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7 Types of Female Orgasm – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Nov 15, 2020 8:00:00 AM

The female body is a magical, sexual masterpiece with lots of pleasure geography that is FULL of orgasmic possibility.

Although women have the capacity to experience multiple types of orgasms, it doesn’t necessarily just happen naturally!

It takes practice to get out of your head and into your body so that you can fully surrender to the sexual experience.

Often, you need to explore your sexual pleasure, energy, and erogenous zones to increase your orgasmic capacity.

But once you do open yourself up to the mysterious instrument of feminine beauty that is your body, and begin to experience different types of orgasm, you’ll have this ability for life!

So in this video, you’re going to discover 7 different types of female orgasm, and I hope it inspires you to move beyond the clitoris and into the g-spot, anal, cervical, womb spaces of blissful ecstasy!


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7 Types of Female Orgasm

I am here to inspire you about the seven types of female orgasm. It is so amazing the diverse pleasure geography that we have as women and how fun it can be to go on an orgasmic journey of trying all seven for yourself, because there’s so many places on your body that can become orgasmic. Then when you combine it with energy, and then when you combine it with all different types of emotional states, and recently someone was like, “I bet you could have an energy orgasm with the Pleiadian energy of the universe,” and I was like, “Fuck yes.”

So I invite you into this portal of orgasmic exploration, knowing that instead of being like, “Oh, I have to have this type of orgasm now or that type of orgasm,” et cetera, et cetera, it’s like an invitation into the infinite ability of your body. And I have never met a single woman or gender nonconforming person who cannot have a deep variety of powerful orgasms.

It’s more about going on a journey into your own sexuality, into your own self, finding a deep level of safety, self love, and surrender that unlocks these orgasmic states. So it’s not about trying to compete or have this type of orgasm or that, but instead, going on this amazing, magical adventure into learning about yourself and finding these portals that you can step into and discover what a truly magical being you are. I know in the core of my being that you’re made of magic, that I’m made of magic because of this orgasmic adventure that I’ve gone on and everything that it’s taught me. So I wish the exact same for you.

If you’re interested in having these orgasms, and yes, there’s more than seven, but these are the most popular, then I’ve included links to videos down below that can guide you step by step through details of how to achieve them. I’m also linking to my free Pleasure School, which is an amazing four part education on things like breast massage, full body orgasm, and how to increase the amount of pleasure inside of your life.

So if you’re excited and going deeper in this educational journey, go ahead and click down below and sign up for that. You get access to it right away.

So the first type of orgasm is a G-spot orgasm. So the G-spot is located about a half an inch to up to three inches inside of the vaginal canal. It usually turns into a feeling of like a soft walnut or a sponge when a woman is turned on. And it only appears when a woman is turned on, because it’s made of erectile tissue. So a lot of people think the G-spot doesn’t exist, because if you go and look for it and you’re not highly turned on, it won’t actually be erect enough to feel inside of your body.

This is also the location of female ejaculation, one of the most fabulous forms of female sexual expression. When the G-spot gets stimulated, it can create incredibly expansive, highly pleasurable, and super juicy orgasmic experiences. If you want to learn how to give yourself a G-spot self massage so that you can be the queen of your G-spot orgasms, you can find that video down below.

Cervical orgasms occur from deep and pleasurable stimulation of the cervix, the ring of tissue that separates the vaginal canal from the uterus. So these kinds of orgasms are so exquisite, and they lend themselves to a different type of orgasmic pleasure that’s more oceanic, more like waves and waves of multi-orgasmic experiences. And a cervical orgasm is often easiest to experience if you start by using a crystal or glass dildo first to de-armor and awaken and activate your cervix and to release any tension that might be creating pain.

It’s also much easier to find a cervical orgasm during penetration if you’re either on top, controlling the level of stimulation and finding the areas that feel good to you, or if your partner is penetrating you with a penis or a dildo very slowly, or even, in some cases, not even moving. This can unlock some of the deepest cervical orgasmic experiences.

Third type of orgasms are anal orgasms. So the anus can be jam packed with sensitive orgasmic nerve endings. And everybody’s geography is different, so some women actually have stronger and more pleasurable anal orgasms than even clitoral orgasms. So oftentimes, you can stimulate the anus with a finger, a toy, a tongue, or a dildo or a penis. And it is incredibly, incredibly sensitive. So working with the anus is all about going slow, doing soft penetration, and inviting your body to surrender into the exquisite pleasure that is an anal orgasm.

An anal orgasm is connected to the root chakra, so you get all the amazing things from an anal orgasm that you do from a root chakra activation, a feeling of grounding, a feeling of deep relaxation, a feeling of coming home inside of your body and being profoundly connected to the earth. We even call people anally retentive or uptight when they have really tight anal muscles. And having an anal orgasm is one of these beautiful ways to surrender profoundly into the universe and into the experience of being human.

