VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Self Pussy Massage – The Ultimate Self-Care Ritual – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Oct 24, 2021 7:00:00 AM

A lot of the time we ignore our pussy until the moment we need her for a hyper-climatic experience.

And then we wonder why she’s all like: “Um, excuse me? No freakin’ way…” when we demand an orgasm of her!

If we’re constantly judging her, pretending she doesn’t exist, and neglecting her pleasure she’s unlikely to want to cooperate.

Who would??

No one likes being ignored and then thrown into the spotlight!

It’s time we started spending a little quality time and showing pussy some TLC.

And in this week’s episode I’m going to show you exactly how in my self-pussy massage guide to The Ultimate Self-Care Ritual!

It might surprise you to realize that self-pussy massage IS self-care – and self-care is essential.

When you give yourself time to really feel into your sexuality…

Into your pleasure…

Into your sensuality…

Pussy will LOVE the attention she’s getting and the two of you will become BFF’s.

You’ll develop a depth of feeling that gets richer and more profound over time…

Giving you access to your full orgasmic potential, aliveness, and best possible sexual experiences (on tap!)

Check out Self Pussy Massage – The Ultimate Self-Care Ritual in the video below.


Get my FREE Pussy Love Package to connect even more deeply with your pussy. You’ll get 5 empowering practices (including the pussy massage guide) that will help you heal negative beliefs, awaken your pussy’s wisdom and vibrancy, and radically enhance your pleasure and orgasms.

Get your Pussy Love Package here



Self Pussy Massage – The Ultimate Self-Care Ritual

In this time of political polarization, I’m gonna say something that might be whoa, alarming, uh, incendiary might cause some problems, which is that self pussy massage is self care. That’s right. And self-care is not optional. Self-care is something that we absolutely need.

So self pussy massage, this dildo <laugh> actually has nothing to do with self pussy massage. And do you know how hard it is to get a dildo right now? Because global supply chains are completely and utterly sapped and dildo shipping can be like upward…

Oh my God. It already has hairs, stuck hairs, stuck to, uh, dildo shipping can take up to three weeks. You can only order one dildo at a time per Amazon account. So these things are like gold right now, total and absolute gold and I actually spit on this to make this <laugh> sort of stick to my chest.

Okay. So what is self pussy massage? This is the idea that a lot of the time we ignore pussy until the moment we need her for a hyper climactic experience. It’s basically like, I don’t really wanna think about you and I’m gonna judge you a little bit and maybe you’re kind of smelly and maybe you’re like a medical issue about to happen. And maybe there’s something that I don’t even wanna face inside of you.

But as soon as there’s someone touching you, you better fucking climax right away. Or as soon as we’re having sex, I need you to operate in the way that I want you to operate. And you know what pussy’s like, pussy’s like F you, because nobody likes that. Nobody likes being continuously ignored. And then all of a sudden being put in the spotlight and like have a climax now, while someone’s going down on you within seven minutes flat, no fucking way.

Right? So the way that you change that is to spend time with your body and to spend quality time with your body, where you are extending how much pleasure you’re capable of feeling, where you’re spending time, massaging your pussy in such a way that you are expanding the bandwidth of how much pleasure you can feel before you have to climax.

What this does is it allows your whole body to get filled up with this luscious elixir of sensuality and pleasure. And this is the thing that so many of us are missing right now in our lives because we’re chronically stressed, we’re chronically overworked, and we’ve been taught that pleasure in some way, shape or form is scary or dangerous and so we actually SAP our nervous systems of this incredible nutrient.

And so when you spend time doing self massage, you actually build up a sense inside of your nervous system that pleasure is not only safe but accessible in your day to day life. This is what lights you up from the inside out.

It also means the next time that you wanna have an outrageous sexual experience, pussy’s not just waiting for the moment to give you a finger because you’ve been judging her and criticizing her, ignoring her.

Instead you’ve become total best friends because of this amazing quality time that you’re spending together. So one really important key to remember about self pussy massage is that it’s not just to have a climax.

You’re basically creating this safe space where you can feel sensuality. You can feel turned on, you can have a climax, but you can also give yourself time to heal. I was literally doing this in the bathtub last night, and I was feeling how there were places inside of my pussy that were still afraid of sex, like still afraid.

