VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Hey, have you tried Sex Magic? – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Mar 29, 2019 7:00:00 AM

Last week I did a really intensive one-week retreat, The Hoffman Process, where I released all the negative patterns I got from my mom, dad and stepfather growing up (suuuuper intense and also super healing!!)…

One cool thing about the retreat is that you couldn’t tell anyone what you did for work so I got to be (mostly) anonymous…

During one exercise, my facilitator asked me what I did to experience gratitude in my life and I said, “Sex magic…I practice sex magic in my backyard temple!!!”

Needless to say, all anyone wanted to talk to me about for the rest of the week was sex magic.

Moms from Chicago, tech entrepreneurs from San Francisco, construction engineers from Canada…EVERYONE wanted to know how to do sex magic.

Which is awesome because sex magic is better than…well, non-tantric sex…drugs, rock’n’roll, gluten-free macaroni and cheese and winning the lottery…I promise you…sex magic is better than all of those things.

I made this week’s video with my friends to talk about how sex magic has changed our lives and our experiences of sex (and also share more about the actual practice….)

It’s the most magical, incredible and beautiful practice and I am beyond thrilled that the word is getting out and everyone is starting to get down with sex magic.


P.S. Let me know in the comments…do you already practice sex magic? If so, what has it done for your life?

If you want to invite the full spectrum of your own sexual power into your life and your bedroom, click below for my free guide ‘Wild Woman in The Bedroom.’



Check out Rachel Pringles’ work on The Way of The Wild Woman, embracing your whole being and witnessing your power here.



Hey, have you tried Sex Magic?

So you mind me thinking, what is sex magic? What is this practice you’re talking about? And for me, it’s one of the quintessential practices. It’s where you work with your sexual energy and your pleasure and you actually move it through every chakra. It’s like yoga on, I don’t know, ecstasy, but like real ecstasy.

And it’s like using your sex magic, you, it actually gets to a higher and higher and higher frequency and you send it out and then bring it back into your body. This is the most simplified form. And you can do so many things with it. And it’s so powerful.

It’s one of the most like anchoring, empowering practices I’ve ever come across. It’s a core practice for women to wake up to what their sexuality really is and what energy really is inside of them.

And, and in case you’re wondering, no, we don’t all have sex with each other. <laugh> that’s not what the practice is about. We don’t touch each other sexually. It really is like doing yoga. Like we’re on our own mat, we’re doing our own thing. And we’re in our sexual nature. We’re in our orgasmic nature.

How has this experience changed your relationship to your own sexuality or your sex life in today’s society?

Sex is quick. It’s like, okay, seven minutes. I’m like, really all of this movement of slowing down, of being present with a moment to taking orgasm out of just this moment. And sometimes I don’t even have an orgasm in the field. I’m just ecstatically in every moment.

Yeah. The way that I was experiencing sex before was very much so, as you were saying, for the man, and it was my obligation as a woman. It was never for me. I was never tapped into myself. I didn’t experience pleasure. And it was like something that at the end of the day, as a woman, I had to check this off my to-do list for the man.

And it’s also gotten me to the point now where I’m no longer afraid because of sex magic. Mm-hmm <affirmative> I have learned to follow pleasure. I have learned that my pleasure is my life. It is mine, I am worthy of my pleasure.

I can trust my desires. I can trust my body when my gut is telling me no. Or when my gut is telling me yes, because I’m more familiar with my own life. And that’s 1000% come from sex magic. For sure. Mm-hmm <affirmative>

So one of the biggest questions that I get asked is, is magic real. That’s literally what everybody asks me, including like all of my Uber drivers they’re like, I wanna know, is magic real? And I’m like, yes and no, it’s not like magic as like, I feel like I control the whole world.

And like, you know, with spells, I can make anything happen that I want, I know the power of energy. I know that when I work with energy and I am conscious of it and I’m attentive to it, that it changes my reality. It helps me relate to reality in a way that feels magical more than anything else. So I’m curious for you all, like, how do you relate to the word magic or does it feel real in your life?

I view energy as magic. And if like, and if energy is everything and everywhere and in all of life, then all of life is magic.

Our inner world is what creates our outer world.

So these practices, these rituals that we do are absolutely creating magic because when you go into a scenario and you use your languaging and you use your breathwork and you use your stillness and you project your experience inside, outside, everything changes.

And magic feels like this beautiful amplification. We have full authority and sovereignty over our entire human metaphysical, spiritual experience in every way, because of this fluidity of allowing what is naturally in motion to be in its creative force. And that feels, it feels like the most exquisite way to be moving through the world.

This power wants to come through women. And there’s this layer of conditioning that meets it right there saying, no, no, no, that’s so dangerous. That’s so wrong. That’s so scary. And we get it in different ways.

I watched, um, star wars with Andrew and I was sobbing through the entire movie. And Andrew’s like, like what’s, what’s up baby? And I was like this concept that we all have energetic power and we can use it for in, in the service of, you know, ultimate good, or we can use it in service of harm and that it’s ours.

And that it gives us this magical life if we follow it. I was like that’s so true. It’s, it’s completely true.

And I was like, but we’ve been taught to be so afraid of it that people have to get it through a blockbuster movie. And they think it’s just Harrison Ford acting. And they forget that like, yes, it’s super corny, but like your lightsaber is inside of you.

And it is absolutely true. And so, no, it’s not like magic as like, I feel like I control the whole world. And like, you know, with spells, I can make anything happen that I want, but I know the power of energy. And I feel the power of energy in my day to day life. And I know how, when I work with energy, I get way more of what I want. And I can shape the world.

I’m curious for each of you, like, where have you felt that conditioning, that’s so scary or so toxic or so wrong in your own way? Like where did that keep you from being able to say yes to your own power in life?

Well, the first time that we did sex magic together, I was going through such a really self-destructive space. And I recognized that there was a part of me that was searching, grabbing on specifically to my husband to make me feel better say the thing that will help me.

And then I came and sat with you and 25 women and we were in this room and I was definitely nervous. And I remember having this visceral feeling of this is the most authentic, true thing that I could be doing right now.

Mm-hmm <affirmative> and it was like, yes, this is okay. Yes. This is what is natural. It is natural to be naked with other women, practicing sex magic and tapping into our inner power.

It was such a remembering of, this is what women in Egypt used to do, you know, tapping into the power. And the conditioning comes from being afraid of that power.

And we’ve been programmed to be afraid of our own power. And then doing it with sisters is I think the easiest, quickest way to remember that this is our innate primal instinct. You know, it’s our freedom. It is our birthright so possess that.

Culturally, we’re taught and shown to disempower and break down that reality. And that is devastating to the inherent wisdom, knowing and light that we carry. Yeah, by that deep misrepresentation.

Thank you so much for being here. I hope this has inspired you. I hope it has given you permission. I hope it has liberated you.

So if you want more, if you’re curious about the techniques and practices, you can head on over to Layla or you can find the ebook link down below.

You can sign up for the free ebook. It’ll guide you in lots of free practices, tools, and techniques. And also I send you weekly videos that have lots of practical ways to bring this into your life.