VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

My 3 Most Profound Jade Egg Transformations – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | May 16, 2021 7:00:00 AM

If you think the jade egg is just for Kegel exercises and strengthening the pelvic floor, I’m here to tell you that it can do SO much more.

A jade egg practice will bring penetrative sex from underwhelming to ecstatic.

It will unlock mind-blowing orgasmic states and vaginal orgasms.

It will awaken the deepest parts of you so that you can reclaim your sexual magnificence and worthiness.

Jade egg practices have been key to transforming my sexuality, my experience of pleasure, and my entire way of living.

The experiences during jade egg practices (and sex in general) are just as powerful as meditation for opening up states of self-realization.

This really is about developing deep mind-body connection, deep love for your pussy, out-of-this-world pleasure, orgasmic states of ecstasy…

And reclaiming your full power and authentic self.

This is how I activated my High Priestess within.

AND supercharged my orgasmic abilities.

In this week’s episode, I’m going to share with you my 3 most profound jade egg transformations so that you can fully understand its power and get started for yourself!

Check it out below!


Bring more passion, sensuality, aliveness, and orgasms into your life with my FREE guided Morning Yoni Egg Ritual!

Get your free Morning Yoni Egg Ritual here



My 3 Most Profound Jade Egg Transformations

So I first came across the jade egg, a type of yoni egg, when I was at tantra school, when I was probably in my early to mid twenties. And it just wasn’t really clear. It was like, oh, put this thing up, your vagina and magic will happen.

And so I went and bought one and I put it on my shelf. I traveled around with it and I literally didn’t use it for three years. I was too resistant. I was too scared. I was too traumatized honestly. And so I literally took that jade egg with me everywhere for like three years.

And finally, I was like, you know, I just really wanna get into this. So I did a teacher training called the Tao tantric arts with Minki DeVos and Shahi Sal Luna. I highly recommend it. And it was the first time. It was a one month teacher training.

And I did jade egg practices every single day. And I had considered myself up until that point in my life, chronically fatigued. Like I was so tired, it was hard for me to operate in the world. I could function, but it was like there was a drag in my nervous system, every single thing that I tried to do.

And when I did that month of Jade egg practices, it blew my mind. I had more energy than I had ever had in my entire life. It was the first time I ever woke up happy and excited to live.

It was honestly the first time ever that I had real hope that I could live in my own nervous system and feel excited for the day. It was so mind blowingly powerful. So that was really my first taste of how the jade egg could not just be, um, powerful for my sexuality, but life changing for my energy levels as well.

Because as I created this deep love for my pussy and this deep mind body connection, what I understand now is I released so much conditioning, so much shame, so much fear that was holding me down that was keeping me heavy.

And I found my true lightness, my true energy activation. And this is something that I see with women and gender fluid humans is that they actually tend to take on so much conditioning, so much oppression of their sexuality and that conditioning SAP’s energy.

It’s like your own mini energy vampire that lives inside of your body and is just taking and taking. And so when we say like, I’m so stressed, I’m so overwhelmed. I’m so depleted.

I don’t think like, oh, we’re all so busy. I think it’s this energy vampire of our own fear, shame and guilt eating away inside at our sexuality. And until we fully reclaim that sexuality, we don’t fully reclaim our energy and our aliveness.

So, so incredibly powerful and life changing for me.

So if you’re like, oh my God, I wanna try the Jade egg. I wanna get into yoni egg practice. I have included a free yoni egg morning ritual for you down below. It’s a super short practice cuz that’s what I needed to get started. So it’s super, super accessible.

You can do it every single morning if you want, or if you’re brand new to the practice and you just wanna try it out. It’s a great starter practice as well. You can get that by clicking down below.

Now another life changing moment with my Jade egg was actually in my Vita Sacred Sexuality program. I like to do some of the classes with my teaching team and our teacher, Erika Alsborn, was doing a slut reclamation class.

And one of the things that became really clear to me as a spiritual practitioner, is that over the years I got really energetically liberated. Like I can have an energy orgasm if you put me in a ritual space. Anything is fine because it’s in service of divine awakening, but I was raised Catholic.

My mom was very much of the strong opinion that I should not have sex until I got married. There was a lot of conditioning around what it was to be a good girl, a good woman, eventually a good wife, uh, and you know, all of that, like you’re gonna burn in hell, what is a sex priestess to do?

So I realized that my physical sexuality was still very conditioned from my childhood, even though I’d done so much work to liberate my energy sexuality. And so I did Erika’s reclamation class and put in my jade egg and like really claimed my desire, my blessed, my being a full slut.

And this is something that will scare a lot of us because we’ve been taught to believe that then like we’re insatiable, we’re sex addicts. We’re all of these things when actually reclaiming your slut is just to reclaim your basic sexual freedom, your basic ability to move your body, how you wanna move it to desire who and what you desire to own your pleasure for yourself.

And when I did that through my jade egg practice, I sobbed. I was literally sobbing because it felt like some core part of me had come home.

It was one of the most beautiful experiences of my whole life. It was actually I think, on this exact blanket and it was just, it was so holy, my slut was holy and I will never, ever forget that moment.

And the final experience I wanna share with you is I had, I think one of my most powerful multiorgasmic states when I was developing my Jade Pleasure online course, and I was developing a lot of the core practices that I wanted to teach in it.


I was actually in Bali at the time. Andrew and I had recently gotten together. Um, it was like within our first year or two of being in partnership.

I was constantly, it was like my little laboratory, my little self pleasure laboratory. I was learning all the different practices. And I was really working with pulsating the energy of the Jade egg, which is one of the practices that I learned in my teacher training and through the traditions, through my chakras.

When I got to the third eye and went into an orgasmic state, it was one of the strongest experiences of my whole life. That sex truly was as powerful as meditation for opening up states of self realization for becoming so present inside of your body. So present inside of life, no matter what happens, everything unlocked. And it was like, I unquestionably knew myself to be a high priestess.

I unquestionably knew myself to be worthy and full of power.

So yes, the Jade egg was this portal to this mind blowing orgasmic state. And it was like, I realized so potently in a way, I’ll never forget that those kinds of orgasmic states, because they blast through our egoic conditioning, they blast through our limited sense of self. They actually do this neurologically.

They put us into neurological states of mystical connection with everything. I knew my inherent worth. And I knew that the predominant narrative on this planet of us being unworthy as humans was connected to our core sexual repression and that as we reclaimed our sexual magnificence and our sexual power so too, we would know how worthy we were inside and out.

So this is, yeah, I didn’t know exactly what I was gonna say to you when I set out to make this video, I just wanted to share with you how it’s a kind of practice that’s so life-changing, it’s a kind of practice that I’m so grateful for.

It’s hard to articulate and it’s the kind of practice where people who do the jade egg a course and really get into it. It’s like their lives are never the same and it’s not. I

t’s literally because our pussies are that powerful and the level of repression and shame and control that’s gone over pussy is in direct relationship to the magnificent power of pussy. And this is one of those really amazing practices that unlocks the power of pussy.

And yeah, you get all the ecstatic orgasms and yeah, you get amazing sex and yeah, you feel really sexy and sensual and connected to your body and you get this restoration of power and worthiness that I believe each and every one of us deserve.

So if you wanna do a morning practice and tap into that, you can go ahead and click the link down below, get the morning jade egg practice, or yoni egg practice, and go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel.

And I’d love to hear from you in the comment section below, what does this practice mean to you? How has it changed your life? I love more of us sharing these stories so we can really see how powerful this process really is.