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A Sexy 10-Minute Ritual to Fuel Your Day – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Nov 28, 2019 8:00:00 AM

One of my favorite ways to do things like meditations, jade egg, and pleasure practices on the regular is to shorten them into teeny-tiny bite-sized experiences.


Because if I think about doing something pleasurable or awakening for a full hour I’m pretty much just way too resistant and lazy for that and won’t do it. 

Yes, when I lived in the jungle and had a practice community and no job, I did 4 hours of Tantric yoga a day and two hours of meditation – hallelujah!

Now that I’m running a successful business and live in Los Angeles in partnership with a busy social life and a new dog and three mice…

One full hour of practice is rarely my reality.

So how do I motivate myself to do the things I know are good for me?

I do 5 minutes of meditation or 7 minutes of breathwork or a 10-minute pleasure ritual.

I can get excited by that and actually do it – which feels amazing and accomplished which then leads to more short-ass meditations and pleasure rituals that add up but feel less overwhelming to do.

So below is a quick and powerful 10-minute pleasure ritual to get your day started that I designed to be a sweet and beautiful addition to your day.

I really do believe that inviting our body and nervous system into pleasure in the morning has an uplifting effect on our entire day….

It makes it feel accessible to shift into pleasure more often….

Because life is short, so why not feel more pleasure while you can, take care of your sh*t, and engage in chaos and humanity on this magical rock whirling around a giant ball of fire through infinite space?

It doesn’t just make more sense…

It’ll also make you feel more joyful, alive, centered, and connected to your pleasure and power – throughout your whole day.

Enjoy your morning ritual below!


Download the Orgasmic Breathwork guided audio below:




A Sexy 10-Minute Ritual to Fuel Your Day

At a business conference recently-ish and someone was like, Layla, what is your morning ritual that helps fuel your day? And I was like, I’ve got a couple of choice ones that I like to engage in myself: coffee with lots of almond milk, turn on Revolve, and think about different clothes that I could wear.

You don’t have to have some sort of immaculate morning ritual in order to be successful. So one thing I’m a big proponent of is not being hard on yourself about things that don’t absolutely matter. So I’ve seen a lot on Instagram, some of the big, like, uh, male, inspirational, like speakers and leaders posting this kind of meme all over the place that like, if you wanna crush it at life, you like have to get up at 5:00 AM and make your bed in this immaculate way and then get ready for an ice bath.

And like I’ve done ice baths in the morning. Sometimes it’s fantastic. You don’t have to get up at 5:00 AM. I personally hate making my bed. And so when we talk about morning rituals, I just feel there can be a lot of embedded shame and judgment around it. And even me, for a while, I was like, please don’t ask me what my morning ritual is. Please don’t ask me what my morning ritual is, cuz it usually has to do with coffee and like the internet. And, and if I’m totally honest with myself, I do thrive when I have a really beautiful, sexy morning ritual. And I didn’t need that to get where I wanted to in life.

It’s important that you figure out what works for you, but you don’t have to shove yourself into everybody else’s standards. So if you wanna shove yourself into my standard of a pleasure, sexy ritual, then I’ve got one for you right now. So the first thing that you do is you start seated and you’re gonna do a pussy breathwork practice. So what that means is you’re gonna open your mouth, good and wide. You’re gonna inhale and exhale deeply as though you are inhaling and exhaling into your pussy.

What does this do for you?

A it wakes you the fuck up

B It makes your pussy go pop and

C It starts your day with pleasure and deep connection and deep empowerment.

I find getting a good pelvic rock in really, really helps activate and awaken the area. So you’re gonna do that for about four minutes.

Next you’re gonna move into central massage. So if you have a body friendly oil like coconut oil or almond oil, that can be really beautiful. And you’re gonna start by doing a breast massage. So you’re just gonna rub the oil on your hands. You’re gonna essentially stroke your breasts. You’re gonna do this for about two minutes, tuning into your heart, breathing in and out of your heart, feeling the pleasure and activation of your breasts.

Then you are going to do another two to three minutes of stroking your vulva. So think of this as a really conscious present self-pleasuring, but you’re not necessarily gonna climax or push yourself to orgasm. It’s just gonna be three minutes of basking in pleasure.


And as you do this, you’re gonna deepen your breath in and out of your pussy. So you’re gonna keep that same breath that you developed when you were doing the seated pussy breath work. But now you’re gonna be touching and stroking your vulva and out as you do this, you’re gonna inhale the pleasure through your whole body. So it’s like taking a pleasure bath before you start the day, which is an incredibly exquisite thing to do.

Then I invite you to lie still for a full minute of silence and you can either do gratitudes. What are you grateful for in your life? Or you can do intentions. What are you creating in your life? Or if you’re super fast and you like being type A cuz you are there doing this ritual while I’m still in bed, trying to scroll through the online shopping. What you’re gonna do is put your gratitudes and your intentions together.

All right, hope to see you there. And if you want more exquisite practices like this that are guided, I’ve developed an orgasmic breathwork practice. That’s very similar to this one and you can go ahead and download it totally for free.

And it helps you develop the most orgasmic states sexually and through using this amazing tool called breathwork. You can find the link for that down below. Please remember to subscribe. We’ve had like 90 million views and not as many subscribers cuz I never tell you to subscribe, but that’s okay. Cuz now we’re gonna catch up. All right.