, “How was that for you?” That helps you integrate the experience together and really find out what did the other person experience in this really beautiful sharing session.

All right. So if you want to try this at home, which I do highly recommend, then go ahead and download the audio guide below. There’s a link down there that you can find, and it will guide you step by step through the whole process from start to finish. And then, please go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel so you can learn lots of different ways to massage a pussy.
