VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

How Yoni Eggs Electrify Your Sex Life…in 3 Scientific Ways – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Nov 21, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Is there anything worse than having sex when you aren’t really feeling anything (or are feeling pain?)?

Ok, yes, absolutely, being the lone human on Earth after the zombie apocalypse or getting lost naked and alone on a glacier…. Could be potentially worse.

The point is, if you aren’t feeling anything during sex, or if you’re actually in pain, it is an awful, terrible, soul-sucking experience.

I don’t want that for you, or me, or anyone, but unfortunately it’s extremely common.

So I made the video below to explain how to recover sensation and experience all the luscious, delicious, and ecstatic pleasure available to you…

And why the jade egg practice is so effective to help you get there.

And really, there are four underlying issues that cause loss of sensitivity during sex:

  1. You’re just not that into it
  2. You don’t want to feel what’s in there (desire, pain, pleasure, ecstasy) so you numb out
  3. You’ve gotten habituated to being in your mind instead of in your sensations
  4. A medical issue

#4 is pretty rare and beyond my pay grade, so if you suspect that, please get the support you need….

But #1, #2 and #3 can all be solved with some quality jade egg time.


Well, for #1 you learn what you desire and don’t desire and you learn how to listen to and honor yourself so when it’s a no, it’s a no. And if it’s a yes, you can also feel empowered to share what you like and how you like it.

If it’s #2, this is about re-training yourself to feel: to feel it all. This can be challenging in sex because we’re conditioned not to cry or be afraid or even (and you know this is true) feel real, mind-glowing ecstasy (yes, glowing ;)) … or if you’ve been in pain, you’ll want to stop feeling altogether. But with a jade egg practice, you can support yourself in a safe and loving way to feel again. Alllll the feels.

For #3, this is a re-training that you can do with the jade egg. It helps you to shift out of the mind and into the body, where all the life-changing magic happens.

Learn all about the 3 scientifically-based ways the yoni egg electrifies your sex life below:


PS: If you want to fully experience how the yoni egg can light up your sex life, then check out my VITA™ Sacred Sexuality monthly subscription program where you’ll get to use the yoni egg to uplevel a different area of your life each month, like supercharging your orgasms, building your self-love, healing sexual trauma gently…and 9 other equally magical monthly themes.

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How Yoni Eggs Electrify Your Sex Life…in 3 Scientific Ways

So I wanna make this video for you because a lot of people think that yoni egg practice is like, woowoo, or just like made up or whatever. And it’s actually such a potent and effective practice. It’s where you actually take an egg shaped object.

You can use Jade as one of the choice materials. You can also use shatterproof glass. There’s a lot of room for innovation in this field, as well.

Basically, put it inside of your vagina and you do a series of practices similar to yoga inside of your vagina.

So, it makes a lot of sense that this would be an effective practice, the same way that mindfulness and yoga are once treated as really like witchcraft basically. Witchcraft is amazing so I think that’s a high compliment but that’s not the way that those people were using it.

Only when they became scientifically verified, did the whole world get on board. And now everyone’s meditating, thank God. But what’s happened with the yoni egg is it’s pre-research right now. So, a lot of people out in the media and people in general don’t understand why it’s such a potent practice.

And so what I wanna do with you is share some of the scientifically validated ways that the yoni egg can increase sexual sensation and pleasure inside of your body. Even though it hasn’t been fully researched yet, we’re working on it.

So the first way is that when you put the yoni egg inside of your vagina, your whole awareness is on the sensations that you’re feeling. And it’s a sexual practice where you’re not pushing yourself to have a climax or an orgasm. You’re just showing up and feeling what feels good to my body.

What kind of sensations am I feeling or not feeling, what’s there, maybe it’s tension, maybe it’s heat.

This practice is exactly parallel to what Masters and Johnson called sensate focus. It’s one of the key practices in sexual therapy for the last several decades, which is basically training couples to touch each other.

And the recipient who’s being touched, just pays attention to what they’re feeling. And there’s a restoration of sensitivity of connection, and it takes performance, pushing goal orientation out of sex, and allows people to just drop in and feel their bodies.

This is one of the most commonly used sex therapies in the United States and the yoni egg essentially functions in the exact same way, except it’s a self-driven practice that a woman usually does by herself. It restores sensitivity, it restores connection.

And more than anything else, it takes your sexuality out of this goal driven go, go, go, I have to have an organism. I have to climax. I have to feel pleasure. Into dropping in and feeling what’s there over time.

When you do that enough, your desire returns, your pleasure returns in sensate focus treatments, women report, feeling more wetness, feeling more orgasmic. And in my experience, women report the exact same thing with a yoni egg. It’s just, instead of having a therapist guide you and having to be in a relationship, you can do it yourself each and every day.

