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The VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching Certification

Become a brilliantly successful coach with an extraordinary lifestyle that LIGHTS you up.

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Welcome to a uniquely advanced, in-depth coaching certification for sexuality, love and relationships.


Do you want to make a truly positive impact on others through a career you absolutely love and feel good about… 

While supporting yourself financially in the lifestyle you've always desired?

The sex, love and relationship coaching field is rapidly expanding and greatly in need of qualified, inspired, talented professionals…

This is your invitation to become one of them. 

Everyone desires lasting love and relationships built on trust and true intimacy...

But hardly anyone is taught the necessary and practical tools to get there.




The VITA™ Method blends the most effective teachings from both modern science and ancient wisdom into one powerful system that enables rapid, lasting transformation.


Discover how you can have your own rewarding career that changes lives using the VITA™ Coaching methodology and business teachings.

The VITA™ Coaching Institute


The 1 Year (600-hour)
VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching Certification

What will you be able to do with this certification?

As a VITA™ Sex Coach…

You'll feel confident supporting clients in healing from sexual fear, shame, guilt and pain while also restoring them to a thriving, vibrant, connected state of sexual wholeness. You’ll be able to confidently address sexual issues in holistic ways.


As a VITA™ Love Coach…

You'll recognize how to effectively identify and heal wounds of the heart: unmet needs, romantic heartbreak, loneliness and isolation. You'll be equipped to support a client who is trapped in unworthiness and guide them in healing and returning to their personal power. As a result, you'll watch clients expand back into radiant self-love, a natural ability to connect and healthy, nourishing relationships.


As a VITA™ Relationship Coach…

You’ll be able to create empowering communication within a couple’s partnership, show them advanced techniques for evolving and healing together and guide them through Tantric and other erotic tools that grow their sexual connection no matter how long they’ve been together. You’ll feel confident in supporting a couple to evolve in love together through these challenging times and choose a relationship of depth and passion. 


As a VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Coach...

You'll be a rockstar who is able to do all of the above ;)

What type of VITA™ Coach are you destined to be?




Your Own Journey is the Key to Becoming a Naturally Confident Coach

Being an excellent coach is about doing the work yourself and understanding the process from your own lived experience. One thing that sets this certification apart is that it places a deep focus on your own personal development before moving into coaching.

Too many health professionals and coaches preach what they themselves do not embody – leaving them feeling insecure and operating out of imposter syndrome because they haven’t experienced the same journey as their clients.

Inside VITA™ Coaching, you actively embody and practice every single thing you will be taught to use with your clients over and over again. This helps you understand the process from the inside out.

After this firsthand experience trains you in becoming masterful at using the VITA™ Coaching tools, you’ll then learn how to apply them to your clients. Having been trained in them and experienced them yourself will allow you to exude natural confidence as a coach.

"What I didn't realize would happen is that it was going to expand me so much so, that in the first quarter out of VITA™, I had already made $150k in my coaching business."
—Jo Portia Mayari, USA
"I get to create a life that serves me, I don’t work nearly as much now as I used to do when I was in corporate, and I make an amount of money that I never thought I would."
—Marina Nabão, USA
“I had no idea I would go through that transformation that fast while feeling integrated.”
—Marie Zoleki, USA

Live a life of purpose, passion and impact where you get to turn yourself (and the world!) on...

To more love, more luscious sexuality and more intimately connected, healthy relationships.

With the VITA™ Coaching Certification, you can:

  • Complete the training in a way that suits your needs and lifestyle
  • Learn and coach virtually from anywhere in the world… or from your living room
  • Be your own boss and design your own schedule
  • Feel confident charging your worth as a coach and earning five figures each month
  • Be deeply supported by a community network of like-minded individuals
  • Claim your healing abilities and offer your unique superpowers to your clients


Challenge yourself and evolve while being held in love and support by VITA™ teachers and our amazing community.


As part of our high-level group of dedicated practitioners, you will embark on a transformative journey that allows you to...

  • Heal sexual shame, fear and wounding while expanding and celebrating your unique sexual nature, pleasure and deepest desires.
  • Tap into the deepest self-love, human love, romantic love, sisterhood love, divine love… experience your capacity for all kinds of love in the most connected way.
  • Understand your relationship blueprint and why you create (or don't create) relationships. This is not about having a perfect relationship, but rather evolving yourself to create more profound relationships and intimacy.
  • As part of our high-level group of dedicated practitioners, you will embark on a transformative journey that allows you to…

"I am 60 years old and it was profoundly beautiful to be able to explore my body in a way that has never been celebrated."

