VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

10 New Ways to Orgasm – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Aug 22, 2021 7:00:00 AM

When you learn the surefire way to bring yourself to orgasm, it’s easy to just keep doing that over and over…

We are creatures of habit, after all.

But if you’re looking to explore the abundant realms of pleasure your body has to offer you, then it’s time to try new ways to orgasm.

There are so many ways to orgasm, but because orgasm is like a muscle, you have to train and practice to make the mind-body connection.

Which means if you challenge yourself to try new things

…you’ll have new orgasms!

And that’s what today’s episode is all about.

Check out the video below to discover 10 new ways to orgasm!


Want even more ways to orgasm while exploring new sensations? Then download my FREE 11 Ways to Touch Your Clitoris Guide below!

Get your 11 Ways to Touch Your Clitoris Guide here



10 New Ways to Orgasm

Okay. I’m so excited to share with you 10 new ways to orgasm. And if you want to get down with your clitoris in 11 different ways, you can check out my 11 Different Ways to Touch Your Clitoris guide down below. So it’s linked, it’s free, all the things and you can have so many fun ways to get off.

Now, of course, I’ll be interpretive dancing every single form of orgasm so that you can receive the deep transmission of what’s possible in each new type of orgasm. Okay, remember to subscribe to the channel, not to miss a single video.

Okay. So number one new way to orgasm is to think your way to orgasm. It sounds unsexy, but it’s actually super hot. So a really cool study from Rutgers University actually showed through fMRI scans that different women could think themselves to what looked like orgasm in the brain, and certainly activate many parts of the brain that are turned on with physical stimulation.

So this was an indication that reports of people being able to think themselves to orgasm because people can, are actually accurate and are now being proven in scientific literature. So one of the cool things about thinking your way to orgasm is if you make it a regular practice to turn yourself on with your mind.

And yes, I used to do this on the New York City Subways in my twenties, because what else are you going to do when you’re riding the L train home deep into Bushwick? And what you learn to do is to amplify your pleasure through your mind, right?

So when you’re having sex or you’re self pleasuring, when you actually know how to use your mind to switch on more pleasure and even become orgasmic, you’re just putting more fuel on the fire.

That was not a sexy sound at all for thinking your way to orgasm.

So let’s try like, ah, right? So you’re actually igniting that fire of pleasure even more deeply by using your mind instead of to counteract your pleasure with, let’s be honest, a lot of us do, you’re using your mind instead to amplify your pleasure.

Number two, try touching yourself over your clothing or underwear. I’m actually a big fan of this one. It’s super fun. It gives a more distributed sensation of the pleasure. And it can also have kind of a naughty feeling, you’re like, I’m not really supposed to be doing this right now because my clothes are on.

I don’t know why I feel that way, but I do and it really turns me on. So you can try to use different textures of clothes as well can be kind of erotic and different ways that you pull your panties or underwear can also turn you on in delicious ways.

Number three, challenge yourself to try a brand new fantasy, right? We can get into the same fantasies over and over and over again. And it can be really fun to be like, what would I really want?

Maybe I’d want some Dionysian Greek king to take me deep in a waterfall in the jungle. I’ve never fantasized about that before, just me. So what you want to do is challenge yourself to go out of your everyday reality into what would really do it for me? Fantasize about that.

Number four, dance your way to orgasm. You can absolutely do this. So if you do a lot of pelvic thrusting, a lot of deep breathing and you’re combining number one, thinking yourself to orgasm, you can actually have orgasms on the dance floor. So this is what I will do at parties.

I literally did it on Saturday when I am feeling a little bit down. I’m like, oh it’s 1:00 AM. And I didn’t eat the special MDMA chocolate and I’m feeling a little bit tired and everyone else’s high as balls. What’s a girl to do? Well, you just have an orgasm on the dance floor.

So what I do is I start literally feeling my sexual energy, my sexual turn on. I use that number one again, literally my mind knowing the power, being able to think my way to orgasm, I’ll start breathing deeply, I’ll start moving in really sensual ways and before I know it, I’m feeling super orgasmic on the dance floor. It’s literally better than any party drug I’ve ever had and there’s been no come down yet.

Number five, touch yourself during sexual play with your partner. So this one can be obvious for some of us, but for others of us, we need that extra permission because there can be this story of oh, if I touch myself during intercourse, what’s happening isn’t good enough already.But actually again, it’s like that fuel on the fire. It’s so delicious.

And a lot of the time you may not be able to have a full orgasmic experience without activating your clitoral nerve and feeling the full addition of clitoral pleasure during intercourse. So reaching down and touching yourself in a delicious way can enhance your sexual experience. And if you want, you can let your partner know. So you’re not secretly doing it, which is awkward as hell.

