VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

Watch 3 Women Reclaim the Word “Pussy” – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Jan 9, 2020 8:00:00 AM

So whenever I use the word “pussy,” I always get a bunch of strongly-worded emails…

Many of them lecture me about how I should use the anatomically correct term “vagina.”

…Which is kind of hilarious because the anatomically correct term is probably “vulva + vagina” but who wants to nitpick here?!?

Many of them tell me that “pussy” is offensive and vulgar and they will unsubscribe immediately should I ever use it again…

(So, sadly, we’re probably parting ways?!? 😭😭😭)

But most of them are women telling me that they hate the word, so please, dear God, could I stop using it?

And if that’s you, I want to reach through the WHOLE internet and take you in my arms with so much love.

Because we live in a world that hates women, and it taught us to hate pussy, too.

So, I really, really wanted to make you a video about the process of reclaiming the word.

If you reclaim the word, you might not choose to use it. It’s totally up to you.

But I wanted you to see what’s possible when you take back this word from the patriarchy and own it for yourself:



And here is the thing. If you dislike the word, I feel for you.

And I understand because I used to dislike it too.

If you HATE the word pussy, then I have the deepest compassion in my heart for you.


Because pussy = sexuality + pleasure + the epic life force that runs through females who are TURNED ON.

Pussy is bigger than any body part.

I’ve worked with trans women that transformed their whole life and gender because they felt they were born with pussy running through their veins and their love of pussy has profoundly inspired me.

I think of pussy as the sexual soul of a female.

Pussy is the dripping wetness of the goddess during the outrageous orgasm that birthed the universe.

Pussy is the outrageous laughter of a woman in ecstatic release after 5000 years of patriarchy couldn’t hold her down.

Pussy is the magic of life.

Pussy is the twinkle in your eye when you’re DTF.

Pussy is the wet rainforest and oceanic tides.

Pussy is glitter and sparkle and metallic luster.

Pussy is naked meditative silence in a plain robe.

Pussy is literally what births us and sustains us and saves us over and over and over again.

Pussy is the part of you that doesn’t forget: even with trauma and a dreary job and a sad and lonely and unjust world…pussy never stops purring pure poetry in your ear about your own infinite goodness and power and worth.

I get it if you don’t like the word pussy.

Because pussy is a woman who claims her sexuality.

And most of us have been taught to fear and hate and scorn our sexual womanness.

If you hate the word pussy: it’s not your fault.

We’ve all been trained to reject it.

And if you never, ever want to use it, that’s fine too!!

But I do invite you to consider what it would feel like to whisper the word “pussy” and to love it.

To feel the rich, magnetic qualities of a word that you claimed…

…instead of the conditioned repulsion of a word that the rest of the world shits on because they hate women.

I invite you to consider what it would feel like to be proud of your pussy and to be shameless and open to using that word because you claimed your stake on that word…

…and released anyone else’s claim to defining her, shaming her or owning her.

A lot of men believe they can own pussy, control pussy, make laws to regulate pussy, use pussy, forget they were created by pussy and use the word “pussy” to mean weak and pathetic.

I encourage you to take back pussy and say:

“You can never own pussy because I liberated her.”

“You don’t control pussy because I empowered her.”

“You don’t get to make laws that regulate pussy because I’ll march in the streets to keep pussy free.”

“You don’t get to use pussy, because I use her. She’s MINE.”

“I won’t let you forget that pussy CREATED YOU.”

“I don’t accept that pussy means weak and pathetic when pussy gave you life and the whole world pretty much runs on the desire for pussy. So tell me, what’s stronger and more epic than that?”

“Oh, and by the way, the pleasure that pussy gives is one of the greatest gifts and blessings of life, so when I say “pussy,” I say it with a reverent, powerful, pleasurable gratitude.”

And finally, “You don’t get to define pussy if you don’t have one and/or aren’t living as a woman in this world.”

We get to define her.

I get to define her.

And once you do… listen to how the word “pussy” makes you feel.

It’s an epic reclamation and an epic journey to take back your power and OWN what is yours.

Watch the full videos of all 3 women reclaiming the word pussy and get the steps for you to do it yourself below:





If you want to reclaim the word for yourself, you can do it with my simple follow-along audio practice below.

Yes Please!


P.S.: If you want a full reclamation of your body, sexuality, and your pussy, then you’ll love my VITA™ Sacred Sexuality initiation!! This is a deep dive where you get to use all of my most potent practices like breathwork, healing and integration tools, pleasure practices, and elevation experiences to transform your entire life. You can learn all about it below.

VSS - Learn more here