—Linda P., USA

"This is exactly what I have always needed, what my inner child has needed, what my inner goddess has needed."

—Gina M., Canada
"The biggest shift that I've seen is confidence in charging the money that I'm worth. I had an experience where I offered a 10-session package to a potential client, and she replied and offered to pay me double what I had asked for."
—Dr. Emma Ya Abata, USA

Being a pioneer and a rebel is not only deeply satisfying, but also very financially rewarding.



Imagine showing up to a coaching session to work with your dream client in a genuinely empowering and transformative way. Imagine feeling alive with passion and confidence that the work you are doing in the world is making a genuine difference… the kind of difference that creates more love, compassion and pleasure.

Not only do you get to experience this tremendously satisfying feeling, you will also become a valuable, sought-after resource for future clients. Since this field has been “taboo” for so long, there are not nearly enough talented individuals available to others who can solve these core issues.

The field of sex, love and relationships from a holistic and intelligent perspective is a blue ocean… so many clients and not so many talented coaches (yet!), giving you the space and opportunity to truly solidify you place in a niche as a trusted expert.


Part of being good at your career is loving yourself, feeling sexy, saying yes to your desires, affirming your pleasure and generally having an amazing life.

This does not mean you need to be a "perfect" version of yourself. We need your unique background, life experience and wisdom!

What it does mean is that spending time on yourself and deeply caring for your own heart, sexuality and relationships is truly a part of your job… which is pretty freaking cool. This is exactly why we spend 4 months in self-discovery and transformation applying the VITA™ Method to your own life first.

When you enter this field, you can make your own hours, work from anywhere in the world and be your own boss…

And you can also command premium prices for your work because you chose a top program that offers an incredible education and a world-class business skills training.

You can book a 15-minute call with a Program Specialist to answer all of your questions.


"I learned the tools and the skills to be in a better relationship with myself, my partnerships, and my friends."

—Simone B., USA
"My clients were like WOW...this is what I want...instead of just talk therapy it's like immediate transformation through these tools."
—Kirsti K., Finland

The Program at a Glance

Here is exactly what you’ll get to develop your new career during your 600 hours of in-depth, professional training delivered through both recorded video content and live calls:


  • A 4-month transformational journey where you radically shift your relationship with your sexuality, body, and soul and deeply embody the work you’ll teach
  • An optional, live week-long embodiment retreat with my team and I in an absolutely stunning, magical paradise
  • 5 months of mastering my holistic and proprietary VITA™ Method that allows you to rapidly solve any issue for your client
  •  3 months of a new and improved Business Bootcamp to master business skills and get clarity on your unique offering.
  • 20 coaching practicums and over 50 hours of one-on-one peer coaching training, plus special professional development seminars to develop your coaching skills to excellence
  •  Module-based, live Interactive Coaching Sessions where you’ll witness the coaching methodology in action and all the incredible group magic come to life
  • Coaching Forums and a robust, empowering review process where your coaching is personally reviewed 2x before you graduate
  • Module and trimester-based, live guided practices with the teaching team and I where you drop fully into your practices and meditations and develop true coaching confidence and mastery
  • Choose your area of mastery and develop comprehensive skills in your niche! Most programs leave you as a generalist in your coaching field, but this program takes you all the way to a specialist
  • A community Facebook group so you can connect, process and integrate with other students in the program
  • Post-program coaching and business support including monthly live Q&A sessions

And also includes:

  • An updated online suite of learning materials including module-based training videos, guided self-practices, meditations and specialized workbooks to support you in embodying the material
  • Live, trimester-based workshops, coaching development calls, forums and Q+A calls

"This program has given me the confidence to take my business where it needs to go, I'm done playing small."

—Aya I., USA

"I became somebody that could fully connect to her body and love it madly and shamelessly. I found that power was inside of me all along."

—Sasha O., Mexico

"It was the best thing that I've ever done in my life, it was the deepest healing and has led me to a totally transformed way of being."

—Verena M., New Zealand
"I did it for myself and I fell so in love with the methodology that I couldn’t help but to share and enable students to find their truth."
—Cory S., USA

The Full Syllabus

Discover all the fascinating lessons you’ll learn week by week by downloading the comprehensive course program here.


Download the Syllabus

Apply now to take advantage of your special bonuses



Signature Program
($349 USD Value)

Get exclusive access to one (1) of Layla's signature online courses to begin your intimate journey with yourself and your sexuality. Choose from Obliss or Men's Sexual Mastery.