I remember a couple of those experiences in my twenties and then I’d just be like, I’m going to touch myself, right? I whisper into my lover’s ear, “Can I touch myself just to add to the exquisite pleasure of what’s already happening?” And you can make it a sexy sensual turn on and it really enhances your orgasmic capacity.

Number six, breathe your way to orgasm. So this combines with number one, it’s part of number four. Basically you can weave all these together, which is to use breathwork to activate and turn yourself on. This is fun because again, it challenges you to go without physical touch and find this deeper, energetic nature of orgasm.

So what you want to do is, when you’re lying down, you can close your eyes and start breathing into your pussy over and over again, rocking your pelvis in whatever way feels sexy and delicious to you.

And if you want to try it without doing physical simulation of your clitoris, you can add sensuality by stroking your hair, stroking your neck, turning yourself on, you can stroke your inner thighs and belly and keep breathing and breathing.

And what you’ll find is you can literally breathe your way to orgasm. And once you find the doorway to energy orgasm, which is essentially breath orgasm, it will change the way you have sex forever because you’re not so dependent on how you get physically touched. You’ve basically liberated yourself to work with energy, which is infinite, which means you can have infinite orgasms.

Number seven is have lots of anal orgasms. So there’s always this perception I find when I’m talking to random people about anal orgasms, as you do in my career, what happens is people are like it’s a little weird that you can have an anal orgasm. Of course you can have an anal orgasm!

It’s one of the most spectacular types of orgasm. And in fact, there is scientific evidence that some women have richer nerve endings in the anus than they do in certain parts of the vagina and other parts that are considered erogenous zones in their bodies. So you can have super potent anal orgasms and nature designed our body to be able to experience lots and lots of anal pleasure.

So the female G-spot also can be accessed through the anal canal. And so you can have essentially anal G-spot orgasms, which are super, super ecstatic, super luscious.

So again, turning on your clitoris helps, but you can learn to have anal orgasms alone, which are super powerful and super pleasurable. Anal sex is not just for a partner with a penis or a dildo, anal sex is for you. You can also bring anal stimulation into your self-pleasure and it can add so much dimensionality to your pleasure experiences.

Number eight, have a jade egg or crystal egg orgasm. So I was reminded of the power of this because I’m making my new crystal pleasure course, which is the up level jade egg course. I’m so excited about it and so I was doing research if you will, with my jade egg.

And what I found was like, oh wow, it really is more powerful with the jade egg, just orgasming normal with normal self pleasure just feels so much better after a jade egg practice.

It’s exquisite, how much doing a little bit of basically yoga with your pussy makes your orgasms so much more incredible. And you’re like, how does that little egg make it feel so ecstatic? I don’t even know.

Number nine, have a heart orgasm. So as you are pleasuring yourself, as you’re experiencing sexual pleasure, pull that pleasure energy up through your heart and you can have an orgasm in any chakra, but the heart chakra is one of the most powerful because yes, it blasts open your heart. It heals things like heartbreak. It makes you feel a depth of inloveness that’s indescribable. It’s so magical.

So as you’re self pleasuring, it’s all about moving that pleasure with your mind, with your breath and with your intention into your heart. So instead of building energy in your clitoris or inside of different parts of your pussy, you’re actually redistributing that pleasure into the center of your heart. So your spiritual heart, and what happens is that when you have an orgasm, you’ll either feel it only in the center of your heart or you’ll feel kind of a split orgasm part in your and part in your heart and both are exquisite.

Number 10 is, have an energy orgasm. So one of the ways that you can have an energy orgasm is that you can basically imagine that you’re being penetrated with energy as you self pleasure. You can use different colors of energy, which can be fun.

So nothing like getting penetrated by purple energy at 3:12 PM on a Tuesday, right? Why not Tuesday? Me and my friends are like, why not Tuesday? Why does everyone save all the fun for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday? Why not Tuesday? So if you’re going to get penetrated with purple energy light and have the orgasm of your life, why not 3:12 PM on Tuesday?

All right. So what you do basically is use energy and the power of energy to activate your body, to even fantasize with energy. And this can be so much fun, especially for those of us who feel energy and are very energetically sensitive. It works with our sexuality to help us get extra turned on and have the most activated orgasms possible.

So if you want to combine some of these different ways to orgasm with new ways to touch your clitoris, go ahead and download the Clitoral Touching guide below. There is a link and you can get it right away.

Go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel. You can also head over to, check out some of my free opt-ins and cool ways that you can get started in your practice today. And let me know in the comments section, have you tried any of these 10 new types of orgasm? And if so, how did it go?