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3-Step Pussy Breathing Practice to Unlock Your Power & Pleasure! – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jul 9, 2020 7:00:00 AM

Try this 3-step pussy breathing practice to enter deep states of ecstasy and self-love!


If you need a little extra support, pleasure, and magic right now…

Breathwork is my all-time favorite personal support tool.

After all, what’s not to love about breathwork? It makes you naturally high✨ brings you into states of ecstasy✨ puts you into deep states of meditation and awareness, gives you the space to feel all of the feels, and lets you be the center of your own personal rainbow magical universe🌈

And “Pussy Breathing” is when you combine all those magical effects of breathwork with the power and pleasure of your pussy.

If you want to learn a really simple 3-step practice you can do daily, check out the video above!

In the beginning stages of this practice, you build a relationship with your pussy and increased sensitivity.

In the later stages, you can even breathe yourself into orgasm (more on that later!).

Right now, as the world churns and so many important (and sometimes scary!) things are happening…rooting down into our bodies, reveling in our pleasures and continuing to stay LIT from the inside out is so, so important.

I use this practice personally to stay in my power so I can continue to create each and every day in alignment with my highest visions, and not my fears.

May this practice be a similar blessing for you!

(Side note, I teach it as “pussy breathing” but you can do it with a penis or any type of genitals and it’s just as powerful.)

Take your pleasure practices to the next level with Virtual Pleasure School. Get all of the details and sign up here:

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P.S. DID YOU KNOW it’s the season of Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching Certification MAGIC!?! That means if you’ve been feeling the call to change or uplevel your career and engage in an unforgettable and seriously life-changing 1 year+ of magic and transformation…this is for you! Applications open in July.

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3-Step Pussy Breathing Practice to Unlock Your Power & Pleasure!

So, that is actually what pussy breathing feels like to me. It is this incredible practice that awakens sensitivity. It allows me to form a connection with my pussy, like an actual relationship where I listen, I connect.

This is so important because literally so many of the issues that women face, pain in sex, lack of desire, not that much turn on, lack of sensitivity. All of that, I find it gets so healed and so remedied just by having a consensual, honoring, dignifying relationship with pussy.

So, pussy breathing can absolutely help you get there. Also, pussy breathwork takes you out of your head.

So much of how I thought of my body was based on, God help me, the state of Georgia’s education, a little bit of Colorado in there, but mostly Georgia during those formative years, Catholicism and the ’80s and ’90s in the United States.

So if I want to get out of that, that way that I understand my pussy, my body, my magic, I got to do something to bust all of that out of my head. So what do I do? Pussy breathing. It literally neurologically gets you out of that thinking, conditioned, judging part of your brain and into the part of you that BE.

And that part, that part knows the truth of pussy. That part never forgot thousands of years of ancient, rooted, spiritual power. That part never forgot a billion years of pleasure sexiness. So when you breathe, I kid you not, you tap into that. You shed the old stories, the things that people told you about pussy, and you reclaim the truth. It’s that powerful.

Now you might not get that during like one small introductory breathwork or you actually might because I see it all the time. However, when you commit to breathwork, when you know what’s possible, you can go on this journey with yourself and your body.

So in this video, I’m going to share with you a three step, very simple breathing practice you can do right here right now and as often as you want in your life. I’ve also linked for you down below my free virtual pleasure school.

This is a four part training that takes you into things like how to do breast massage, how to understand energy orgasm, how to understand and work with sexual energy, like the priestess and queen that you are and how to consciously elevate your life through your nervous system and through your body.

So if you want to go ahead and check that out, you can click the link down below.We’re going to deliver it straight to your inbox. It is a super amazing and potent program.

All right. Three step pussy breathing process.

Number one, you want to be in a comfortable position. That is usually lying down. You can have your knees flat or up towards the ceiling and you want to start to breathe.

You can inhale through your nose or inhale through your mouth. There is a special connection between pussy and jaw. So you can actually feel it if you open up your jaw and feel your pelvic floor. If your jaw is very, very tight, your pelvic floor tends to tighten.

