VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Want to try Sex Magic? – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Sep 5, 2019 7:00:00 AM

I had a serious moment of glory in June when Mama Gena invited me to teach Sex Magic to 900 women during their graduation from her program, “The School of Womanly Arts Mastery Program.”

It was in a Broadway theatre in Times Square.

The marquee read: “Pussy: A reclamation.”

I stepped on stage with my beloved friend, Mama Gena, and led a standing room of women through one of the most sacred practices I’ve ever known.

Afterwards, many women came to me, in tears, saying they’d never felt so much liberation and magic in a single room.

What is Sex Magic?

It’s the practice they burned witches for to try to keep it out of our hands.

It’s the practice that will make it so real when I say, “Your sexual turn-on is your greatest power.”

It’s the practice that will make affirmations and positive thinking seem like child’s play when you realize how much more you are able to create in your life when you add your sexual power.

It’s the practice that I love the most out of all my tools and do several times a week.

Really, several times a week. And I’m sort of lazy when it comes to these things.

It’s like breathwork, meditation, yoga, amazing sex, and manifestation all rolled into one glorious practice.

Sound like something you’d like to try for yourself?

Amazing, because this week, I wanted to share with you a guided Sex Magic audio that you can download and follow along….

I will show you how to do the practice step-by-step and then you’ll be able to try the practice for yourself with my guided audio.


Here’s to Sex Magic in all of our lives!! The witches are back.

You can try the follow-along practice below:





Want to try Sex Magic?

So you want to learn about sex magic? I thought you’d never ask because I want to teach you about sex magic. This is one of my favorite practices, it has changed my life doing sex magic. I’m going to teach you just one of the ways that you can apply it today, which is to manifest your desires to get whatever you want.

And that’s not just like, “Oh, I can just do sex magic and everything will fall into place.” I’ll explain to you why this is so effective neurologically, why it actually supports you to make much deeper affirmations, visualizations, and creations inside of your life, combined as always with taking action.

Now, this practice, I learned it from two different places, one is Margo Anand, one of the grandmothers who brought tantra to the United States, and also through the Celtic traditions. So it’s amazing sex magic also comes through the European tradition, it’s a traditional Celtic druidic practice, as well. And I’ve included a downloadable step-by-step guide for you.

So sex magic is an actual practice that you do. You can do it with a partner, but I’m going to talk today about how you do it yourself. So you set a really sacred space, you turn yourself on, and when you turn yourself on, you’re going to systematically take your sexual pleasure and turn on, and you spin it through each chakra.

And in the tantric teachings, the chakras are actual resonant frequencies of the whole universe. So we’re going to work with seven different chakras in this specific sex magic practice. So you start from the densest, most primal, most connected to the earth frequency in your root chakra. And as you move step by step up the ladder of your chakras, all the way to the crown, you actually convert your sexual energy into this super high frequency, sublime sexual energy. It’s so amazing.

Now, when you’ve got that energy to work with, when you are visualizing what you want to create and what you want to make, you both have this very high potency energy to charge your desires with, to charge your vision for what you want in your life.

So I’m going to walk you, step by step, through the process of what you’re going to do. And then, like I said, you can download the audio and start using it yourself to get what you want.

So the first step for sex magic is to decide what you want. So what is it that you’re going to create? And then what you want to do is get a very clear vision for what it will look like, what you will experience when you have that thing.

In step two, you can close your eyes, you’re going to be seated, and you’re going to really feel into and make the intention that your desire manifests in alignment with the good of all beings, because you’re working with creating and with desire, so you really want to make sure that you’re not overriding what’s good for other people in your desires. That also helps you feel consciously clear about your creations, which also makes them manifest with more joy, more ease, and more goodness inside of your life.

In step three, you want to set a sacred space so you can feel yourself protected. You’ll see in the audio download guide that I’ll guide you through this. You can feel protector energies in the space to watch over you, so you feel super, super, super safe inside your practice. You can light candles, you can put sacred scents around. It’s really, super beautiful to feel that this is your ritual practice. And then let’s be honest, sometimes you’re just going to do it on the floor on a towel, that’s totally fine too. So whatever works for you.

And then in step four, you’re going to start turning your body on. This is the start of the ritual. So you can stroke your skin, you can touch your vulva. You want to be working with pleasurable, turned on energy. Now, sexual energy sometimes feels like a lusty, passionate desire. Sometimes it’s more connection or love or peace. You can work with any of those types of sexual energy.

So for step five, when you’re starting to feel that turn on, you’re going to feel the turn on swirl through your pelvis. So turn on can move, you know if you think about your hand, you can almost feel like a tingling throughout your hand just by putting your focus on it. It’s the same thing, you can feel and move your sexual energy just by using the power of your focus, the power of your intention. So you can will the sexual energy, the sexual turn on, to actually start to swirl through your pelvis.

So step six, once you start to feel this rotating energy, you’ll do this for a few minutes, you’re going to specifically rotate it through your root chakra. So for women, this is in your cervix, or the area of your cervix, if you don’t have a physical cervix. For men, it’s in the perineum. And as this happens, you’re going to feel your turn on convert into a kind of primal, wild, earthy energy.

You’re going to do the same process now, step by step, through each of the chakras. So when you rotate the energy through your sacral chakra, you’re going to actually rotate it through your hips, through your womb, and your ovaries, if you’ve got them, or the energy of your womb and ovaries. Or if you’re a man, through your lower abdomen, and really feel the rotation of the energies. And also, that it’s spinning through your second chakra, so right above the head of your penis, or your clitoris, or right on your tailbone.

So the energy’s spinning generally through that whole part of the body, and then very specifically, through both the front and back of the chakra. So then you’re going to go step by step, and in each chakra, you’re going to do the same thing. So in the third chakra, you are spinning the energy through your entire abdomen, your solar plexus, and your naval, and really feeling the energy concentrated in the solar plexus chakra.

Same with the heart, the throat, the third eye. And then finally, you’re going to get to step seven at the crown. So you’re going to feel the energy rotating through the crown, and specifically through the crown chakra. And at this point, it’s up to you. You can either orgasm, if it’s available to you, or if you’re orgasmic, or you can just experience a peak of pleasure, like a buildup of pleasure. And at the moment of peak pleasure or orgasm, you are going to send that energy out into the universe, and you’re going to visualize what you desire.

So that visualization that you created all the way back at the beginning, you’re now going to use that and feel it coming true. Feel the reality of it, feel your intention of it, as you move through this very high vibration pleasure. Then in step eight, you’re going to let the energy come back down through your body, you’re going to feel yourself manifesting, creating in your bones. You’re making it real as it comes back down, chakra through chakra.

And then after that, you can just relax, rest, let it integrate, and you can journal if you want. And this is not only such a powerful way to create your desires, it’s also super, super potent for understanding the true nature of your sexual energy. Also, for opening up multi-orgasmic states, for understanding full-body orgasm, and understanding how you can work with sexual energy at different resonant frequencies, which is one of the most powerful things available to you and how you use your sexuality on a regular basis.

So if you want to go ahead and do the sex magic practice, then I’d recommend clicking on the link down below, and getting the download ready. So you don’t have to do it right away, but if you sign up, you can save the download to your phone or your computer, have it available to you, and then when you have the time and space, you can go ahead and do your sex magic practice to really create your desires.