Certain yoga poses can be used to awaken your inner Goddess and amp up your sexual energy for more turn-on, better sex, and an increase in personal power.

(Bonus: yoga can improve your strength and flexibility for more stamina and creativity in the bedroom!)

Hatha yoga stems from the Tantric tradition and uses your breath, body, and mind to alter states of consciousness and activate energy.

The poses I’m going to share with you today all energize your root and sacral chakras, home to your sexual energy and creative life force.

This will enhance feelings of power, confidence, safety, and sexual liberation.

Plus, yoga brings a deeper connection to your body that will put your pleasure on overdrive!

Watch this week’s episode below to learn how to do the 4 Goddess poses for immense sexual power and freedom.

If you want more support in fully owning your sexuality and inviting your most magnificent self to come out and play, then check out my FREE Wild Woman Masterclass below! You’ll find simple practices to help you reclaim your wildness, your freedom, and your authentic sexual expression.

And if you want a deep-dive in how to fully embody your Goddess energy, I’m hosting a FREE live event on Tuesday, May 18th at 11am PDT focused on activating your inner Goddess for better sex, deeper love, true confidence, and the life you crave. I’ll teach you how to connect with and use Goddess energy to uplevel your life and we’ll do a potent Goddess embodiment practice together.

Download my e-book

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fully in bed?

Join over 300,000 women in discovering how to let go of insecurities and experience total freedom in the bedroom with my FREE ‘Wild Woman in the Bedroom’ digital guide. Download it instantly below.



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