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12-Step Luscious Breast Massage to Light Her UP – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jun 25, 2020 7:00:00 AM

We all deserve to experience a body-lighting, pussy-singing, long and sensual experience of pure pleasure from time-to-time (or, like…all the time).

SO…check out my 12-step luscious breast massage that will light up your whole body…and suggest it to your partner for a date night you’ll never forget.


We made it super simple with a step-by-step digital guide to follow, so feel free to forward this email to whomever you would like to offer you this exquisite massage, and download the 12-step guide below for easy reference.

Download the Free Breast Massage Guide


AND if you don’t have a partner at the moment, why not be your own best lover (which is honestly one of my favorite things in the universe) and try this Breast Massage that you can do for yourself.



12-Step Luscious Breast Massage to Light Her UP

So like a few weeks ago, Andrew was like, “What do you want to do for Wild Sex Wednesdays?” And I was like, “Could you just give me a breast massage?” And it was like ah, it was the most magical thing ever. And I was like, I always teach everyone how to give themselves a breast massage, but getting one from a partner was like heaven.

So this is such an exquisite experience. It’s a treat. It’s an amazing thing to do for a woman with breasts to support her and nourish her. It’s just …

So do this as often as you can. This is also a really cool practice from the perspective of sexuality, which is that for a woman, the breasts are the positive pole of her sexuality. And so stimulating breasts, touching breasts, breast turn on is considered an excellent way to warm up a female body.

Now, obviously every woman is different. Not every woman has breasts, not everybody with breasts is a woman. So what I suggest is to ask your partner and see if she enjoys breast play and if it lights her up.

And if so, to incorporate this as part of your sexuality experiences, as one of the ways that you both nourish and support her with no sexuality involved at all, and as a possible way to turn her on, because it’s really luscious and it absolutely works for me so I can highly, highly, highly recommend it.

And this practice as well is so sensual. It slows everything down. It’s so luscious, it’s oxytocin-rich. You feel so in love, like the breasts are amazing. So this practice as well is what so many women are craving when they talk to me. They’re like, “I want slower experiences. I want more time to get turned on. I want things that feel more intimate, connected, and loving.”

So offering your partner a breast massage hits all these points.I’m surprised we don’t hear about this on talk shows. I wish we did because it’s so, so, so good.

All right, so how are you going to do this? Here are the steps.

Number one, you’re going to express to her that you would like to give her a breast massage. You can say, “Hey, I learned this cool thing on YouTube. How about it?” So it’s good to check in because not every woman loves breast massage. Not every woman loves having her breasts touched. So you want to check in and be like, does this sound amazing to you? And if she’s like, yes, you’re like, awesome. I’m going to set up the sexiest space for you. And I want you to be ready at whatever time it is. And this is also very, very, very erotic.

So then step number two is to set up a dope, sexy space. Get some luscious velvet things if you’ve got them, some faux fur things, light some eco candles, don’t do the toxic ones that completely fuck up the air and use a playlist. So we have included a suggested playlist in the downloadable PDF that you can get in the links down below for this process.

So you want to do it anywhere from five minutes, if you’ve just got a tiny bit of time, you two don’t have much more than that. Maybe you’ve got kids, maybe there’s a lot going on, to up to 20 minutes. So you can actually stretch this experience out, make it feel really, really long and luscious, which is super delicious.

Step three, you want to have a body friendly massage oil prepared. So think something like coconut’s usually good, or jojoba, almond oil, all of those work great for the breasts. Don’t do anything that has chemicals in it or anything that’s way too scented that could be irritating to the nipples. But some light scent is actually pretty sexy on the breast. So you can also make your own mix with things like jasmine, lavender, vanilla can be really, really luscious. And huge bonus points if you heat the oil ahead of time, because it’s so good to get this massage when the oil is preheated.

Step four, especially if it’s chilly, you want to cover her with a blanket up to her breasts. If it’s soft, it gives her this warm cocoon feeling. And that’s really the vibe that you’re going for.

Step five, you want to arrange yourself in a position that’s going to be comfortable for you. So you can do this massage in two different positions. You can do it down by her pelvis with her legs wrapped over yours. And in this position, you can actually put a pillow or two underneath you, which can make you really comfortable.

Now it’s key that you’re comfortable when you start this massage because if you’re trembling, or uncomfortable, or your back hurts, she’s really going to feel it. So some other options for this is you can sit at her head, kneeling, or with your legs straight out. Again, if you prop yourself up with pillows, this can be very useful. And if you need extra, extra support, you could consider having her lie on the edge of the bed with her head at the edge of the bed and you sitting on a chair, and that can offer the most support.

Step six, you want to start with three compliments of what you love about her breasts. Tell her what’s beautiful about her breasts: the shape, things that you’re grateful for about them, how the nipples look, the color, anything like that. This sets a gorgeous tone for the entire experience.

Step seven, you want to place both of your hands, one on top of the other, over her heart and invite her to take three deep breaths. And you’re going to take the three deep breaths with her. So the two of you are attuning and you’re going to drop in and connect. This slows her down, puts her into the parasympathetic part of her nervous system, encourages relaxation and gets her into her feeling space.

Step eight, you want to put that oil on your palms. Think of oiling your palms more than you would ordinarily do, but not so much that you’re going to drip all over her. And you’re going to use the flats of your palms and you’re going to massage around the outside of her breasts. So you’re really getting the breast tissue, but you’re massaging deep and firm and slower than you think you need to with the palms, very slow and very deep.

Now, if she has very large breasts, sometimes it makes sense to massage one breast at a time with both hands. So just do whatever feels most comfortable and luscious for her, most achievable for you.

Step nine, ask her if she likes the pressure and if she likes the speed and adjust as necessary. So it’s beautiful to empower her, to be able to speak up about what she likes. Some women are really good at this, but a lot of women actually have a hard time asking for you to change something. You’ve gone to all this work. You’ve done all of this.

She wants you to feel like you’re doing a great job. So make sure to check in so she’s getting what she likes. And so you feel confident that you’re giving her what she likes. This helps set the tone for the entire massage that you feel good. You can even say, “If you want any changes at any time, be sure to let me know.”

Step ten, encourage her to take 7 deep breaths in and out of her chest and her breasts as you continue to massage. And as she does this, be sure to watch her, attune to what’s going on. And if you see that maybe tears come to her eyes, say something really supportive like “It’s totally safe to cry right now.” Or if you feel she’s a little tense, you can say, “You’re fully supported in this moment. Is there any way I can help you to relax more?” So generally it’s really sexy when you’re attuning to your partner and guiding and supporting them based on what you feel is coming up for them.

Step 11, when you’ve gone for a period of time, you’re going to reverse the direction of the massage. So reverse the direction in which your hands are moving. And if you want, you can invite her to take those deep breaths again so she can soften, release and feel.

Step 12, you’re going to come into stillness, holding her heart again with one hand over the other. And this time, you’re going to tell her three things that you love about her. So this is this simple breast massage to offer your partner. So good.

If you’re watching this and you really want to receive this, go ahead and share this with the person you want to receive it from with a flirty little message alongside it. And finally, if you want to have this step by step, we’ve made you a downloadable PDF guide that both has the playlist that we recommend, and some songs that you might love to do this massage to. And we’ve also included a few additional, slightly more advanced steps as well if you want to take this breast massage to the next level.

So you can go ahead and get that download by clicking the link down below. Remember, go ahead and subscribe to the channel if you want these amazing practices delivered to you every single week. And please enjoy this luscious, delicious breast massage, and remember to heat the oil.