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The Little Mystical Goddess-in-Training – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Mar 6, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Stop me if you’ve heard this radical story in the Fairytale books you read as a child…

but I’m almost positive you haven’t because they made a point to conceal it from you.

Today I’m sharing with you the epic, beautiful tale

Of the Little Mystical Goddess In-Training (LMGIT).

The Little Mystical Goddess’ story hasn’t been super well-known after the book got burned in 1876 to keep it out of little girl’s hands…

Which is exactly why I’m sharing it with you today.

We ALL have a tantalizing, magical piece of the LMGIT inside of us…

And I’m determined to help you find yours.

Sit back with your favorite beverage and read on for the Goddess truth that’s been hidden from us…


Here we go!!!

Thousands of years ago…

There was a time when little girls were raised on the image of glittery, artful Goddesses who were born of absolute perfection…

They had perfect dresses, “perfect” bodies and obviously, “perfect” Goddess hair…

(Sound familiar?)

Beautiful, quirky, unique little girls all over the sparkly lands would grow up pining to look just like the Goddesses they looked up to, like…

Mya, the Goddess of Magic…

Oceana, the Goddess of Water…

Bronzina, Goddess of the Sun…

And so many more stunning, fairytale-esque Goddesses…

Who each represented an element they were full of passion and fire for 🔥 

The Little Mystical Goddess In-Training, a young girl who lived on the outskirts of town in a cute little house with her very modest Ma and Pa, was no exception when it came to the Goddesses.

She had even used a small piece of charcoal to draw a portrait of her favorite Goddess, Mystica, Goddess of the Moon, on the wall of her small, quaint bedroom…

(Much to the dismay of Ma and Pa)

She fell asleep every night staring at Mystica, wishing and hoping and dreaming of looking just like her when she grew up…

With long, beautiful hair, stunning sparkly skin, and a tantalizing gown made of the night sky and stars.

The LMGIT did all the things she had learned to do in order to look more and more like Mystica as she grew older…

She dyed her long blonde hair brunette…

Mastered the art of the curling iron…

Bought all the latest fancy makeup…

Dieted until she shrunk her dress size…

And tried to embody the luscious confidence the Goddesses were made of…

Walking into every room with a (fake) smile on her face and her head held high.


Deep down inside…

The LMGIT had a dark secret…

The more she began to resemble Mystica…

The more she disliked herself…

Until eventually, one day, she woke up and looked at herself in the mirror of her dressing table…

And realized:

She was no longer herself… at all.

She didn’t see any trace of the hopeful, passionate, lit-up little girl she used to be…

With hopes and dreams and creativity coming out of every pore…

And a vision for her future.

The Little Mystical Goddess In-Training once again went to bed that night consumed with thoughts of Mystica…

But this time, she was wondering what secret Mystica must have that she didn’t have…

The secret that housed the authenticity, joy, and magic she so desired in herself.

She drifted off to sleep with tears on her porcelain cheeks.

That night, Mystica visited the LMGIT in a dream…

She was even more beautiful than the LMGIT could’ve imagined…

Her glittery gown of the night sky shimmering and sparkling…

Her long dark hair styled into perfect curls…

And her soulful, deep blue eyes full of love.

As Mystica daintily stepped closer to the LMGIT in her dream…

She did something totally unexpected…

She stuck out her tongue…

And her hair turned into thousands of cobras…

And lit on fire.

While it felt like she should be scared…

The Little Mystical Goddess in-Training actually felt a deep peace inside.

She knew this was her opportunity to ask Mystica,

“What am I missing?”

As Mystica approached her, stars swirling behind her and sweet honeysuckle hanging in the air as the cobras hissed…

She responded:

“The original Goddesses of Planet Earth were EVERYTHING, my love.

Yes, grace and beauty and compassion and creativity…

BUT also magical sorceresses and fierce awakeners and wild, unkempt witches…

The Tantric tradition preserved this with the Mahavidyas…

Ten wisdom goddesses encompassing the whole spectrum of feminine expression…

You have Kamala, sure, the Goddess of pleasure and sensuality and goodness…

And you also have Dhumavati…who is an elder in her 90s and who has fangs and hangs out in graveyards and prefers that her followers come to her in an impure state.

Kali wears a garland of skulls and dances naked on a male corpse to represent her fierce dedication to stripping the ego naked and bare of its illusions…

Chinnamasta drinks her own blood to demonstrate her willingness to destroy untruths and drink directly from the fountain of life.

When male priests took over and denied everyone direct access to their own spiritual wisdom…

They destroyed the evidence of the wild, untamable forces of nature in the Goddess….

And only made her appear beautiful and pure.

This left a legacy of women feeling like they had to look and act “perfect” in order to be divine.

This “perfection” was through the eyes of distorted male sexual desire…

Forgetting that the original Greek definition of beauty was “to be oneself.”

This is the true beauty of the Goddess.

To be oneself, inside and out.

This is the remembrance.

To be all of yourself.

That your wholeness makes you divine.

And that your true beauty lies in being what you are, not shaping yourself to some toxic ideal.

Mystica reached out her hand…

And The Little Mystical Goddess In-training slowly took it…

Feeling Mystica’s gentle touch spark something deep inside of her.

Her entire body, every single cell, filled with a warm, rosy glow…

And a rush of love came over her.

A love as deep as the ocean and as wide as all the land…

Love so pure, so inspiring, so true…

That tears sprang to her eyes and a pink hue flushed her cheeks.

“What is this?! What’s happening…?”

The LMGIT asked Mystica, overcome with joy but also a bit confused…

Mystica answered her with one word:


Mystica was finally sharing the secret with the LMGIT…

Teaching her that the most profound happiness and genuine, authentic truth comes from deep within.

Suddenly, Mystica’s image began slowly morphing into the Little Mystical Goddess In-Training’s reflection…

And soon she saw herself where Mystica used to be.

The deepest, most true feelings of self-love had been inside her all along.

She was the Self-Love Goddess.

She looked into her own eyes and felt a growing sense of compassion for the woman in her reflection.

She had lived for others’ opinions until now…

She had been striving to be someone she wasn’t…

Someone who looked the way she was told she was supposed to look…

But didn’t possess the inner love she needed to create the joy, happiness, and magic she craved.

The Self-Love Goddess woke up the next morning with deep, seismic love in her heart…

The type of love that could embrace the whole land…

Enveloping little girls everywhere and sparking their own self-love deep within them.

The Self-Love Goddess then made it her mission in life to restore self-love in little girls all over the world…

Helping them avoid the detour she had taken to her own self-love…

And hold themselves deep in their heart from the very beginning.


Friend, I’d love to hear something you love deeply about YOURSELF…

Hit reply to this email and share with me!!

I hope you see the deepest love in your own reflection the next time you look in the mirror…

Because you are amazing, WORTHY, and a Goddess in your own right.

Love and radical fairytale magic,
