VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

How to Have an Energy Orgasm Without a Partner – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Sep 10, 2020 7:00:00 AM

My first energy orgasm was one of the most powerful, life-changing experiences of my life.

And we are made of energy and magic and orgasmic aliveness (YES ALL OF US!)…

So I want to teach you how to have an energy orgasm, too!

But to really show that, I knew I’d need to lie down and demonstrate for you.

So I got my friend and colleague Josefina Bashout to come over and we had a super real demonstration of how we learned to have energy orgasms and what it did for our lives.


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How to Have an Energy Orgasm Without a Partner

Yay, welcome here. I am here with my friend and colleague Josefina. Yes. And we are here to show you how to have an energy orgasm in your own body. So as you’re gonna see energy, orgasm is one of the most ecstatic, magical, inspiring, inspirational experiences. What does it feel like to you?

Ooh, it feels like plugging into the universe and just like receiving the most magical orgasmic, like electric energy.

So I wanna emphasize a couple of things. Number one, anybody can do this. Absolutely anybody can do this. It’s not like it’s kind of advanced in that you have to learn how to do it. And it’s definitely a skill you can cultivate and it helps the more that you’ve awakened your own energy body, but literally any human on earth has this capacity.

Mm-hmm <affirmative> yes, yes, yes.

So we wanted to share this with you and I wanted to share this with you because to me, this is one of the highest expressions of beauty and especially in the female body.

And one of the things that I love about energy orgasm is when I teach, uh, women and people that I work with, how to do this, it’s like, it’s so liberating because you realize that the ecstasy is within you. The sexuality is within you, orgasm is within you.

And yes, it can be super amazing with an incredible partner, but it’s like, you’re sharing it with them rather than depending on them for your pleasure a hundred percent. And that makes you sovereign in your pleasure.

Yes, <laugh> So much. Yes.

And you know, it’s sensitive to share this out with the world because this expression of female sexuality, this is what they fucking killed witches for.

Mm-hmm <affirmative>

This is what they have tried to stop for thousands of years globally is this level of women being able to plug into their own pleasure, their own ecstasy, their own spiritual sovereignty, as Josephina said, like it’s such an empowering expression of body and life and energy.

And so when I was thinking about it, I was like:

A. I want people to know it exists and
B. I wanted to not only be shameless, but I want it to be celebrated like the beautiful divine thing that it is.

Yes, because our culture has shamed the most, truly beautiful, empowering things and disconnected us from some of our most exquisite power and magic and joy. And one of the reasons I’m here on this planet is to show you the way back to your own connection, to this level of joy and magic and ecstasy.

And I truly believe that we would live in a better, healthier, more empowered world if we chose to celebrate the things that actually brought us true joy, pleasure, and ecstasy rather than shaming and judging them.

And that’s exactly why I’m here as well to be in this beautiful practice with you and to show each of you as well, what’s possible from my own body and with Layla’s body and being in this practice and devotion to pleasure to feminine liberation, to the expression and the empowerment of our sovereignty so that we can be our most embodied and expressed version. <laugh>

All right. So this is something you can learn to do. And we’re just gonna kind of tell you how it works for us. And we might be different in, in kind of how we tap into it. But one of the first steps for me was actually getting in touch with my energy body. Yes. So knowing that I had an energy body yeah. Feeling energy inside of my body and welcoming and celebrating my energy.

So one of the first things for me was getting in touch with my sensuality because my body was numb. I wasn’t able to connect to the energy body at first. So my entry point was the sensuality piece of really feeling the subtleties and the sensations and having my body become alive again. So I could embrace and understand the energetic body. Yay.

Yeah. And one of the things is to really know, is sometimes that journey is a healing journey at first. Like it can be easy to look at female bodies and ecstasy and think, oh my God, I could never do that. So it’s totally normal for the start of this journey to be healing, to have to release things before you can actually tap into that centrality and energy.

