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How Tantra Transformed the Lives of 4 Women – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Mar 5, 2020 8:00:00 AM

I haven’t had that many “the clouds part and a voice comes to me” kind of moments in my life, but I totally did the first time I saw the word “Kundalini.”

It was on the cover of a book in a tiny book store in Dharamsala, India in 2003, and I remember getting this really intense pull inside of me and an overwhelming sense that this was what I was going to do with my life.

The book turned out to be about Tantra.

Several shady gurus and a few good ones later, after a lot of trauma healing and also some spiritual bypassing, one major kundalini activation and a bunch of minor ones, lots of heartbreaking lovers and one heart-making one, I was profoundly in love with this path (which led me to living in Thailand) and dedicated myself to it, heart and soul…

For one Mr. Andrew Simpson, he was traveling through India with a plan to go to Sri Lanka and surf.

Three different people kept telling him to go visit a magical beach in Thailand, the Sanctuary.

He just wanted to surf, so he went to Sri Lanka anyway but the surf was nonexistent, so he bought a ticket, got on a boat and showed up on the Thai beach.

The first thing he saw was a little chalkboard sign advertising “Tantra Workshop.” He was curious and joined.

While he was at that workshop, he decided to try something called “breathwork,” and he signed up with the beautiful breathwork teacher for a private session.

Her name was Layla Martin.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Tantra shows up in different ways, but it will absolutely change your whole reality….

Just as it did for me, Andrew, and the 4 women I interviewed in this week’s vlog.

From healing deep trauma to “getting the juices flowing” again and simply coming back home to unconditional self-love, Tantra has transformed the lives of these 4 women forever in mind-blowingly epic ways.

Watch my discussions with these women and the limitless power of Tantra below. You can watch each of the women’s full interviews underneath.

May it inspire you to start or deepen your own Tantric journey.






P.S. Are you curious to find out how Tantra can transform your own life? Would you like to learn my most potent practices and tools to heal, empower, and uplevel all areas of your life?

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