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How to Have a Magical Nipple Orgasm – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Oct 1, 2020 7:00:00 AM

Did you know your nipples are totally magical erogenous zones…

And the RIGHT kind of stimulation can create a delicious, heart-opening, universe-expanding nipple orgasm!?

While all of our bodies are different, virtually anyone can experience a nipple orgasm if you know the right techniques…

Check out the video below to learn how to open up to an incredible nipple orgasm!


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How to Have a Magical Nipple Orgasm

Why explore a nipple orgasm? Well, besides the fact that it’s there, just like George Mallory said about Mount Everest it’s there, because it’s there. The nipple, the nipple is there. Okay.

So the reason to have a nipple orgasm is because it’s actually such an incredible experience. I think exploring different areas of sexual geography is one of my favorite ways to adventure instead of going around the globe. Why not discover all these amazing things in your own body, also in Taoist traditions, the nipples activated and balanced hormones. Now, whether that actually happens, I don’t think anyone can say unless it gets studied. It’s kind of cool to think, like at the same time that you’re exploring your nipple pleasure, geography, you might also be making yourself healthier and more lit up in your endocrine gland. Yes. All right.

So how do you actually have a nipple orgasm? Well, the nipples are full of rich nerve endings and they are extremely sensitive and they are erogenous zones. So don’t pressure yourself to love nipple pleasure if you don’t, because some people love it and some people don’t and that’s totally okay if you’re interested in exploring or you know, that you experience pleasure there.

It’s great to actually play with your nipples in such a way that you can create a full orgasmic experience just from nipple stimulation. So the nipple orgasm is something that you can create in your own self-pleasure practice.

So the first key would be to turn on your other erogenous stones. That means before you move to the nipple, you want to either give yourself a breast massage because touching the nipple directly, it can be too sensitive unless you’re turned on, or you can touch your vulva, different parts of your clitoris. Basically get yourself good and turned on before you start stroking your nipples.

Then what you wanna do is get some body friendly oil lube, or if you want, you can use saliva, Andrew knows that I hate it. I don’t have, like, a weird thing about saliva, but like that is no judgment on you. If that is your turn on and your favorite thing, but basically get something to smooth the stroke because it can actually be, um, the nipple skin is super sensitive. And so if you touch dry skin on dry skin, it’s especially uncomfortable. So really make sure you have a wetness that feels delicious.

I recommend starting with two or even three fingers and doing strokes around the Areola. So actually stroking around the outside of the nipples and trying and seeing if you like that enough to just have that be the pleasure sensation that you’re creating.

You can rock your body back and forth. You can inhale and exhale, even making some sounds. So sometimes what happens is we think that parts of our body are not as orgasmic because we don’t actually let our body go into the orgasmic experience. So if you’re stroking your areola, being like, oh, what’s happening? Is this gonna be orgasmic? I don’t think I’ll ever have an orgasm. You’re not gonna have an orgasm. If you stroke your Arriola and you start inhaling and exhaling and actually feeling pleasure, dropping into pleasure, the way that you might, if you are stroking your vulva or your clitoris, this is gonna activate the pleasure and the orgasmic experience of your nipples much faster.

If you don’t love that experience, or it’s very, very subtle as you’re stroking. What I would recommend is to actually touch your vulva and or your clitoris with one hand and then stroke, one of your areolas and nipples with the other, this helps build turn on and pleasure in one part of your body, that’s usually very familiar and helps your body to experience pleasure in the other part, around the nipple area.

Once you’re feeling really good. And especially if your nipples are starting to get a bit hard, a sign of turn on, you can actually start to swirl your fingers right around your nipple, or you can rub left and right, or up and down gently over your nipple and kind of explore for what feels super good to you. You can even almost like you’re giving a light finger massage across the nipples can feel really exquisite as well.

And again, as you’re doing this inhaling, exhaling, dropping into it and really removing any mental barriers to how much pleasure you’ll allow yourself to feel; finding what feels really, really good to you and staying with it. And here’s the key. This is the key to all orgasms, really be moment to moment.

Instead of being like, is this gonna turn into an orgasm? Is this gonna turn into an orgasm, drop into the pleasure of it? Be in the sensation of it, let yourself ride whatever is there. Sometimes orgasmic experiences will surprise you and come out of nowhere if you stay really, really present with your body.

Another thing to explore is sometimes pinching or even pulling on the nipples can feel really good depending on what feels awesome to your body. But the key is to find what feels most amazing to your nipples and to continue that stimulation either on both nipples or with one hand on vulva and clitoris, one other hand on nipple and move yourself deeper and deeper into pleasure and remember inhale and exhale and let yourself go into it.

Sometimes you can unlock your orgasmic experience even more by sounding by opening yourself up by moving your body. And like, even though you might feel like, oh, well that might be faking it. Or that might be a little silly. Try it and see what happens, cuz you’d be surprised how it will open your body up into even more flow, more pleasure, more orgasmic capacity.

So if you’re loving this idea and you wanna take it even deeper, I’ve gone ahead and included a link down below to the virtual pleasure school. So this is an amazing four part masterclass where you actually get to learn how to do breast massage into orgasmic states. You get to learn how to use your sexual energy, like a priestess and a queen. You get to learn how to achieve full body orgasm through breathwork and how to elevate your nervous system through really amazing warrior goddess practices.

So if you’re interested in that, go ahead and find the link down below, enter your email address; it’s totally free. We basically will send the classes over a period of two weeks to your inbox. Go ahead and subscribe. And then let me know down below, if you’ve ever had a nipple orgasm, what’s worked for you. So it’s so cool to hear from you, what works for you, and to get inspired by all the amazing ideas inside of the community.