VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

10 Steps to Give a Sacred Blowjob – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Dec 12, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Want to learn how to give a mindblowing sacred blowjob?

(Or do you want your partner to learn how to give one to you?)

Great, then I have a spectacular video for you today!

AND a free step-by-step guide that you can download if you like getting all specific and type-A about your sacred blowjobs (I know I do!).

I made this video and downloadable guide because so many men have been saying to me:

“There is all this Goddess worship right now in sexuality, and that’s beautiful, and I worship the Goddess…but what practices support me to know my own divinity? What sexual practices can remind me that I am sacred too?”

A sacred blowjob is truly one of the most beautiful gifts you can offer a male partner – it’s an invitation to go deeper, to remind him of his divinity, and to truly worship the gift that is his sexuality.

So watch the 10 steps to giving a sacred blowjob below.


And if you want some more detailed and advanced blowjob techniques to really maximize his pleasure, click below to download the free digital guide I created to accompany this video.


P.S. I was on Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Radio Podcast. It is crazy fun and we talk all about “Altered States of Sex” aka some of my deepest work and explorations around how sex is the best access point to ecstasy and altered states of consciousness. Read: how to get mystical and naturally high from your own genitals. Check it out here.

P.P.S. If you want to be Wonder Woman, a Sex Goddess, and your raw and authentic self while being supported to learn all of my most powerful transformative and empowering practices, then learn more about VITA™ Sacred Sexuality below.

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10 Steps to Give a Sacred Blowjob

All right. In this video, I’m going to give you a step-by-step guide for how to give an absolutely mind-blowing sacred blow job. This is going to go way beyond foreplay or just your everyday blow job. It’s going to invite the male recipient into experiencing his divine sexual nature. If that sounds a little out there or a little strange, it’s because, often, men have not been treated or told their sexuality is a sacred gift.

Sure, in society, we treat men’s sexuality as important. They need to be sexually gratified. But most of the time, men have actually received a lot of subtle negative sexual conditioning as well. That they are predatory, that there’s something wrong with the level or nature of their desire. They’ve been taught to fear being bisexual or homosexual, having any desires that are outside of this very normative box. It can be so healing for a man, A, to lie back and just receive; but, B, to be invited into a space where he can experience himself as a living God, as having a divine sexual gift, because that’s what it actually is.

This sacred blow job is all about inviting him into feeling his deeper sexual nature. You’re going to need to inform him that he will be receiving a sacred blow job. You’re going to have to have the talk, which is basically letting him know that when he drops into this experience the invitation is for him to have a much more profound sexual experience than he might otherwise have.

Now, I’m going to take you through the 10 steps to give the sacred blow job. I’ve also created a digital guide for you down below. It’ll take you step-by-step through some of the very specific moves that you can do for your partner, so you can study up and get all of the very specific details.

Step 1 is you want to create a sacred space. Sacred spaces help your partner realize that this is not your everyday blow job experience. This is going to be rocket-ship-to-the-stars. You can do that by doing things like lighting a candle, playing a cool playlist, putting down a faux fur blanket. Basically, when you set the space, it triggers the brain to know that this is out of the ordinary what we are about to do.

Step number 2, you can lie him down on the bed, pants off. You can get some skin-friendly massage oil. You’re going to massage his inner thighs and his pelvis. Also, you want to massage his testicles and his penis. For the testicle massage, you can cup a testicle in one hand or both. You can take the flat of your palm and roll it over both testicles. Again, you can ask him what kind of pressure and speed he likes for that. Then, with his penis, you can grip and pull gently downwards and be stroking your hands over his penis. You can then flip his penis up towards his belly and stroke upwards with the flat of your hands.

Step 3, encourage deep breathing. You’re going to encourage him to breathe more deeply than he ordinarily would, starting during this early massage and going throughout the whole blow job. This is super key because if he breathes more deeply than usual, it will activate his nervous system. It’s a portal inviting him in to deeper sexual states.

Step 4, Andrew popped this one in. You’re going to tell him how sexy his cock is. As you’re giving him this early massage and encouraging him to breathe. At a certain point, you’re going to give him genuine, real compliments. Don’t BS him here. Tell him what is beautiful about his cock. Celebrate his cock for any pleasure that it has brought you so far. Tell him why his cock is magical or special in any number of ways. Think of telling him about three different things that are spectacular about his penis.

Step number 5, after you’ve done the massage for about five to 10 minutes, when you start to feel that he’s ready for a blow job, you really want to bring your own intention very strong into this process. You want to hold that the intention that his cock is ultra-powerful, that it is an embodiment of pure consciousness, and you’re going to feel the sacred divinity of his sexual gift running through his penis. You’re going to keep that awareness throughout the blow job. Your awareness is what is going to invite him into a deeper state of sacred awareness.

Step number 6, is to make your blow job an act of worship. You can literally feel that there’s divinity inside of his penis, inside of his soul. As you give him the blow job, it’s like you’re worshiping. You’re making an offering to the greatness of this man.

Step number 7, use lots of really sexy, delicious moves. Use lots of saliva; sound if you’re feeling good and it’s real for you. Now, if you want to learn a lot of the specific moves, that’s why I have created the digital guide for you. You can get it by clicking down below. It’s totally free. I will walk you step-by-step through some of the most advanced, pleasurable, and orgasmic blow job tips.

Step number 8, you can make lots of eye contact. Don’t just go into your own world and disconnect but really stay present with him from time to time. You can even place a hand on his heart. It can be so heart-opening. If you do that at just the right moment.

Step number 9, you’re going to modulate his turn on and cycle him through until orgasm or ejaculation. What you’re going to do is build him up to peak pleasure. If 10 for him is ejaculation or orgasm, you want to bring him to an eight or a nine. At that point, you’re going to slide off of his penis. You can gently massage his thighs and his hips and his pelvis. This can be great for distributing the energy. You’re going to encourage him to breathe deeply. If he feels like it would support him to sound, you can encourage him to sound. When he’s come back down to a level of turn on like a three or four, like he’s really cooled down, you’re going to go back to the blow job and slowly build him back up to a level eight or nine again.

After about two to five times, you can feel it. Then, the last time, you’ll take him all the way to a level 10 if that’s what’s happening. Let him be where he’s at. If he can go all the way to that level 10, then, after the last cycle, you’re going to bring him all the way to orgasm.

Step 10, let him integrate. Some men love just lying in silence and not being touched. Some men love cuddling. Then, finally, the two of you want to exchange a recap, so letting each other know what you experienced, what that was like for you, what you would like to try next time. Just really discover, “What was that like for both of you?”, and set yourselves up for next time to grow or to try new things or to experiment.

All right. Go have so much fun giving a sacred blow job. Again, check out the digital guide down below. If you want to stay in touch, head on over to Sign up your email address to get so many more sex tips and sex guides every single week. Remember to go ahead and subscribe if you love sacred blow jobs.
