VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Andrew Learns “Dirty Talk” from a Dominatrix – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jun 11, 2020 7:00:00 AM

Maybe you can relate to this… For a few years, I’ve asked Andrew to turn me on by speaking super sexy to me…AKA “dirty talk.”

And bless him for trying, but he gets so awkward and whispers things in my ear like “you’re my sexy kangaroo slut.” 🦘

Or: “you really turn me on when you wear those farmer overalls, it’s like you’re my farm girl.” 🤔

And even though Andrew is my KING 🤴

I’m not only completely turned off and cringing, but also questioning our future together and all of my choices in life leading up to that moment.

So, I did what any good American girlfriend would do, I hired a professional dominatrix to literally whip him into shape.

**Side note, this BDSM specialist ALSO does vipassana meditation, because #sharedvalues***

I made this video mostly for my own benefit because I wanted Andrew to learn to turn me on with sexy talk, haha!

But I also made it because a lot of you write to me asking things like, “How can I get my partner to learn a certain sexual skill?”

And while I know many of you aren’t going to hire a dominatrix to train your partner…

Sexuality isn’t something we just “know how to do.”

So if we want to be masterful at it – we’ve got to learn!

Read books, watch my YouTube channel, take a workshop…if you want to be excellent at sex, spend time learning about it.

All of the best lovers that I know took the time to become excellent.

But sometimes there is this shame around learning a new sexual skill.

Even Andrew (who is such a freaking hero for doing this – can we please give this man a round of applause!?!) was hesitant because he didn’t want to showcase where he didn’t fully shine in his sexuality…

**He also cringed pretty hard at his own awkwardness while watching the final cut**

And I get it – it’s hard for me to admit where I’m not a full sexual superstar myself.

But learning is something we do when we really value something.

When we care enough to master a skill – we study it.

Not because we suck – but because we’re aiming for excellence.

Sexuality is no different – each one of us can grow in this area – and learning, be it here or anywhere else – is something to be proud of – not ashamed of – because it means that you value being an excellent lover.

If you want to improve your sexual skills – no matter how you get there – the training is out there if you are willing to take the time.

Watch Andrew’s training on “talking dirty” with Goddess Soma.


P.S. Download my FREE ‘Epic Lovers’ digital guide to electrify your relationship in and out of the bedroom with these fun and powerful step-by-step practices.

Get your Epic Lovers Digital Guide here