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Early Community & Programming Training
($1500 USD Value)

Join VITA™ Coaching senior teachers to start building relationships that will support you throughout the year, alongside the entire community. Drop into the start of your journey to pleasure, reclamation, mastery and more with the wisdom, science and guidance of those around you. This includes four (4) live calls.



VITA™ Essential Foundations Series
($2500 USD Value)

Explore the fundamental mindset principles that will help you to thrive in our 2025 VITA™ Coaching Certification and beyond! This program guides you through the course's foundational values, the science and research behind our work and the tools you’ll need to support yourself through potent self-development, uncovering the vibrant business owner you desire to become. This includes six (6) live calls with me



Post-Course Coaching and Business Development
($2500 USD Value)

Continue to build your coaching skills and business with ongoing VITA™ Coaching support in 2026.


Total Bonuses:

During Early Bird registration, the total value of all the bonuses is $10,000!

Your Investment

Get unlimited access to the 1 Year (600-hour) VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching Certification Program plus the following bonuses:

Save $379


(DEC 4 - JAN 6)


$650 USD/month

(DEC 4 - JAN 6)

$14,997 USD

Deposit of $2,997
Final payment of $12,000 due 30 days later

Enroll within 7 days of acceptance and receive a
FREE Major - $3000 value

Bonus Package:

  • One (1) Additional Major ($3000 value)
  • Live: Six (6) Essential Foundation Series calls with Layla in November/December ($2500 value)

What makes this certification different?



One thing I never want to do is create improperly trained coaches.

I not only care about you and your education – I care about every client you will ever serve. It is absolutely essential to me that this program offers the most in-depth training available.

A lot of coaching certifications out there lack real depth and they don’t work with the body and psyche in ways that create true, lasting transformation.

So many coaching certifications only last a few months with one or two calls a week… what kind of education is that?

In my experience, you need time to become a masterful coach.

If you want to charge premium prices and run a successful brand, it is essential that you dedicate yourself to comprehensive training.

That’s why this certification spans 600 hours over a year—I want you to succeed, and it's crucial you repeatedly practice the tools until you're confident and masterful in using them with your clients.

When it comes to love, sex and relationships, people are held back from having what they want by the same core issues over and over again.

You don’t need to have an answer for everything, but if you know how to recognize these core issues and how to resolve them with effective practices, you’ll be able to get results continuously without having to memorize facts or processes.

That is exactly what the VITA™ Coaching Certification enables you to do.

I’ve put the healing and transformational tools together into a comprehensive methodology that you can immediately begin to use with your clients.

In learning an extensive set of tools that address the root of the issues, you'll discover how to approach a multitude of issues using powerful practices that transform your clients to the core.

I call this the VITA™ Coaching Method – The Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach.

The VITA™ Coaching Method is an advanced way to approach coaching by going deep into the heart of the issues that affect people subconsciously, creating long-lasting change.

On top of that, the VITA™ Coaching Certification sets you up for success with comprehensive business and marketing training.

"Almost all of our work is in relationship - either with ourselves or others"


Cory Scott is a licensed clinical social worker, an EMDR therapist, a licensed yoga teacher (RYT-500) and a trauma integration coach certified through the VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification…

And she’s one of our community’s most-loved senior teachers ✨

"What makes VITA™ Coaching so profound is its focus on relationship," Cory shares, and gaining coaching skills is something she believes every professional "could really use."



Can You Justify Investing in this Program? 


Breaking Down the Business Model

Building a successful coaching business and brand takes dedication and hard work. There is no way around that; no easy shortcuts exist, and there's no quick fix to achieving lasting income with a freedom-based lifestyle.

That being said, this is a unique opportunity to establish your niche and brand at a time when this industry is full of opportunity.
I can’t guarantee any specific income, but I want to share the business model that I'll encourage you to use, which many of our graduates have successfully implemented.
You will be trained to a level where you can add tremendous value to your clients and be able to charge $150 - $1,000 per hour-long session, based on your experience and brand.
In this training, you’ll receive 10 “ready-made” coaching modules, meaning you can start a 10-week coaching package immediately upon graduation and charge between $1,500 - $10,000 per package. You can very easily tailor this package to your audience and the issues they’re looking for support with.

