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11 Ways to Stroke Your Clitoris – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Oct 29, 2020 7:00:00 AM

Ready to expand your self-pleasuring repertoire and embark on a Clitoral Adventure?

Then come along!

I’ll take you on a journey to the Slippery Slope, the Pleasure Disco, the High Vibe, and many more orgasmic destinations!

Clitoral stimulation is the #1 way women and gender non-conforming people with vaginas orgasm, but instead of appreciating all of the wonderful ways it can be stroked, most people touch their clitoris the same way over and over again.

But there are actually major benefits of exploring new ways of touching yourself!

You’ll not only surprise and delight your pussy, but you’ll actually reprogram your orgasmic capacity and experience even more intense orgasms.

So join me in the video below to learn 11 new ways to touch your own clitoris!


Download the FREE Digital Guide



11 Electrifying Ways to Stroke Your Clitoris

I love touching my clitoris in whole new ways. I hope you are excited to go on the clitoris adventure. So I love self-pleasure. It is like my self-care time. And I love experimenting with and exploring new ways to touch my own body. So there’s many benefits for you learning new ways to touch your own clitoris.

Number one is you can come across something that you’re like, oh, damn, I didn’t know that made pussy so happy.

Number two is if you touch yourself the same way over and over and over again, you create a very deep groove in your neural network that says that is the only way I wanna orgasm. So you’ll end up programming yourself to only have the same type of orgasm, which can make you less sexually flexible with yourself or with a lover.

Number three, is that mixing it up actually makes the sensations and orgasms more intense. Even if you go ahead and touch yourself in the tried and true way.

So in this video, I’m gonna share with you 11 new ways to explore clitoral touching. And if you want a digital guide that has illustrations of each one of these, you can go ahead and click down below and download it.

Number one is called the Goldilocks and this is about trying a different number of fingers. So one figure two finger three, finger four. If you can get all five in there, please comment down below. We’re gonna give you a trophy. So what you wanna do is find the number of fingers that feels just right. And yes, the stimulation and pleasure from one, two or three can make a massive difference. I’ve never self-pleasured with my pinky, but I’m feeling curious right now.

Number two is the up down and move it all around. That means if you usually stroke clockwise, try counter clockwise. If you usually stroke up, try down. If you usually go in circles, try side to side. So what that means is try a different direction and a different direction that’s yeah, try a different direction. That’s it. That’s number two.

Number three is called the slippery slope. This means adding in a body friendly or pussy friendly oil or lube so that things are really wet and really slippery. And that alone can completely change the sensation.

Number four is the pinch and play. So you can actually squeeze your clitoris instead of just rubbing. So this is fun and creates a new kind of sensation. So you can use your pointer, finger and your thumb, or you can use your middle finger and your pointer finger and your thumb, which can create really delicious sensations. You can also rub one direction and the other against your lips, which can create this really delicious, like, um, creating a fire kind of experience over your clitoris.

Number five is the slow rider. This means doing long, slow strokes in one direction and slowing everything down. So you could think to stroke from the very top of the hood of your clitoris, all the way down to your perineum and really take like a luscious, uh, deep breath as you stroke all the way. And then you can take another deep breath and stroke all the way back up. And this can really spread the geography of where you feel pleasure and turn on more of your nervous system, which will enhance the amount of pleasure you feel when you start touching other parts of your clitoris.

Another benefit of the slow rider is you can discover different parts of your pleasure, geography that feel really good, that maybe you never noticed before. So you may feel more intensity, actually, an inch below your clitoral hood that can feel really delicious.

Sometimes the opening of your vagina (really unsexy word) actually has tremendous sensitivity. And sometimes you’ll even find that your perineum has this delicious erotic feel to it when you stroke and massage it. So as you’re doing the slow rider, it’s really cool to actually tune into like, are there different erogenous zones on your vulva, or even internally that you’ve never discovered before.

Number six, the tap dance. So you can try various taps and you wanna get into a rhythm with it. So it’s like a tap tap, tap, or a pulse pulse pulse. And that can feel amazing.

Number seven is the pleasure disco. So this is all about circling with one finger, two fingers, three fingers. Even the flat of your Palm can be super delicious, or you can even try circling with a jaded egg or a dildo, but deep, slow pleasure circles.

Number eight is pop the hood. So this means pulling back the hood of your clitoris. So you can do this, like making an upside down peace sign, pulling the hood up and then touching your clitoris side to side up and down or in circles. Or you can even press your fingers around either side of the glands of your clitoris and stroke up and down. So this can be really uncomfortable if you have a super sensitive clitoris and other people find this to be absolute heaven.

Number nine is called the grinder. So what this is is using something like a pillow, the edge of your bed, the couch, a stuffed animal, if you wanna get freaky and you have one around. And what that does, is it actually opens up your hips. It sensitizes your whole pelvic area, and it can increase the depth of your breathing, which can make sexuality more pleasurable. So you grind as you’re touching your clitoris. And this can really enhance the whole experience.

Number 10, it’s called the high vibe. So this is where you feel really high vibration light coming through your fingertips. So as you stroke your clitoris, it’s like, you’re also doing an energy healing and activation. If you do that with one hand and you hold a crystal in the other, it’s called the LA stroke.

Number 11 is called the cliff hanger. This is edging. So the clitoris, especially the glands of the clitoris can be an area of incredible sensitivity. And sometimes we can stroke and stroke and stroke and create very explosive pleasure. And you may have an ability to have a very fast clitoral orgasm, which isn’t always the most satisfying clitoral orgasm.

So what I encourage you to do with this stroke is to build up your clitoral pleasure to an eight or nine. So let’s say zero is, I am feeling shit. Five is I’m feeling pretty good and pretty turned on and 10 is I’m having fucking orgasm. So what you wanna do when you touch your clitoris is get yourself to an eight or nine turn on, slow down, stop touching yourself, take a little break pro tip, have some deep breaths, and then go back again, build yourself back up to an eight or nine.

If you do this three to five times before you go into a climax, you’ll find that your orgasm will be much deeper and usually more powerful as a result. So I’ve created that free digital guide down below with all of these in full illustrations, you can put it into practice. You can also share that with some of your girlfriends to inspire them, to have deeper self pleasure and deeper self care. Go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel. And I’m surrounded by crystal dildos because those make my clitoris happy.