Absolutely. Yeah. And one of the things from a mental space too, in learning to do this, that I had to overcome is, you know, people’s judgments, are, am I gonna make other women feel bad?

Yes. Am I going to get judged? Are people even making this gonna think, oh, it’s fake, you know, all the horrible things people are gonna say on the internet and like it’s, so, you know, it, it’s such a journey to actually move through all the judgements and the brokenness in sisterhood that so many of us have encountered where we don’t necessarily celebrate each other’s pleasure, but pleasure in another woman is a threat.

So sometimes getting to this state as well is to heal that pain of sisterhood and to trust and define other women in your life that will celebrate you.

Yeah. For being in your pleasure, being in your power, being in your sensuality.

Yeah. And, I find that that healing raises all of us together. Right? It’s like we all get to be expressed. We all get to shine and there’s more beauty on the planet. There’s more pleasure on the planet. And we all get to rise in a way where we can celebrate in the devotion to our own unique expression of that pleasure.

However it takes shape, as you mentioned earlier, it’s like each of our journeys started in a little different way, but we both had trauma from the past. And so it’s remembering that each expression and journey from what I find in my perspective takes its own unique shape.

So to celebrate all of the expressions and to celebrate the unique, diverse textures of our pleasure of each other, woman’s pleasure. You see that also as a beautiful mirror and a shining light to awaken and activate versus for me contracting or closing down and being unabashed in my pleasure to know that it’s a gift that it’s not gonna be something that’s gonna separate me or ostracize me or shut me down.

Or that I know for me, there was a fear of, I’m too expressed in my pleasure that I’m gonna be a threat to outside influences

mm-hmm <affirmative> right, to the masculine or, or lack of safety mm-hmm <affirmative>.

And what I found was it’s the complete opposite.

Yeah, Yeah. <laugh> yes.

It’s actually being, from my experience of what you said, like, like even though I was terrified of being fully in my pleasure and it’s actually expressed and energetically alive, that’s actually when I started to feel safe because I actually started to feel powerful.

Yeah, and I magnetized the people to me that could celebrate that aspect of the feminine. So once all of that, which is like the pre-joy <laugh> took place, which is like a few months to a few years, then a big part of this was getting into breathwork learning how to do, uh, deep, circular breathing, how to work with my breath has a really big part.

mm-hmm <affirmative>

Then learning to let my body surrender rather than controlling my body. So this is a really big piece. Um, this is like a core piece that I teach so much around, which is once it’s like, it’s, it’s a big step even to just feel what’s inside of your body, but then it’s a whole other step to not control it.

Yes, and in the beginning it’s like, look, if it’s numb, it’s numb. If it’s enraged, it’s enraged. If it’s contracted, it’s contracted, it’s counterintuitive. Cuz you go in thinking like, I wanna feel ecstasy, but actually the journey is I’m gonna feel whatever’s here.

And like, it’s like my body’s a temple for all of my experiences. And so as I breathe, can I welcome every experience as it is. And through that process at a certain point when I allowed and allowed and allowed and allowed, and there was a lot of allowing and there was a lot of tears and there was a lot of like, oh, holy fuck. That was inside of me. Oh God.

And then after that, at one point I hit ecstasy and it’s like that moment of hitting ecstasy, you never forget really because you can’t go back. You’re like, oh wow, like that’s, that’s the thing.

You know, I may or may not feel it, but it’s always in me. So it’s this journey into ecstasy really.

Yeah, into ecstasy, into, into pleasure, into self. Yeah. Right. Because we are ecstatic beings, like that is in our cells, our DNA, our blood. So it is really a journey and moving through the ecstasy, moving through the pain and moving through the numbness and then breaking through the ecstasy.

And like, that’s a great piece that you said is like knowing no matter what life brings me, that that power, that ecstasy always exists inside of me to tap into.