You’ll learn how to attract an audience using the most modern and effective business-building tools and then you’ll learn the best ways to convert them into paying clients in your program.
If you are looking to build a sustainable six-figure coaching business, you'll want to grow to selling 3-5 coaching packages a month until you are full. This is a solid income, and if you desire, it can be just the beginning of your business.
From there, you can create group coaching, online courses or raise your prices to get to five-figure months and a six-figure salary.
I cannot guarantee that you can do this, that will be entirely up to you. But if you choose a niche that you are passionate about and market yourself well using the business strategies you'll have learned, it is very possible for you to create this kind of sustainable income, as many of our graduates are currently doing.

Say YES to a career of passion and purpose


Apply Now

"This gave me a full embodiment of 'I am woman, making money, and I love it' It’s sassy, outrageous and radical! It’s something to totally celebrate."

—Phoebe R., England

Why I Created VITA™ Coaching

I spent decades being disconnected from my sexuality, hating parts of my body and feeling weighed down and numb due to deep shame and insecurities.

After studying sexuality at Stanford University, immersing myself in Tantric techniques in Thailand and going through my own healing journey, I’ve discovered how to turn my pain into power and experience exquisite amounts of pleasure in my life.

20 years of teaching, 20,000 paid clients, and over 15,000 hours of practice have gone into this transformational 1-year, 600-hour online training. It’s the most advanced and in-depth coaching certification available for sex, love and relationships in the world.

You’ll not only learn the proprietary VITA™ Method that serves as a blueprint for solving virtually any issue, but you’ll also get the most up-to-date business and marketing training to create the impact, financial freedom and lifestyle you truly desire.

People at parties always say to me, “You do WHAT for a living?”

But then, they lean in a little closer and whisper, “Hey I’ve got this issue that I’ve been desperate to solve …how can I work with you?”

Everyone is hungry for better, more connected sex, love and relationships.


The Team and Support to Help You Thrive

Included in your program experience are several different support structures to ensure you have the best possible personal transformation and professional development.

Here is what you get:

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Interactive Sessions with Senior VITA™️ Teachers & I 

Live, interactive video sessions that are inspirational, motivational, life-changing experiences, where you can ask any questions about the course or sexuality in general and also get live coaching from my senior VITA™ teachers and I. These sessions are super powerful and great for deeply connecting with both me and your peers in the program.

Live Practice Sessions with Senior VITA™️ Teachers & I 

You will have the opportunity to join optional live practice sessions with my senior VITA™ teachers and I where we will guide you through an embodiment and/or self-pleasure practice. These sessions will help you embody the tools of the program successfully and also offer a space to work through resistance and support your sexual expansion. It’s also a unique opportunity to receive the practices as a live transmission and drop into the collective community spirit and energy.

Coaching Development Sessions with Senior VITA™️ Teachers & I

During Trimester Two, when you begin your professional development journey, we will hold live sessions where you can bring all your coaching questions and receive direct support that will help you grow as a coach. You will learn by listening to the questions from peers as well, which will make you a well-rounded and knowledgeable coach.

Additional Support and Training


The Royal Orientation for VITA™ Coaching Queens and Sovereigns

During the first week of the program, we’ll take 5 days to drop in with you and explore what connection and community really mean. We will offer live classes and workshops to support you in experiencing safety and thriving in the program throughout the year. This orientation will support you to feel grounded and more expressed so you can step into a next-level approach for the remainder of the year.

We explore why and how we use pleasure in the VITA™ Coaching Certification for our deep embodied liberation, allowing you to give yourself permission to be big, bold, expressive and also quiet, soft, and introspective. We want to encourage you to do this program your way, and not to fall into being a good student or a nice girl, but to seize the opportunity to claim your power and your voice and your own unique approach to learning. 

We’ll cover important topics like how to hold yourself through deep healing, how to integrate the program in a healthy way and how to deal with numbness, perfectionism and the pressure to “get it right.” We’ll also cover topics surrounding the basics of a breathwork practice, what Tantra is, how to set up ritual spaces and how to give yourself the boldest permission to have a fabulous time as we set out on our epic journey together - so get ready for the most fabulous orientation week you’ve ever had!!!


The Table

A discourse around racialized and sexualized trauma for Black, Indigenous and People of Color. This is a powerful container for BIPOC to connect within the program and safely explore topics including identity, voice, leadership, belonging, empowerment and coaching development.

This is intended as an inclusive conversation that allows BIPOC to trust that we no longer need to fit in at someone else’s table and empowers us to create our own. This allows us to own our space, at whatever table we happen to be occupying at the time.


LGBTQ+ Spaces

A space for LGBTQ+ members to connect and explore in the program together, integrate the tools and explore how to apply the work through all dimensions of gender, sexuality and personal expression.

