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Open Heart – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Feb 12, 2023 8:00:00 AM

I’ve had three major relationships so far in my life.

After the dissolution of each one…

I only ever had one singular wish.

To have loved them more.

I wished that in every moment…

I’d chosen more love and more gratitude and more cherishing of our time together.

It means that with the start of each new relationship, my prayer becomes the same.

More love.

More open-heartedness.

Now, I USED to equate that kind of love with being a doormat.

Like, if you love people that much…

they’ll take advantage of you.

And, on many levels…

My story became that it would just end up hurting so much more if they left.

But over time, I’ve realized the only real pain…

Was abandoning myself and closing my own heart.

An open heart NEVER caused me pain.

But my own closed heart?

Sure hurt like hell.

An open heart is powerful. A truly open heart actually feels like the greatest power in the Universe.

Recently, a magic man said to me that he didn’t want to hurt me.

And I said (and I meant it)…

If you or I bail now – it’s going to hurt.

If I cross an ocean to come to see you and it ends after a week – it’s going to hurt.

If we date for a few years and break up – it’s going to hurt.

And, if we have a child together and the most epic life partnership and one of us dies in the other’s arms – it’s really fucking going to hurt.

So, good luck avoiding hurt in this world.

If you’re going to hurt no matter what…

Then you might as well just do what you want.

If it’s going to hurt no matter what…

You might as well open your whole damn heart and let the hurt in with all the love.

If you’re going to hurt either way because no one gets out of pain on this planet or in this life…

Make the hurt worth it by always pursuing your heart’s deepest desires.

That’s my wish for us all…

Open hearts of power.

So much love that you can run towards your deepest, truest desires…

And stop pretending that you could ever avoid the pain or the hurt.

If you’re going to live…live well with so much love…

And make those tears worth it.

Here’s to the most epic soul union and romance…

Only the openhearted fools make it there.

Join me 😉 

