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Ultimate Guide to Intergalactic Anal Orgasms – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jul 30, 2020 7:00:00 AM

The anus is a living, beautiful, and sacred part of the body. It’s not just a hole…it’s a pleasure-filled, vastly important part of us and if we work with it, it opens up into some of the most joy-filled orgasmic experiences imaginable.

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Ultimate Guide to Intergalactic Anal Orgasms

Is there even a crazy morning in lower earth orbit? My Belgian melon ate my space helmet, literally chewed a hole in it. So I’m not sure if we’re going to make it. We only have one pair of space gloves, but we are here today to teach you about inter galactic anal orgasms, the kind of anal orgasms that unite you with the universe. Yes, ladies and gentlemen and people of all genders, anal pleasure, epic.

But Layla I thought orgasms were only for porn stars?

No. Trinity, the anus is packed with sensitive nerve endings, nature obviously intended us to have incredible anal pleasure.

But Layla I thought anal is something men fantasize about, but women don’t enjoy?

No, Trinity women love anal orgasms. Anal pleasure can actually be more enjoyable than clitoral pleasure for some women and women who actually let themselves have anal orgasms express that it is one of the most powerful kinds of orgasms they ever have that can connect you to the earth, to your roots, to your primal nature, and also be a portal straight to the divine alien energy.

Ah, that sounds really scary that your anus is going to connect you to aliens. But I mean, higher consciousness.

But Layla, what about if shit gets everywhere? It’s going to be dirty.

Trinity, why is this spaceship so intense? If shit gets everywhere, it’s not a big deal. So that very, very rarely happens. You can do an enema ahead of time. You can make sure you’ve gone to the toilet. You can wash your anus and then really wash your hands well afterwards but the likelihood of getting shit everywhere is very, very, very small. And if it does, make sure that you and your lover have a contingency plan to take a shower.

But Layla what is an anal orgasm?

There are sensitive nerve endings all throughout the anus that also connect to the G-Spot and the clitoral network. So when you stimulate your anus, it’s a different kind of pleasure. And it also connects into the rest of your, what do we want to call it? Erotic geography inside of your body.

An anal orgasm tends to have a different type of feelings. So it’s fun to explore and experience. It’s also, even though a lot of porn and media tends to portray anal orgasms as this like taboo, raw thing. In my experience, it’s actually a deep form of surrender.

There’s something really vulnerable about the anus and really delicious about the orgasmic sensations that can come from it. When you’re having an anal orgasm, you can either be just from stimulation of the anus, which probably also involves parts of the female G-Spot through the anal wall, or it can be co stimulation of the anus with a finger or a tongue and some other part of your sexual anatomy like your clitoris.

Layla, but how do I have an orgasm?

Trinity there are many ways to have an anal orgasm. One of the important things is to start by exploring what feels good to your anus. So one of the best ways to do this is with a clipped fingernail to actually explore the outer rim of your anus with your finger, stroking it, massaging it, and even lightly penetrating it.

Usually the same things that feel good to a clitoris or a vagina feel good to an anus. So it’s important to go slow, to build up stimulation and most importantly, to figure out what feels good to you.

And the thing that closes most people down from anal pleasure is too hard to fast because the anus is sensitive. If it gets penetrated too quickly, before you’re fully turned on, it will clench and tighten, which will make it feel very painful. So you want to work with light, delicate, soft, small things first like a finger, a small toy, or even a tongue, and then work your way up to things like a larger butt plug, a penis or a dildo.


Oh, we got to work with aliens. Whoa. It’s Matthew McConaughey Whoa!

I wonder if he has had an anal orgasm. Oh I hope so…

What do I have to do?

Okay, so the anus is not self lubricating, unlike the vagina in many situations. So it’s really essential to use a silicon based lube that’s non-toxic inside of the anus. You always want it to feel good.

So you want to start very slow, very gentle, but once you actually start to penetrate the anus, if you go really smooth with a lot of rhythm, the anus starts to open and flower and be invitational.In that case, you can start building more pressure, more penetration, more depth inside the anus and this is what can start to create really exquisite, anal orgasms.

I think one of the biggest misconceptions is about the position that’s best for anal penetration. So in my experience, what I have found is that lying on your back with your legs up is actually, yes, Trinity, the best position for your first anal experiences, because you can relax much more deeply. You can surrender.

And also there’s actually a sense of control because you’re watching what’s happening. So it gives you a sense of being able to say yes, no, maybe, and to expect and see what’s coming inside of your body, which can help this feeling of surrender and relaxation.

Remember it should always feel good. And if at any time you start to feel pain, tension constriction, you can always stop. Slow down, cruise a little bit, just like a spaceship.

And remember ladies, gentlemen, and people of all genders, if someone’s pressuring you into this experience and you really don’t want it, then they don’t deserve to be having an anal experience with you. The last thing we want to say is that anal orgasms are so empowering for women.

If you desire one, if you want to have one, they are pure, beautiful, holy divine experiences. And I invite you to both claim them, celebrate them and ask for everything that you need, set your boundaries so that you can have the most exquisite anal orgasms for a lifetime.

Feeling fierce? And if you want a detailed step by step guide about how you can have and receive really exquisite, anal orgasms, I have created an amazing PDF down below. It has got descriptions of exactly how to stimulate the anus. Exactly what an anal orgasm feels like. And lots of other directions for how you can set up this experience for yourself and speak to your lover about how to create it for you.

So you can go ahead and find that link down below and you enter your email address. It’s totally free and it will take you on the rocket ship to anal bliss.

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