This is intended as a space in the program to work around the heteronormative structure and dominance and to offer a place of celebration, encouragement and community.


Inclusivity Training

Specialized training offered throughout the year teaches you how to build inclusive businesses and communities. This allows everyone in the program to do their part in understanding the impacts of racism, sexism, ageism and homophobia in society and do the work to unravel them within themselves. You’ll be encouraged to explore your own blindspots in a safe container and to become more whole and empowered through releasing the systems of oppression and hierarchy we may have internalized.
Doing this training will support you to coach and operate from a more considerate and truly safe space as we bring this revolutionary work to the world. You’ll learn how to hold empowering stances for yourself and others through transformative processes and how to build businesses that operate in alignment with our values.


Mom Support Group

For anyone going through pregnancy, with a recent childbirth and/or currently child-rearing that impacts their experience in the program, or any parent, this is a space to connect with each other and receive additional support and a space to digest your experiences.

You will be invited to celebrate all the gifts of your experiences and empower each other to move through specific challenges and identity shifts related to your mother/parenthood role and responsibilities.


Vixens (45+) Support Group

A community space for students aged 45 years and older to come together to empower each other on your personal development and career paths. We recognize the power of this stage in life and the extra support that a group of your peers can offer in creating your coaching business and navigating issues that only more mature women can understand! Bring your challenges and accomplishments and create the lives that you desire from a sovereign and celebratory space.

"My confidence, it's skyrocketed. It's not a matter of 'if' anymore. It's not a matter of hiding under a rock anymore. It's a matter of when."

—Anna K., Denmark
"I had not done any other courses with Layla so I wasn't sure what to expect and it's definitely far exceeded my expectations."
—Indira A., Indonesia

Get Started Today


Fill out the application and take the first step.


From there, you can book a 15-minute call with a Program Specialist to answer all of your questions.


Apply Now

Frequently Asked Questions

We have three (3) different enrollment periods. A discount is available for each enrollment period if you pay in full. 

Super Early Bird 

  • Pay in Full: $12,997.00 (Deposit of $2,997, final payment of $10,000 due 90 days later)
  • Payment Plan: 24 months x $566 (Total of $13,584)

Early Bird 

  • Pay in Full: $13,997 (Deposit of $2,997, final payment of $11,000 due 60 days later)
  • Payment Plan: 24 months x $599 (Total of $14,376)


  • Pay in Full: $14,997 (Deposit of $2,997, final payment of $11,000 due 30 days later)
  • Payment Plan: 24 months x $650 (Total of $15,600)

You'll need to invest in 10-12 books that we will use as resources for the entire program which requires an additional cost of approximately $200-300 USD.

You'll also need some amazing pleasure tools! These can include things like a jade/crystal egg, a glass dildo, etc. (you'll receive a detailed toy list upon enrollment), requiring approximately $200 USD.

The cost of the optional Live Embodiment Retreat is also not included in your initial purchase.

The Live Embodied Retreat (only for VITA Coaching students!) includes 7 nights of accommodations, 3 locally sourced meals per day and the retreat sessions. All rooms are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis when registration opens. You can expect the total cost of the retreat to be in the range of $2,200—$4,400 depending on which room you select. *Retreat prices are subject to change. 

Outside of these costs, there are no additional costs to complete the program or after the program.

We are so confident that you will experience a powerful transformation by completing the VITA™ Coaching Certification that we offer a full money-back guarantee.

This guarantee is contingent upon you completing the full program, including attendance at all program calls (live or watching the replays), as well as submitting evidence of completion of all required coursework (checklists, playbooks, etc.) You must submit your request for a refund and all required documentation by a specific date, based on when you join the cohort, to qualify. Please see the Terms and Conditions for the full details.

Each week, you will need to invest approximately 15 hours to complete the program if you desire to graduate in one year. You do, however, have two full years to graduate, so you have the freedom to prioritize your studies as works for you. Dedicating a reduced 6 hours a week allows completion of the key elements needed to make the most out of the program live. You can then finish the remaining requirements in 2026.

Some students do the program at their own pace since you are given two full years to graduate. The program allows you to be very flexible in how you manage your time, as many of the pieces are self-study or self-practice and can be done whenever fits your schedule. If you can't join the live interactive sessions, the session recordings will be shared with you within 24 business hours.

This program is meant for women and female-identifying people who want to become masterful coaches at the top of their game, and the time commitment reflects that. The level of time commitment is similar to that of a graduate program.

