VITA™ TV: How To Videos, Insightful Teachings on Sexuality

How to Self-Care Like a Goddess During Quarantine – Layla Martin

Written by Layla Martin | Apr 30, 2020 7:00:00 AM

Here in Los Angeles, it looks like we’ve got about 3 weeks left of official quarantine…

The first few weeks I was like: “Sleep! Clean out that back closet! Art in the yard! New gardens! SELF-LEADERSHIP! Sex rituals with Andrew!!!”

Now I’m like: “More extra-salted seaweed snacks, too much time reading the news, and Tiger King???” … DON’T MIND IF I DO.

But I’ve also been feeling like this time is more important than ever to keep centering into my body and claiming my pleasure and my life…

The world is still very challenging to navigate, many of us have to keep building or re-building our lives and there is so much uncertainty.

So this week I made you a video on How To Self-Care like a Goddess (aka be a QuaranQueen) for those of you who are still in quarantine or beginning to return to a sense of normalcy and need some extra inspiration and motivation…

And **yes** it involves your pussy and your pleasure and glitter (I haven’t fallen that far into despair…).

Even if you are moving out of quarantine the world is still moving at a much slower and very altered pace…

And as I’ve watched myself over the last week, a part of me wants to just lie in the grass… But there is another, stronger part of me that knows we’re approaching the finish line and I don’t want to just crawl across it…I want to finish strong like the Queen I am.

So I have NOT been watching Tiger King (that often 😂)…I’ve been rationing my news intake… and I **finished the seaweed snacks** so that struggle is basically over…

Instead, I’ve been getting back on my Peleton, doing core workouts in the yard, taking my own VITA Woman membership classes to up my pleasure and put my damn crown on…

(While still resting and being super compassionate and easy with myself when I need downtime or 4 hours on TikTok.)

And I can feel myself getting up and owning my life the way I want to.

Not every moment, not every day…nope…but enough times that the overall feeling of my life is permeated by a sense of my own Queenness.

It’s a struggle – you know it, I know it – but let’s do it laughing our Royal asses off together.

Every step you take right now will make a mile of difference when the world rises again.

Let’s keep stepping forward together, into our empires, into our crowns, and into our lives.

Learn 4 quick and easy ways to keep your vibe high and be a QuaranQueen.


Want to learn more in-depth practices to feel more aliveness, joy, and pleasure? Join me for my free Virtual Pleasure School!

Enroll in Virtual Pleasure School


As I mention in the vlog, during these uncertain times, it is more important than ever to remain embodied in generosity, integrity and compassion…so in my recent Virtual Pleasure School program, we promised to donate $1 to charities who support domestic violence victims for every single person who joined one of my live calls.

And yesterday, we had the honor of sending a total of $3,307 to the National Domestic Violence Hotline and 1736 Family Crisis Center If you feel called to make a donation as well, you can do so through the links provided. And if financial donations aren’t possible for you right now, please continue to show up with compassion and support for your friends, family, and community. 🙏

P.S. If you’re curious to learn more about how you can use your pussy magic to continuously step higher into your power and experience more joy, laughter, and orgasms than you ever thought possible… Then check out all the details in my VITA Sacred Sexuality monthly subscription program and join the waitlist below:

Join the VSS waitlist here