And I got to feel that fear and connect to it and basically let it be okay that pussy still felt that way. And then I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. And it felt like when I got out of the bathtub, it was like I was reborn. I was filled up. I felt better than I had in a long, long time.

So when we don’t give ourselves the space to feel into our sexuality, our bodies, to give ourselves this time for a pleasure practice, where we make pleasure important, where we make it sacred. And we give ourselves time to really understand who we are as sexual beings.

If we don’t do that, the kind of baggage from culture and lovers or relationships starts to add up and will tend to go numb over time. So giving yourself this space to have a pleasure practice where you do a self pussy massage allows you to stay sensitized activated and to have the best possible sexual experiences.

So I’ve created a pussy love package for you. It’s totally free and you can go ahead and get it by downloading it below and inside of this, you’ll have all of my best guides, both audio and visual to be able to take care of your pussy. Because when you self care, it’s not just about having a glass of wine in the bath. It’s actually about doing things for your body that are gonna activate you in the most luscious ways so that you can actually feel so fully alive.

So turned on in your entire life and also give yourself the best possibility to have the most activated sexual experience. So if that’s something that you wanna have, go ahead and download the pussy love package down below.

So I’m gonna walk you step by step through a tantric pussy massage. Right now, step one is to create, set and setting. This means that you get the most out of your experiences when the set feels nourishing and beautiful.

So even lighting a few candles, make sure they’re non-toxic cuz you’re gonna be breathing as you do the massage, having a statue or a crystal, something lush, having a bubble bath that just makes you feel held like this is a special experience that you’re about to have. This will help unlock the magic inside of your pussy.

Step two is to do a gratitude practice. So this feels so simple, but so many of us have never stopped and given gratitude to our pussy in our entire lives. So I would invite you to speak three gratitudes out loud.

Give me something like thank you for all of the pleasure. Thank you for birthing my baby. Thank you for communicating to me in the most beautiful ways. Thank you for all of the orgasms I’ve ever had. Something like this, where you just honor everything that your pussy has given you.

In step three, you’re gonna bring your awareness to your room and your pussy. And so what that means is you’re going to start to cultivate mindfulness of pussy and your wo wo space. Mindfulness means that you have awareness without judgment.

This is so key because probably for most of your life and I’ve done this so often it’s been like faster, harder, stronger, more, right? Or why aren’t you feeling as much as you should? Why are you not feeling it quick enough or what’s wrong with me? Right?

When you go in with mindfulness, you start by saying whatever you feel it’s okay. In fact, it’s welcome here and cultivating this over and over again, helps your body to unlock and become more sensitive. If you think about when you sort of yell at something over and over again, like an animal, it shuts down over time, right? It’s nervous system just packs up.

The more judgmental you are, your nervous system shuts down. The more welcoming and celebratory and open you are, the more it opens up. And the same is true of the sensitivity and pleasure inside of your pussy.

Step four is to start with a general body massage. So one of my favorite places to start is actually by stroking my face and my neck. I’ll stroke my breasts and then I’ll move slowly to my thighs and my inner thighs.

And this helps you drop into the sensitivity of your body, the sensuality of your body, and helps move you from your everyday reality where like you gotta do a whole bunch of stuff. You gotta worry, into the magic of your body.

The idea over time is that your body becomes this sensual refuge for you. And so you’re self caring for your body. But the more that you do that, the more your body starts to become a self-care sanctuary for you, where you can turn off the outside world, go into yourself and become replenished.

Step five is to have a moment of awe, literally, as you stroke your body, taking a moment to be consciously grateful. And in awe of the fact that you’re here in this human body, having this experience, stroking yourself with like a candle and some other accouterments, right?

Maybe a hot pink dildo? Like what, what is this reality? Right? And having a sense of like, whoa, that I get to do this at all, can change the feeling tone from like, eh, is enough happening? Am I feeling enough to like, holy shit, like we’re doing this. Like I get to be here at all.

Whatever I experience, no matter what it is, it’s a goddamn miracle. And really feeling that as you touch and stroke yourself can unlock so much inside of you.

Step six is the hip to vulva slide. So I love this one so much, which is that you’re gonna put massage oil on your hands. Even if you’re in the bath, it still works. And it’s pretty luscious. And you’re gonna actually slide from your hips down your belly, down your pubic bone, all the way to your vulva and go about as far as feels good.

You can stroke all the way to your perineum with your fingertips, if you want. And then you’re gonna stroke back up again all the way back up to your hips.