Anal orgasms can also trigger intense waves of orgasmic pleasure. So anal orgasms lend themselves to multi-orgasmic experiences, where it’s like one wave of orgasm over and over and over again. Something that’s so special about an anal orgasm is it often produces waves and waves of pleasure through the inside of the whole body. It’s like the core of your being is having an orgasm. And it lends itself to these multi-orgasmic waves. Rather than just a quick firecracker and it’s over, it’s truly like this earthy earthquake of an orgasm that’s so incredibly powerful.

So if you’re interested in having a step-by-step guide to having an anal orgasm and walking yourself through everything you can do to make it a really fun and enjoyable experience, you can find the link for that down below.

The fourth type of orgasm is the clitoral orgasm. So many people think of the clitoris as just the clitoral glands at the top of the vulva that people can see visibly. But the clitoral network is actually massive and wraps through the pelvic floor and around the entrance to the vagina. So clitoral orgasms can come from so many other locations in the vulva and even from the inside of the vagina.

Clitoral orgasms often feel like these intense rushes, especially over the skin. It’s like an electrifying activation of the body that can be super intense and super delicious. Also, think of the clitoris like orgasmic salt. It always makes everything better. So when you’re having any other type of orgasm, when you add clitoral pleasure, it intensifies and enhances the experience.

The fifth type of orgasm is a nipple orgasm. So a recent scientific study showed that stimulation of the nipples activates the same part of the brain where the G-spot and clitoral activation show up as well. So erogenous zones trigger similar parts of sexual pleasure inside of the brain.

So when you stimulate your nipples to orgasm, some people feel this connection of the pussy to the nipples. So as you touch your nipples, you can actually feel the turn on inside of your pussy. Other people feel a kind of whole body warming experience that’s super delicious. It’s almost like being enveloped in a cocoon of luscious ecstasy and pleasure.

And there’s a kind of melting effect to a nipple orgasm, almost like you’re in this sea, this oceanic sea of self love. I find sometimes you can have a G-spot and clitoral orgasm without feeling like you’re in the ocean of love. But generally, breast and nipple orgasms are like, oh, you’re in the ocean of love as you have them. They’re so incredibly beautiful. I recently did a video on nipple orgasm, and you can find the how-to down below.

The sixth type of orgasm is the squirting orgasm. So this is when the vagina gushes with liquid. Many people estimate that up to 50% of women are actually clenching down on their orgasms and stopping themselves from having full body powerful orgasms, because they’re afraid that they’re going to pee during sex, when actually what’s happening is their body is wanting to ejaculate. So most comes from G-spot stimulation and theoretically from an emptying of fluids from the Skene’s glands, from the female prostate. However, there’s also theories that the deep vagina is pulsating out liquid from the tissues as well. So it’s still a little bit mysterious.

But when you squirt, as you orgasm, there’s an incredible feeling of surrender and release and powerful satisfaction. So it’s so important that we celebrate this squirting and celebrate it sexually in our lovers and in other women so that we can become more confident, letting ourselves fully surrender during the sexual experience, which I believe would make many more women much more highly orgasmic during sex. And if you wanted a guide to squirting orgasms, it’s down below.

Finally, the seventh type of orgasm is energy orgasms. You guessed it. It’s one of my favorites. So in so many traditions around the world, it is recognized that we have an energy body. And in my experience, that energy body can go into states of orgasmic bliss. So instead of having an orgasm through physical stimulation, like stroking your clitoris or stroking your G-spot or anal sex, an energy orgasm is like getting your energy body stimulated. It’s getting turned on through your energy body.

And the cool thing about an energy orgasm is it feels basically infinite, because energy not only pervades your whole body, but your whole beingness. So when you surrender into an energy orgasm, it’s like a feeling of oneness with the universe. I also find that when you play with energy orgasms, they heighten all the other types of orgasms, because every type of physiological orgasm can also have an energetic component. So the more that you connect to this ability to have an energy orgasm, the more that sex can be both physical and energetic, which I find highly activates how intense, how pleasurable, and how deeply meaningful the sexual experiences are. Energy orgasms also open up your entire energy field. So there’s a lot of health, healing, and integration that can happen when you start to work sexually with energy.

I’ve had thousands of women go on this orgasmic journey and find out how many different types of orgasms they can actually have. Again, if you want to go more deeply into this, do some more step-by-step processes, get more information and guidance, then go ahead and download the virtual Pleasure School down below. It’s four free classes that will take you through this entire process and let it become more embodied inside of you.

All right. Thank you so much for being on this journey. Go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel and woo-hoo.