So the second way that the yoni egg crushes it scientifically is that when you use a yoni egg regularly, you’re not just training your body to have an orgasm only clitorally. Your brain has neuronal pathways to get to certain goals and it tends to like what is known.

So if you only ever masturbate touching your clitorus over and over and over again, your brain can become very attached to clitoral orgasm and not feel any reason to expand to other types of orgasm.

If you wanna have a deep vaginal orgasm or something that involves more of the cervical area or the womb area, or even the anus, you’re often accessing totally different nerve endings that attach to different branches of your nervous system than if you just touch your clitorus over and over again.

So when you use a Jade egg, you’re inviting yourself to explore with different orgasmic capacity. So our nervous systems aren’t often just like, “Hey, let me try something new and different.”

They have to be challenged in order to do so. They have to be put into an environment where your nervous system is willing to switch and try something that it’s never tried before.

In this case, maybe having an orgasmic experience that involves more of the pelvic nerve, deeper parts of the vagus nerve, there’s all different nerve endings that can become very orgasmic in different parts of a woman’s body that aren’t just the clitoral network.

So you have to do a focused practice that actually invites your nervous system to unlock and use different neural pathways to orgasm.

One of the other key pieces in neurobiology is that scientists are realizing that our brain actually creates reality based on what it expects to happen. So if you grew up in a reality where all you’ve seen in women’s magazines and everywhere else, and women have told you that clitoral orgasm, clitoral orgasm, clitoral orgasm, your brain is actually going to be creating the experience of clitoral orgasm over and over again.

In order for your brain to simulate a new reality, you have to give yourself a focused practice with the opportunity to experience a different reality.

So if I give you a yoni egg and say, put this inside, your vagina do practices for two to three weeks, and you can have a vaginal orgasm, anybody who knows real neurobiology and not just the pop science that’s out there would say that you will actually create a neuronal shift and your brain will start simulating the reality of having a vaginal orgasm.

Does that sound like a placebo effect? It is. That’s why the placebo effect is so powerful. What you expect to happen is actually what comes true.

We might associate that with new age spiritual teachers and what’s amazing is that actually the most recent neuroscience is showing that that is actually what’s happening deep inside of us. Our nervous systems are simulating reality over and over again.

So if you wanna experience a deep vaginal orgasm and more sexual sensitivity, then take a yoni egg. It’s a lot cheaper than most of the other interventions or like long, long, long other courses of self help and put it inside of your vagina and tell yourself that you can have a vaginal orgasm.

It actually works. I see it in hundreds, if not thousands of women on a regular basis.

And number three is that strengthening your pelvic floor is one of the only scientifically validated ways to have a better orgasm. So you might be like, okay, I wanna strengthen my pelvic floor. Like, why don’t I just do Kegels then?

Well, which sounds better to you? Having a super luscious, sexy practice where you get to turn yourself on, embrace your pleasure, heal any kind of issues or blockages you have around your sexuality, probably have a mind blowing ecstatic orgasm, usually in the bathtub or candlelight or out in nature or on your yoga mat, or would you rather squeeze your pelvic floor in the car while you’re driving to work?

Exactly. That’s why women do the yoni egg practice because it’s not just squeezing and releasing your pelvic floor in a mechanical way or, oh, women who use dilators. Often they’re, it’s like so embedded with shame.

I don’t know who is talking to these women, but women are like, oh my God, my pelvic floor is so tight. And they’re like, they feel so bad about it. It’s like your pelvic floor is tight, cuz your pelvic floor is scared on some level.

And with some deep mind/body healing, your pelvic floor will relax and you’ll restore your sensitivity and your pleasure. It’s okay, of course your pelvic floor is scared.

Do you know what all of us women have been through for the past few thousand years? If your pelvic floor is not scared, she’s like a courageous hero. Like we should all like be celebrating her. But the vast majority of us actually do have tense and tight pelvic floors.

Being able to strengthen our pelvic floors is more than just squeezing and releasing. It can actually be a whole mind/body practice of a deep recreated relationship to your pelvic floor and to your sexuality. And that is what a yoni egg practice offers.

So if you’re really curious about doing a yoni egg practice, then you can buy an egg in my shop and it comes with two guided instructional videos to get you started. You can also consider joining my membership program. You can find out more about that here.

And finally, please subscribe. That’s basically all I have to say about subscribing. I’m always trying to think of something really clever to stay there. And I got nothing for you today. So just hit the subscribe button and I’m sending so much love to you and so much yoni egg and vagina and magic.