Now with pussy self massage, it’s nice to go slower than you normally would because this tends to relax your nervous system. And it also makes you focus. So if you go really fast, you can sort of check out. When you slow down it forces you to be present with your body in a very special way.

Step seven, as you do this stroke, and you can start to like, explore into your inner thighs. You can explore by stroking in different patterns with your palms. It’s to really feel for where you feel more and where you feel less and to stay very attuned to your body.

So this makes you drop in more and more by really being connected to the sensations that are arising inside of your body. Moment to moment.

Step eight is with your palm or your three fingers. You’re going to make circular movements over the gland of your clitoris in really luscious ways. And again goes slower than usual.

You’re not trying to go as fast as possible. You’re slowing down, you’re paying attention. And this isn’t about trying to get to climax. It’s really about seeing how much pleasure are you capable of feeling in your body.

You can almost make it a game, like instead of feeling a little bit of pleasure and being like, oh, gotta go for climax. It’s like, how much pleasure can I feel inside of my body before I need to have an orgasm or before I need to climax? And like, how much can I fill myself up with when you get good at teasing yourself this way, it will make you an infinitely better lover.

Step nine is as you continue to make circles or turn your clitoris in the way that feels most amazing to you. You can use your other hand to insert one or two fingers very gently. Now the key to this is to go so slow and to start just by nestling your fingers up to the entrance of your vagina and really breathing there, exploring there.

So you’ve probably experienced sex in a way that’s been too fast and maybe too deep, too soon. And what this can do is chronically tense your vagina over time.

So what you wanna do when you go really slow, like this is to re-explore what your body actually loves. And to be able to tune in to how intense even the most subtle feelings can actually be for your body.

One of the ways that I have fallen in love with my pussy is literally by spending time with my fingers, right at the entrance to my vagina, and very slowly, slowly bringing them inside. And I’ve just been filled with this sense of awe and magic about how just spectacular pussy really is.

And I got there by tuning in, by connecting, by going so, so, so slow.

Step 10 is to start to play. So again, feeling what kind of strokes, what kind of pressure feels good to you and really giving yourself permission to try new things. Sometimes we just touch ourselves the same way over and over and over again and this makes us less sexually fluid with lovers because we get so used to just one particular pattern. So this is the time to experiment and explore.

Step 11, if you find any areas of numbness or pain, rather than judging yourself or skipping over them, I encourage you to lightly, but firmly massage those areas, breathe into them and just be willing to feel what’s there.

So oftentimes our bodies are just waiting to be felt and especially pussy. She’s like, please feel these things, please feel these things. And the more you’re willing to feel them, the more you can actually restore her to pleasure over time, because you’ll clear the accumulated storehouse of unfelt energies, emotions, and experiences, and she wants to be in pleasure.

So the more you do the work of feeling what’s there without judging her, by massaging and breathing and being with it, the more she’ll actually be able to create a depth of pleasure for you that gets richer and more profound over time.

Step 12 is to enjoy and celebrate. So whatever’s happened. Now you can either touch yourself into an orgasmic experience. You can hold yourself centrally, whatever feels best to you. And again, you’re training yourself out of being in like a robot habit and into really listening and attuning to your body moment to moment.

Step 13 is to spend a bit of time with your body giving gratitude. And so what that means is just like you started the practice with three gratitudes for your pussy, you’re now gonna do three gratitudes for your experience generally, for whatever you experienced.

Who you were in showing up for that pussy self massage. What your pussy felt or even what she didn’t feel and really getting in this habit of expressing gratitude to your body around your sexuality. Because this is what helps your body bloom open and feel supremely excited to try new things sexually.

You’re actually programming your nervous system to say, oh, when I do pussy self massage, or when I explore my sexuality, it actually feels good. And I get celebrated versus, oh, I get judged or told that I’m not enough slowly, slowly over time.

When you really bookend your sexual experiences with gratitude, you’re gonna encourage yourself to continually sexually grow over a lifetime. Okay?

So this is a tantric pussy massage. There’s all kinds of pussy massages. There’s literally like infinite styles of pussy massage. And if you wanna learn more, then you can go ahead and download the pussy love package down below.

It will train you in all sorts of different ways to take deep, deep care of your pussy. One of the most important parts of you that will give and give and give and give, if you give to her, go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel and remember to order as many dildos as possible.