We have a thriving community, with 50% of our students residing in North America and the other 50% all across the globe! All calls are hosted in the Pacific Standard Time zone, with most of the live calls held between 6am PT and 5pm PT. If you can't make it live, all calls are recorded and posted on the website within 24-48 business hours. You can watch them at any time that’s convenient for you.

The course material is 100% online, with a mix of pre-recorded content combined with live calls where you can speak directly with Layla, the senior teachers, and other participants. Each week you will have at least 4 hours of live calls that you can attend from anywhere in the world, so there are many opportunities to ask live questions and be guided by the teachers.

If you desire to attend the week-long, optional Live Embodiment Retreat (only for VITA Coaching students!), you will experience the teachings live, in person with Layla, the senior VITA teachers and the community.

For coaching, there is currently no accrediting board or coaching body that truly matters to clients and we have found that clients choose coaches based on results rather than on a specific accreditation from an outside institution. Please note that this program is not psychology or therapy, for which you need a degree and a license. We are not affiliated with any university.

The VITA™ Coaching Method is a unique system that incorporates coaching methodology with holistic embodiment tools and the philosophical wisdom of Tantra and yoga with the understanding of neurobiology. This creates a powerful approach to sex, love and relationships that is cutting-edge and not what you will find in traditional systems. In addition, you'll find much more creativity, healing and freedom you can have in this certification rather than tests, internships and extensive licensing rules.

I encourage you to do virtual coaching sessions. It means you can work from anywhere in the world, you don't need to travel and you don't have to pay for your own office or session space. However, if you already have clients or you strongly prefer to work in person, then you are welcome to use this coaching process for live sessions as well!

No. All of this work is designed to be done virtually and to be deeply effective without touching your clients.

One way this work is unique is that it will allow you to guide the client's work in an embodied way using the tools in a fully remote capacity. Meaning, instead of just talking to your client, you will support them with processes like breathwork, body-talk, meditations, sounding and many, many more, allowing them to take the process much deeper into their body and psyche even when you are communicating virtually.

You'll also be empowered to give homework that is appropriate for your coaching niche. If you are a sexuality coach, you will give homework for your clients around sexuality and sex, but you won't be guiding them through sexual experiences yourself.

Yes! We have many people who go through the program that are coaches currently, and many people who do not have a coaching practice. We train you on the tools to:

  • Create an embodied coaching practice and give you the confidence to become truly embodied in your coaching, and...
  • Deepen your coaching practice if you have one already.

The entire first four months of the program are dedicated to your own personal transformation journey around your sexuality where you will discover how to access your sexual ecstasy, power, and sensitivity, while also expanding your heart and capacity to love, and exploring how to create intimate and healthy relationships.

This process allows you to drop deeper into the core coaching tools in Trimester 2 focused on coaching others. We will teach you a 14-step process that you can confidently use with any client to get powerful results. This part of the training reveals the foundations of a successful coaching session and how to use goals in coaching while introducing The Desire Map, the MAU tool (mirroring, acknowledging, and understanding), and an empowering transformational map. You'll also discover how to identify and transform limiting belief systems and unconscious objections.

We have had many students use this certification to uplevel their abilities to thrive in a variety of career tracks beyond coaching! You will be able to find your own unique way to integrate the certification into your existing practice and work.

Many of our graduates who were already certified or trained in different healing modalities have really enjoyed their new creative way of working and have felt inspired and ignited by the program. Some have shifted career paths altogether, while others have simply tweaked their current work. In short, the possibilities are endless and you will be inspired and supported to determine where to take your business and work in the future.

The live program begins in January and finishes in December of 2025. In addition to the first year of live calls, you'll have additional bonus months of live coaching and development calls the following year in 2026.

If you provide evidence of completion of all the videos, personal practices, coaching session practicums and reading all the material, you will receive a certificate of completion for a 600-hour training in VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, signed by Layla Martin.

Proof of completion will include turning in your completed workbook that goes along with the training manuals, your logbook for your personal practices and meditations as well as your coaching log-book and audio recordings for coaching practicums and client hours. You have a full 2 years to graduate. We will award your certification upon proof of completion up until this date.

Yes! We'll train you on 4 core tools to get you going:

Develop the mindset: The best business owners are effective because they've done the mindset work needed to back up their success. We start off Business Bootcamp on a strong foot by leading on the critical importance of how to develop a mindset for business.

Understand wealth consciousness: You'll learn things like what to charge for your services, the type of income expectations to have, how to charge premium pricing with confidence and much more.

