VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Does Moaning During Sex = Better Orgasms? – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Nov 29, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Making sound during sex is one of the great secrets to having the best sex ever.

And I can’t think of anything more beautiful than a woman freely expressing her pleasure.

Moaning activates your vagus nerve and can result in a deep relaxation of the whole body, something most women find essential for amazing sex.

In fact, using the power of your voice can enhance many other aspects of lovemaking, including extending the length of orgasms.

If you’d like to discover many ways sounding makes sex better, and undoubtedly become inspired to try it out, then watch the video below!


If you’re ready to explore the deepest parts of your pleasure and unlock the unchartered territory of your orgasmic capacity – then I invite you to experience an initiation into VITA™ Sacred Sexuality where you’ll learn to master and apply tools like sounding, movement, energy, meditation, pleasure practices, and breathwork to heal and awaken your sexuality. Intrigued to learn more?

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Does Moaning During Sex = Better Orgasms?

I’m curious how you responded to that. So we have a lot of sex negativity in our society, and somehow the full expression of female sexuality can make us sometimes contract or feel nervous or be like, “Oh, is that okay?” What if we, as a society responded to female sexual joy and vocal expression of pleasure like this instead.

So does moaning equal better orgasms? Abso-fucking-lutely. It totally does. And this is one of the main skills that I teach in my programs and in my VITA Methodology, which is to learn how to use the property of sounding and the tools of sound to be able to activate your greatest pleasure, your deepest orgasms and your most sublime sexual experiences. So there’s some science behind why sound is such a potent tool in sexual pleasure.

So your vagus nerve is highly connected to your vocal chords. And when you sound, chant or make rhythmic noises, you actually tone your vagus nerve. Meaning, you activate your vagus nerve throughout your entire body. This can induce a deep state of relaxation and the kind of desired state in sacred sexuality, which is to be fully relaxed at the height of pleasure.

So sounding actually invites your entire system into this high vibration state where you feel relaxed and soft and slow, but your whole body is glittery and alive with sexual pleasure and even orgasm. Being able to sound and moan is a gateway to full body orgasms. Because if you think about it, when you are moaning, when your jaw and throat are activated and open, it’s like you’re inviting this movement of energy through your whole body.

When you watch someone sing, do you want to watch them sing with just their mouth kind of opening and closing and them moving a little bit, or do you want a full body experience where their voice is totally unleashed. That experience is so much more powerful and it’s exactly the same with sex.

However, we have a lot of shame around female sexual expression. So I know when I was about 21 years old, I built what was my version of a Berkeley-style co-living space with my best friend at the time. And we basically were like, “We’re going to build a living space where you can meditate in the deepest of silences and have sex in the loudest and wildest of noises.” And so we had this amazing space in which to explore.

And I remember one time my friend was having outrageously delicious sex and she was a performer. She was an artist, and a singer and she was so loud and our neighbor marched over next door and screamed, “It can’t be that good. Can it?” And then I heard my friend start crying. And it’s amazing how aggressive and triggered people can become by female sexual expression, by loudness. It’s a very real thing.

Even I experienced, in my New York City apartment, when me and Andrew moved in together and I would have the most amazing sexual experiences. And our neighbor would like bang on the wall and scream. So collectively, it’s like we have to reclaim this female sexual right to be expressed.

Instead of trying to hide sex all the time, what does it look like to have a society where you hear a woman moaning, in incredible pleasure and you’re like, “Fuck yes!” What would it be like if your neighbors were like, “Yes, my neighbor is having epic sex right now. Yes! Actually, I should have more epic sex. Let me go talk to my wife or my husband or my partner or my lover.”

What if we, as a society, got collectively inspired by each other’s sexuality, rather than triggered, aggressive and controlling. Well, that’s what I’m here for. So sounding and moaning is a sexual superpower. One of the ways that I would encourage you to start using it, is to feel the connection between your jaw, your throat and your pussy. And imagine a connection between the two.

So whatever you’re feeling inside of your pussy, you can express out of your throat and your jaw. And one of the things I really want to work on with you, is to keep you from feeling like you have to moan to show off, or because it’s what someone else would do, or because I told you to do it. But instead, to reclaim this channel of power and expression.

Sometimes people say that my voice feels strong because it’s like, I’m talking from my pussy. And that my laugh is super powerful because I’m laughing from my pussy. And the truth is, I am. So when you open up that channel through expressing yourself and not trying to express yourself a certain way, literally authentically expressing yourself, there’s a reclamation of sexual power that’s hard to describe. But I see it over, and over and over again, when I work with people on the quality and intensity of their sexual sounding.

You also get more turned on because when you open up your throat and sound, your pelvic floor tends to relax. And a relaxed pelvic floor brings much deeper experiences of pleasure and also much more powerful orgasms. Because when you relax very deeply, there’s a much stronger contraction that can happen when you go into a state of orgasm, that’s much more powerful.

I also find that sounding unlocks multiple orgasms because it helps distribute the experience of pleasure throughout your body. So instead of peaking really hard inside of the glans of your clitoris, and pushing the pleasure out, you actually start to invite pleasure through your entire body. It’s so amazing. I bet if they did a study, they would find that singers have better sex and better orgasms than the average human because of the way that they’ve unlocked the power of their voice and their vocal chords.

So if studying, “How do you sound?,” especially to unlock your sexuality, your turn on and your greatest orgasmic capacity, it’s one of the core tools of my VITA Method. It’s one of the five holistic sexual tools that gets you the greatest results when it comes to transforming your sexuality into something sacred, something divine and something out outrageously, deliciously good.

So if you’re interested in that, you can go ahead and check out my VITA Sacred Sexuality program down below, where you’ll get extensive training in the power of your voice and how to use it sexually. Go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel. And next time you hear a woman moaning or next time you yourself moan or anybody’s expressing sexual fabulousness, invite it inside of you, too.