Build a Career That Lights You Up

Explore a Tantric approach to sex, love and relationships through one of the most advanced professional certifications in the world.

How VITA™ Coaching Can Change Your Life

Experience a coaching certification unlike any other, powered by the VITA™ Method and designed to help you...

  • Build the tools and confidence to change lives through coaching
  • Learn business and marketing skills to build a profitable business
  • Experience true embodiment of every tool you’ll coach with
  • Discover a system for long-lasting transformation
  • Create a toolkit of techniques that will dramatically uplevel your business
  • Create a career (and life!) that lights you up inside

Hear inspiring stories straight from professional VITA™ Coaches

"This is exactly what I have always needed, what my inner child has needed, what my inner goddess has needed."

—Gina M., Canada

"The program changed my life, it saved me. Completely. I was barely surviving and now I'm thriving."

—Sandra L., Greece

"When I started doing this work for myself, my husband was like, 'Oh my God, who are you??' I found this part of me that had been there all the time but had been so shut down for fear of being too much."

—Belinda W., Australia

"It was the best thing that I've ever done in my life, it was the deepest healing and has led me to a totally transformed way of being."

—Verena M., New Zealand

"The level of holding and care that Layla offers is what really allowed me to arrive in myself and to trust myself in a completely different way."

—Palomi S., USA

Create a Life and Career You Love

Explore VITA™ Coaching, a 1-year transformative training that will teach you how to impact people across the world as a sex, love and relationship coach.


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In this huge collection of educational (and entertaining af ;) videos, the most powerful tools and practices available to unlock deep pleasure and intimacy are broken down into easy-to-follow steps.

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Magnetic Energy Training

Discover How to Use Pleasure to Activate Your Dream Life in This 30-Minute Free Training