Skills to execute: In the Business Bootcamp portion of the program, you'll become an expert at running your business. We'll give you time to receive personalized feedback on the tactical parts of your brand, including your website, packages, pricing, copy and more! In addition, we teach you how to create content on the platform that most calls to you.

Building your brand & audience: When you become intimately familiar with who your ideal client is, you can begin to speak directly to their hearts, wants and needs...drawing an audience to yourself that truly desires the type of work you're doing in the world. You'll be guided by weekly calls/worksheets and PDFs to help brainstorm and develop your soul-led sales approach so you can meet your potential clients where they are. You'll also learn our custom sales process, where you can walk a client masterfully through your process, methodology and results.

Over the last 8 years, I've repeatedly seen that a typical graduate from my certification program can start their coaching business charging $150-$300 an hour and sell coaching packages in the ballpark of $1,500-$10k per client.

One graduate from 2021, Jo, made $150k in 3 months after taking the program. She then raised her prices to $15k per client for 6 months of coaching. While Jo's results aren't typical, they're 100% achievable!

We'll train you on aspects of business to help you recognize and charge what you're worth, and provide content surrounding wealth consciousness, building your book of business and your brand and much more, allowing you to feel comfortable charging what you desire.

If you have a high/intermediate-advanced level of English skills, you will be able to take this program without issues. Some of the language used is specific to this field, so it might be a good idea to plan some extra time to look up the meanings of words that you may not know or rewatch videos.

You have to coach in English during the program, so you must submit your graduation materials in English (please note the sessions that you just need to log could be conducted in any language and the notes could be in English.)

A small percentage of our students are from non-English-speaking countries, so it's completely doable! After graduation, you can go on to coach in any language you wish.

There are four key elements of the VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Professional Certification Program that make this certification highly individualized and unique:

Embodied Self-Practice:

Students will be exploring their own sexuality and doing a deep dive into their own body as well as their relationships and capacity for love. This is where the essential, natural transmission of the work takes place, because you experience it first as a student, then transfer that transmission of the experience to your clients as a coach. This will make you a true teacher of integrity because you have gone deep within yourself and have done the work. Your clients will be able to feel that.

The VITA Coaching Method:

I am going to teach you my proven VITA Coaching Method (The Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach to Coaching) that takes you step-by-step from session one to session ten on how to take a client from suffering or struggling to healing and integration. This is my very own proven method that I use in my own personal coaching sessions. You will not only receive the framework, but you'll also be able to tailor it to your particular niche so you can go deeper with clients on the specific issues you will address as a coach.

The Coaching Practicum Sessions:

Each student will have the opportunity to coach and be coached live with their peers in the program to gain a solid understanding and experience using the advanced tools and techniques during the program. Most programs allow for practicing the tools once or twice, but you will repeatedly use our tools over and over again until you are fully confident and motivated to use them with clients. This was designed to help you feel ready and prepared to be a successful coach upon graduation.

Brilliant and Inspiring Community:

For most coaching programs, you can just click the "buy" button. We care a lot about your success and the reputation of this program, so every student goes through the application process. That means you'll be surrounded by peers you can respect and you'll be certified in a program that will be taken seriously by clients.

VITA™ Coaching is a professional certification program for women and female-identifying people who want to become certified sex, love and relationship coaches and learn to use the teachings to coach others.

VITA™ Sacred Sexuality is a monthly program where you will get access to guided practices, workshops (or "playshops" as we like to call them!) and Layla's recorded teachings to experience the benefits of a Tantric approach to your own life.

VITA™ Coaching goes deeper than VITA™ Sacred Sexuality, however, you can do the VITA™ Sacred Sexuality program...

  • Before VITA™ Coaching to get a feel for the foundational tools (Breathwork, Healing + Integration, Pleasure, Elevation) and the VITA™ teachings and methodology...
  • Or after VITA™ Coaching if you want to be part of the active community and continue the practices that you've taken from VITA™ Coaching.

While the VITA™ Coaching Certification is meant to empower your sexual wholeness in a trauma-informed container, it is not a trauma resolution program.

If you carry significant trauma, and have not had any support around it (therapy, somatic experiencing, etc.), the course might be too activating for you to complete at this time.

However, if you have already done trauma resolution work and can confidently hold yourself through sexual embodiment practices, breathwork and emotional liberation processes, then the VITA™ Coaching Certification can be a deeply supportive next step in your healing and empowerment.

I fully welcome and celebrate lesbian, queer, bisexual and pansexual women and any other sexual identities and choices in this course. I embrace and celebrate LGBTQ+ sexuality and want it to be fully included in Tantric work!