Yes, and you know, I talk about patriarchy, which I don’t mean is anti-men. I mean the system of oppression for thousands of years that made men feel superior to women’s wisdom. That patriarchy will truly be over when every human being can be ecstatic, safe in their sexual sovereignty, safe in their sexuality and their pleasure on this planet. So I truly believe that people accessing energy, orgasm overturns thousands of years of feminine sexual ecstatic repression, because the heart of that is I am spiritually powerful and sexually powerful and ecstasy and pleasure are my birthright.

Yes, yes, Yes!

So when we lay down, it’s like, okay, granted, we’re both in mastery around this. So please don’t expect yourself to have a similar experience when this is your first time. Or maybe you never know, right? Yeah. What’s gonna happen. This is something we worked on for years.

For years. Yeah. This is years of training, years of developing our skills and years of working through stuff to come into this place. So this is not just the go to place.

My first experience was not, not at all like trained in this skill level. So I think that’s really important to, to share, like, this is a possibility of where we can go, hearing from where we started of being disconnected and numbness and presenting the potential available.

Yes. And I would say like, what happens to me now is I lie down and I breathe into my pussy. It’s as though I’m just breathing straight into pussy and it’s like, I can contact the consciousness of my pussy.

Yes. Sounds a little esoteric but that’s literally what it feels like. And my pussy is like this pure ecstasy and pleasure. And so just like if you had like a dream lover and they were to like touch your pussy exactly as you desire and like, fuck you exactly in that right way. How your pussy like opens to its greatest ecstasy and pleasure.

What I feel like in an energy orgasm is like, that’s my pussy’s true nature. So as I lay down and breathe, I actually feel it’s like my pussy’s true nature starts surging through my body because I don’t have this belief system that I need someone to do it for me. Or like it has to be physical. It’s like opening up to the energy of it. That’s how it feels for me. Yeah.

That’s how it feels for me as well. It’s like, it doesn’t need to be a penetration. So for me, it’s like that, that breath and it’s really relaxing and the allowing. Yeah. And then really taking those deep breaths in. And then for me, it’s also like, it’s almost like I’m like literally sucking in life in a way, like breathing it through and imagining and feeling like that lover, if that was that penetration just literally like everything around me penetrating me.

Yes. And I get to breathe into that penetration, which my pussy just starts to respond to. And I just start to allow myself to surrender into that response.

It’s literally like getting fucked by the universe. Yes, literally like a pillar of consciousness and light just like penetrating the whole body. And what’s so beautiful is that once my body learned to do that, I could also, if I was with the physical lover, surrender to a lover, yes so much more deeply.

So you can have so much sex and never actually let a lover in. Yeah. But once you feel what it’s like to be penetrated by universal consciousness, yes. It’s a different level of surrender inside of sex.

Absolutely. And it takes away the, for me, the pressure from needing my partner to give me this orgasm, because it’s my pleasure now a hundred percent responsibility on me. Yes. I know how to tap into that. Yeah. So it’s really being penetrated by the universe but by the universal cock and then my partner’s cock at the same time.

So it’s like a double, the original double penetration.


That is our energy orgasm experience. Thank you so much for tuning in.

So if you wanna check out Josephine’s work, she is an amazing tantra teacher and facilitator. So we’ve gone ahead and linked to her work down below so you can check her out.

I highly recommend following her and seeing what she has to offer because she’s so amazing in this work.

If you wanna work more deeply with me, I have a VITA™ Sacred Sexuality program, which is a monthly experience where you get to learn all kinds of beautiful things, including energy orgasm, magic, sex magic, all of the things.

And you can also check out the virtual pleasure school down below, which will take you further into lessons around breast massage, around sexual energy, around full body orgasm and around how to elevate your nervous system with deep and ecstatic pleasure on the regular.

Thank you so much for tuning in and if you feel celebration, if you feel aliveness watching this video, please go ahead and comment down below helps the video spread also kind of imprints this celebratory consciousness. Yes. Around female sexual liberation. Go ahead and subscribe to the YouTube channel and that is rising. Yeah.