If you relax your jaw, your pelvic floor tends to relax. So it can be powerful to do pussy breathing in and out of your mouth. But you can also go in and out of your nose or in your nose and out of your mouth, whatever feels most comfortable for you.

Major disclaimer, please do not ever do breathwork if you have any medical issues whatsoever, or if you’re pregnant, please always check with your doctor in that case.

And do not ever do breathwork unless you have a full, clean bill of health, otherwise ask your doctor always or else you could be putting yourself in harm’s way.

So as you begin to inhale, you’re going to actually feel that the breath is going into your pussy. Your belly is expanding. Your diaphragm especially is expanding. And as you exhale, you’re going to soften your whole body.

So as you do this, you’re going to connect to your breath full, deep, inhale, relaxed, exhale. And as you are breathing, inhaling and exhaling, you’re going to do a deeper than usual inhale, a more relaxed and slower than usual exhale. As you do this and you’re feeling it’s as though the breath could go in and out of your pussy.

So you’re going to do this in the shortened version for about three minutes. This is what helps melt that judging mind and get you deep inside of your body.

Note that at this time you may need to release some things that are ready to let go of out of your body. Let them go. They don’t need to be there.

Step, no step two. Step two is you are going to inhale and continue the breathing, but now you’re going to visualize and feel your pussy and visualize in your mind’s eye. That means notice how is your pussy doing? What kind of sensations are inside of your pussy or not?

And here’s a really big key, do not let this be an opportunity to judge or shame your pussy. Too much pussy shame and judgment exists on this planet. Please do not contribute to it. This is a time to love and embrace and accept your pussy no matter what is happening there.

Inhaling and exhaling and deep acceptance, deep love, deep compassion. Imagine that your pussy is literally a baby kitten. Like you don’t have to imagine that all the time because that’s not always the animal you want your pussy to be, or whether you even want that.

But like if you’re struggling, feel it as a baby kitten, whether it’s not feeling, whether it’s hungry, whether it’s not hungry, whatever it feels, love and compassion. Feel that energy of just embracing and acceptance is so important.

So once you’ve released and you have a sense of how pussy’s doing, I invite you to feel a level of gratitude, level of gratitude for pussy. This is always such a powerful moment. Sometimes we never stop and thank, thank her for the pleasure, for the life, for all of the gifts, for all of the beauty. It’s amazing.

So as you’re inhaling and exhaling, you’re just having a moment of gratitude for pussy. And if you can’t feel it yet, that’s fine. Just be open to the fact that it could be there.

And step three, you’re going to inhale and infuse pussy with some of the most delicious vibrations. So this counteracts thousands of years of leaving vibrations inside of pussies, both through unconscious sex, through judgment, through blame, through misogyny, all sorts of shit has literally piled up inside of pussy. This is the time to say this is a fucking temple. I do not house bullshit inside of my sacred temple.

So as you inhale and exhale, I invite you to feel things like divine light, beauty, the energy of the universe, the energy of the goddess, filling up your pussy and infusing your whole pelvis. Your anus can’t forget that portal filling up your ass, filling up this whole region with goodness, high vibration, love, ecstasy, devotion, light, all the beautiful things.

And this changes, it flips the narrative from like, I don’t think about this part or there’s something wrong with this part or this part should be perfect or this part should operate like it’s supposed to and what I’ve seen in pornography or other people have seen or it should be like a math equation.

Pussy is not a math equation. Pussy is the universe itself. So breathe into it. Let the love, let the magic, let the aliveness infuse pussy and watch how your life changes, watch how you feel worth inside of your sexuality.

Watch how you become a queen inside of your relationships. Watch how you hold your body just a little bit straighter. And remember that you have a crown on as you go throughout your day because you started with her.

Okay. I hope you enjoy this practice. It is profound. It is one of my absolute favorites. And remember to check out the Virtual Pleasure School down below if you want to take this deeper.

Go ahead and subscribe to the channel so you can stay tuned every single week. And let me know in the comments down below what sort of emoji came out of your pussy during a pussy breath.