VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Learn Sacred Sexuality – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jan 8, 2023 8:00:00 AM

20 years ago, when I started practicing Tantra…

I had NO idea what kind of epic, wild pleasure was really available to me…

I had been living in turmoil up until that point.

I hated my body (because I told myself the lie that it was ugly)…

I hated my face (because I told myself the lie that it wasn’t beautiful enough)…

I hated myself (because I told myself the lie that I would never be good enough)…

And I had the WORST sexual experiences because of all my self-hatred and the inexperienced and immature partners I chose.

What I’ve learned from diving deep into Tantric practices is that pleasure is not only my birthright (and yours!)…

It’s absolutely essential to experiencing a full, lush life of bliss, purpose, and connection.

Tantra and sacred sexuality gave me the tools to see through the lies I’d told myself…

And to start to own the truth of my beauty and magnificence.

When you activate OUTRAGEOUS pleasure…

Profoundly heal your inner wounds…

And center yourself in your energy and power…

You awaken your purest sexual magnificence, allowing you to become your highest, most fully expressed self.

Discovering Tantra and Sacred Sexuality was my path to truly unlocking my deepest desires and igniting my inner power to make them a reality.

And now I want to share the opportunity to ignite your OWN inner power…

Click here to get my FREE Sacred Sexuality Starter Kit 🔥

By experiencing phenomenal ecstasy through Sacred Sexuality…

You’ll find extraordinary levels of pleasure and orgasmic states that allow you to literally expand your consciousness.

Your ENTIRE life and existence will change…

And my Sacred Sexuality Starter Kit is the perfect first step!

Inside the kit, you’ll find practices that introduce you to the 5 foundational VITA tools for sexual healing and transformation…

(The same tools taught in depth in my 12-month VITA Sacred Sexuality Initiation)

Mindfulness, breathwork, and sounding are just a few…

Let’s dive deep into each practice and explore them together…

1. Mindfulness Practice

A 20-minute high-vibe guided audio.

This practice allows you to reset your nervous system and reach a higher vibrational plane…

One where you’ll be deeply connected with yourself and your desires and able to fill your body and mind with an ocean of love, pleasure, and joy.

I’ll guide you toward full embodiment of what is in front of you right now…

The sensations, thought patterns, and movements in your present…

Supporting you in developing mindfulness that you can carry into your everyday life and sexual experiences.

2. 20-Minute Sacred Sexuality Breathwork Practice

You’ll be gently invited toward embodying a goal of yours with ALL five senses…

Allowing you to express energy and vibrations that will manifest it into reality.

This is a practice you can use over and over again with different desires and goals…

It puts you directly into the reality and magic of your desire…

And highlights what you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell when you live in that reality…

As if it were already yours.

I’ll guide you toward immersing yourself into your goals and desires…

Attracting your manifestation directly to you.

3. 45-Minute Sounding Practice

Where you’ll explore the depths of your sacred pleasure and transcendental orgasmic states…

Through the powerful combination of breathwork and sounding ✨

Playing with your sensations, you’ll be invited to dance between different energy activations…

Giving you a sweet, satisfying taste of the spiritual realms.

You’ll discover through this practice how to fully allow everything that comes up…

Your emotions, thoughts, tears, laughter…

It ALL has a place in this juicy, delicious practice.

4. 60-Minute Sexual Energy Practice

A High Priestess initiation, you’ll turn sexual energy into personal power and spiritual awakening.

I’ll guide you toward transforming your energy body through radical, unprecedented pleasure…

Connecting you with an open energy field that’ll uplevel your wisdom, intuition, and divinity…

Allowing you to upgrade your ENTIRE being.

5. 15-Minute Movement Practice

We’ll activate your inner Sex Goddess/Goddex through a 15-minute movement practice…

Designed to place you directly in the middle of deep self-love…

Cultivating wholeness and radiance…

And reaching your full pleasure capacity.

My Sacred Sexuality Starter Kit gives you ALL of this…

A huge, wide range of practices and tools to get started integrating Sacred Sexuality into your life…

All for FREE.

Because I want you to experience the life-changing awakening that only comes when you combine intention with the right tools…

The epic levels of pleasure and connection that are waiting for you.

And if you feel called to go even deeper into these techniques…

One of my favorite programs that reveals how to do this is opening soon…

VITA™ Sacred Sexuality 🔥

The practice of Sacred Sexuality supports personal ecstasy, connection & self-realization…

And inside VITA™ Sacred Sexuality, you’ll gain the knowledge of all my favorite Tantric teachings.

You can choose to experience SO much more from your life…

Overcoming the blocks that hold you back from things like…

Giving and receiving unconditional love…

Allowing your primal sexuality to shine through…

And intimately connecting with another human.

Inside VITA™ Sacred Sexuality…

I’ll guide you toward allowing you to unleash your most authentically expressed sexual self…

Engaging in the most intimate and fulfilling relationships…

And coming to know and love your body as a temple of wisdom and magic.

2023 can be your most transformational year yet…

The year you become the radical Sex Goddess/Goddex you were born to be.

If you feel ready to awaken the deepest parts of you…

Reclaim your sexual bliss…

And experience the richest pleasure, greatest sex, and most epic relationships ever…

Sign up for my FREE Sacred Sexuality Starter Kit here

And join the VITA™ Sacred Sexuality waitlist.

There’s nothing I love more than helping light up others’ lives with pleasure-fuelled practices designed to introduce you to your most profound joy…

Allowing you to break free from your limiting beliefs and truly create the life you’ve always desired.

Sacred Sexuality will allow you to do exactly that.

Here’s to you and an orgasmic 2023!

