VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Achieving Full-Body Ecstatic Orgasm – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jul 25, 2021 7:00:00 AM

Ecstatic orgasm goes far beyond the usual experience of pleasure and takes you into a state of BEING pleasure.

This is where the tight control of your mind falls away and you completely surrender to the moment…

You let your body feel the entirety of the pleasure, move however it wants to move, make whatever sounds it wants to make…

It is a total break from ordinary reality and an experience of complete bliss.

Achieving this type of orgasm is actually a deep psychological process of removing judgment and control, allowing energy into all parts of your body, and learning how to surrender.

If you want to discover how to have a full-body, ecstatic orgasm, watch the video below!


Want a masterclass on achieving full-body orgasm, plus 3 other super sexy and in-depth classes on sexual activation, breast pleasure, and cervical orgasm?! Then join my FREE Virtual Pleasure School!

Sign up for Virtual Pleasure School here



Achieving Full-Body Ecstatic Orgasm

I would love to show you a full body ecstatic orgasm, what it can look like, what it can feel like, what the experience of it is from a practitioner herself.

So for me, the opposite of full body orgasm is when my legs are really tight and I’m touching myself really hard and my body’s contracted and it’s literally squeezing one out. I have an orgasm in my clitoris and pushed the energy out of my body.

And it’s so not nourishing. It definitely doesn’t touch my soul. It’s definitely not an ecstatic experience. It’s a little bit of peak pleasure, and then it’s gone. And it’s almost like I had a fight with my own orgasm in a way like, “I want to feel you. No, I don’t.” And then it’s out. And so this really happens from stress and contraction and trying really hard and pushing myself towards climax and all kinds of other stuff.

And the opposite of that, full body ecstatic orgasm. So if you’re like, “What’s the difference between ecstasy and pleasure?” Which is something I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about in my life. So for me, pleasure is “I am experiencing pleasure” and ecstasy is, “ I Am Pleasure.” And once I become “Pleasure” it’s, “ I am a universe of pleasure.”

It’s almost like the pleasure of being fully alive, and that’s ecstasy. So it’s when you’re so in pleasure that you merge with it and become pleasure itself. This is ecstasy. It’s so amazing. So it’s almost like when you surrender to pleasure so deeply that you lose your identity, your everyday sense of control.

And this is actually where the word ecstasis, the Greek word that was the root of ecstasy comes from. It’s out of ordinary reality. So you literally, boom, leave your everyday ordinary reality to touch ecstasy, which is so important.

And so this is one of the doorways of full body orgasm, is into ecstasy. And there’s a reason why full body orgasm is not super easy to have. So it is actually just as psychological as it is about knowing how to do some sexy trick.

It’s actually a very deep process of learning to release thousands of years of trauma and sex negativity and misogynistic conditioning out of our bodies. It is a process of learning to allow energy through all parts of ourselves that we’ve often been taught that’s dangerous or scary or wrong.

And so one of the things about full body orgasm is it’s not just learning a new technique, it’s actually a full psychological, emotional, spiritual deep dive into surrender, which allows you to go into ecstatic states, which is a life-changing experience.

And ecstatic states are profoundly healing.They show you mystical states of consciousness and studies, especially through psychedelic research are showing that that is one of the most healing, empowering, life-changing experiences a human can have, and you have it right there inside of your orgasm. So cool.

So I’m so delighted that we got such a courageous individual, Christine, who’s a member of our community. She’s done many of my programs. And she’s going to show you all about full body orgasm, what it looks like, how she experiences it.

So I really invite you to transfigure her as you watch her, see her as the goddess that she is, and really build this sense of reverence and awe for women who are brave enough to show the world how sexuality really can be.


My experience of a full body orgasm is complete bliss. Life is more colorful in that moment and even after. And for weeks after, days after, hours after, I’m completely blissed out and in love with myself even more. It’s absolutely amazing.

When you’re in tune with your whole entire body, when you are spiritually connected to who you are as a being, fully loving yourself and everything about yourself, it’s a higher state of energy. It’s understanding what you want, what you’re requesting. It’s being in love, truly in love with who you are in this moment of your time.

Layla Martin:

So if you want to learn how to have a full body orgasm and so many of the details about this, then I invite you to join my Virtual Pleasure School. You can find the link down below. It’s totally free.

It’s four classes, and it includes a full hour class on full body orgasm and entering states of ecstasy and all the reasons that it might be challenging for you to get into one, all the things you can do to address those challenges.

And then it has, I believe, a seven step process that brings you into ecstatic full body orgasm that you get to do guided by me, and then you can take it into your sexual practice. It’s so incredibly powerful.

The heart of full body orgasm is that generally because we’ve been so conditioned to fear our own sexuality, we’ve been conditioned to distrust our own pleasure. We’ve been conditioned to stay in our heads sexually. We’ve also been conditioned to play energetically small and to hide from our own bigness. What happens is that it shows up as a signature inside of our orgasm.

So as we allow pleasure fully into our bodies, say yes, to it on the deepest levels. As we allow energy to move through all parts of ourselves, essentially allowing ourselves to become radiant and energetically big. As we learn to surrender to full aliveness rather than trying to control it, we also learn how to have full body ecstatic orgasms.

So this is why, even though it’s, of course, everyone would want to have a full body orgasm, it’s hard for many people to get to often times, because it’s so much deeper than people anticipate.

So again, if that’s something that you want to do a deep dive study into, go ahead and sign up down below for the Virtual Pleasure School. It’s one of my most popular offerings that I have ever created, also includes cool trainings on breast massage and sexual energy for high priestesses and cervical orgasm if you want to learn that as well.

So you sign up for that down below. You can also check out more of my offerings at And please go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel, so you don’t miss a single video.