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I got 7 pussy massages in a row… and this happened – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Apr 25, 2019 7:00:00 AM

When Andrew got really excited about giving me 7 pussy massages in a row to see what happened…

I sighed and was like, “Okay, but only for the benefit of the world.”


JUST KIDDING…I cried with joy.

And then immediately became resistant.

Anyways…we did it!!!

(I seriously only fell asleep ONCE during the massages. So #champion.)

Watch all the mind-blowing things we experienced in the video below.

We captured before and after moments from each massage on camera…

and WOW…some were profoundly deep and some were just downright hilarious.

There was healing, ecstasy, laughter, tears, (sleep) and everything in-between!

And we share it all raw and openly with you below.



PS: If you want to experience even more sensational, electric, and enlightened sex with your partner…and you want to learn the step-by-step process to give (or receive!) your own pussy massage, check out my FREE Epic Lovers digital guide!

Get your Epic Lovers Digital Guide here



I got 7 pussy massages in a row… and this happened

So why did you wanna do it?

That was it. I didn’t really think about it that much. Okay. <laugh>

That’s someone was just like, we think you should get seven pussy massages from Andrew and talk about it. And I was like, awesome.

Yeah, of course.

I’m in,

Yeah. Not a big decision making process. Yeah.

Sometimes I have to martyr myself for the bigger purpose of this work, but this was not one of those examples.

<laugh> first pussy massage.


Yes. So I was just saying, I, um, I’m on my period today and I was like, well, maybe I’ll feel a little self-conscious. And Andrew was like, I’m not afraid of blood.

And I was like, Yes!

No, I’m not.

I wish everyone could hear that. And I’m proud to say that, even though I run my business like a boss and we run our business together and we did like a deep enlightenment healing retreat. I only fell asleep once.

Did you? I don’t even remember when you fell asleep. Was I aware this, like, I think

<laugh>, I fell asleep during that pussy

Massage. You did not.

Yeah, I did. And then I cried.

You cried in the shower.

Yep. It was pussy massage, number four. <laugh>

Sleep and cry. Good night.

That’s the second time you’ve fallen asleep on me.

Yeah. In like six years. <laugh> the other time was kind of in public. Anyways.

Layla has to hold it this time. Cause I need two hands cuz it’s pussy massage, number six. <laugh> she doesn’t like it. When I do that, <laugh> she thinks it’s cheesy. <laugh> was a beautiful massage. Like, um, my intention was for you to experience whatever, um, you needed to experience with a bent on pleasure and joy, but it ended up being a bent on healing and deep sadness, which was beautiful.

I thought I’d just feel fine, cuz I’ve processed so much and I didn’t have any story or anything and I just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and I didn’t have any story about the sadness. Like it was just, it was okay. But it was so deep.

Some of them ended up being the most magical night cuz it was just, you know, we’re like, oh let’s just, maybe let’s just do it for like 15 minutes. And then it just ended up being super fun. Especially that night that we had the, the pussy dance party at that, um, turned into me being the pussy DJ <laugh>


Yeah. And I was just like dancing and it was ecstatic. And so joy filled.

That soundtrack, like Layla just put on some soundtrack. That was her called cool music. <laugh> I’m like, yeah, this is gonna be interesting for pusy massage. But it was yeah, it was super beaty and I was just massaging to the beat and

We had so much fun.

You saying it was intuitively the exact right choice. Yes. Correct. <laugh>

We had special nights. Some that were really playful

Massage number five <laugh> we were in basically kind of an argument beforehand. So I was a little bit grumpy.


Then you were a prostitute <laugh> does that even make any sense unless you explain the whole story <laugh> but yeah, actually I feel much closer to you now. I feel like I, I found my love again. I found my way back to love and into my heart, through the pussy massage.

Some that were super sexy. Some that were like more healing. There was one experience that was deeply healing.

<laugh> that was so much pleasure. So much pleasure from you. And at times really healing. And then we had beautiful sex, an amazing just wildness and connection.

There was such a beautiful connection. Like we really did experience playfulness and lightheartedness


And sometimes that goes away when sex only happens more intermittently

Or, or it’s goal related, too.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And I felt more just accepting of whatever the energy was. If it was really sexy, I let it be really sexy if it was healing and I needed to cry, I just cried. If I didn’t feel that much, it was okay. And that, it just, it felt like it reset this relaxedness around our sexual connection.

Plussy massage about seven <laugh>. It was a pretty special pussy massage. Um, we just done this sort of really deep four day process on, um, ego and story and just life. So I felt like I was massaging Layla’s pussy for the very first time. And I never actually felt pussy before in my life, which was very strange. <laugh>

Yeah. And for me it was so pleasurable and magical and healing and just blissful. Very, very that we made love afterward.

When we finished, I almost missed it for the next few days afterwards. I sort of, I <laugh>, I missed your pussy.

I know she misses you.

Go back to it then.

Yeah. It was really beautiful. And, we’ve been more attracted to each other.

What I also liked about it this time was, you know, sometimes when we do the regular proper pussy massage, it’s like 45 minutes to an hour and it was nice not to necessarily put a timeline on these ones, especially when we retire.

I’m super tired and we’re just wedging this in between going to the gym and a party we have to go to tonight. So let’s see how this goes.

<laugh> not tired anymore. That was awesome.

It was super relaxing. I really enjoyed it. Like, uh, I was like tired and resistant to doing it. And then when I was, I was doing it. I was like, oh, this is just beautiful and peaceful. And then I got really turned on when you were getting turned on and it was yeah. Really enjoyed it.

That was really special. Yeah. Yeah. So if you wanna learn how to do a pussy massage, I’ve got a free digital guide down below. You can click on it. It’s got step by step process, uh, that you can incorporate. It’s also in my Epic Lovers course, uh, for couples with guided visual and audio, which is super amazing.

And if you nothing for me. Yeah. <laugh>

All right. I will finish. If you want to stay connected, then head on over to and sign up with your email address. And I’ve got amazing classes and content that I only share via email.

And finally,

I may, you all should


I think she’s just smelling my BO

Subscribe and then surf.

Oh, is this oh yeah. This is the Australian accent. Is it? <laugh>

Am I supposed to like mine that go, go again, go again.

You should not eat kangaroo, but if you’re going to, you could eat a kangaroo and then subscribe. And remember that koalas look cute, but they’re actually dangerous,

Which is big

And everything that we gained in seven pussy massages has now been lost.

<laugh> just say subscribe in an American accent

Subscribe. Now

That was in a really bad Australian accent.