I'm a teacher who comes from heteronormative teachers and systems, I myself am bi-sexual, and all sexual orientations, queer-identified women and women-identifying people are welcome in this program. I believe all sexual orientations are healthy and natural expressions of human sexuality.

In this program, it doesn't matter what your sexual orientation is. You work with your own body and sexuality in a way that empowers and supports your sexuality, independent of a partner and/or your sexual orientation.

However, some of the language in the program is heteronormative and/or gendered. If you feel okay and safe to adapt that to yourself and to how you will work with LGBTQ+ clients in the future, then I fully support you joining this program. We really, really need more coaches doing this work who are specializing in LGBTQ+ sexuality, both in their own experience and with their clients, because for too long this work has been taught in a very heteronormative way.

In my material and courses, we use the word woman for any person who identifies as a woman, regardless of their assigned sex at birth. I acknowledge that gender is non-binary, fluid and on a spectrum and I support each individual's right to live in alignment with their gender identity. I deeply desire for non-binary and trans people to be fully included in Tantric work!

That being said, this course is gendered and uses gendered language and I personally am a teacher who comes from heteronormative teachers and systems. I consider myself much more inclusive than most Tantra teachers in that I believe femininity and masculinity are fluid and self-created (meaning you define what masculinity and femininity is to you, not what society tells you is true). It's more important for someone to be authentic than to try and adhere to a rigid idea of what gender is supposed to be.

My desire is to be as inclusive of trans and non-binary folks as possible, but there are current limitations in the program content and material.

For instance, the majority of practices included in the program are currently tailored for individuals with a vulva. As a result, these practices may not directly apply to individuals with penises. We want to emphasize that our intention is not to exclude anyone, but to be transparent about the current limitations of the program's content.

In addition, we have a Men's Coaching and a Women's Coaching section, but there isn't an entire separate coaching structure for non-binary identities. Instead, we have conversations about how to use the practices based on how someone identifies and what sexual organs they relate to or want to work with.

While I want this to be a safe and inclusive space, I haven't created a whole body of work around being queer, trans or non-binary. Instead, you'll learn how to share and use the practices, which are based on biology and sexual identity, in a way that is unique to how your clients identify and what they desire. If you are non-binary or trans, please feel into what you need to be safe.

If you're okay working with practices that are labeled Men's and/or Women's in a CIS-gendered, heteronormative and traditional sense without the mentioning of non-binary or trans people in the content, and you feel supported to navigate and make the content applicable to your clients and community, then this program could work for you. However, if that doesn't feel like enough safety or acknowledgment, we totally understand.

Definitely check out the syllabus, spend some time on my website getting a sense of my material and check out what past students have to say.

The VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Certification Program has an online application process that includes questions asking you to consider why you want to do this work. We have found that answering these questions has brought great clarity to each applicant about whether this program feels right for them!

Additionally, you have an opportunity to schedule a live, one-on-one 15-minute call with a VITA™ Program Specialist, giving you the space to ask all your questions and to decide if this program is the right fit for you. We are not pushy about you joining—I only want people who really want this!

As much as there is such a thing as right timing to an extent, in truth there is no perfect timing!

We often experience having students join in a future year, wishing they had answered the call the year before.

Students can start earning from the program as soon as the end of Trimester 2, so we urge applicants to consider how soon they want to be earning a thriving income from this work and enjoying the benefits of the profound transformation the program brings.

VITA™ stands for the Vital Integrated Tantric Approach.

This program is a profound and deep sex/love/relationship coaching certification, not a Tantra teacher training. If you desire to go deeper into Tantric teachings specifically, then the Tantric sex major might be of interest, but the VITA™ Coaching core graduation is really a beautiful weaving of a lot of different things: co-active coaching, breathwork and somatics, an eclectic blend of Neo Tantra and Taoist practices and energy systems, interpersonal neurobiology, positive psychology, parts work and much more.

The training does utilize some foundational Tantric teachings to support emotional and energetic empowerment and liberation, as well as the Taoist system and practices to support activating and cycling sexual energy.

The program is an integrated, conciliatory approach with a focus on developing highly skilled coaches who can work very practically with clients experiencing a variety of issues related to sex, love and relationships. That said, we do not initiate students into Tantric lineage or traditions.

This program provides a very useful and solid foundation for coaching that can blend beautifully into a more spiritual-focus of Tantra and those traditions, but just to be clear, this is a coaching certification, first and foremost.