
Hi, I’m Layla!

I’m the founder of the VITA™ Method, a Tantric approach to sex, love and relationships that blends powerful mysticism and proven science. Since 2007, I’ve been teaching people just like you the deepest aspects of Tantric spiritual awakening and how to have the most cosmic energy orgasms. I also happen to be a hardcore science nerd who is madly in love with all things mystical.


Discover Tools and Practices to Access Exquisite Depths of Love and Sex

Join me to unlock outrageously amazing sex, unapologetic self-love and the deepest levels of intimacy with yourself and with others.

I’ll show you how to recover your own radiant sexual power and heal your deepest wounds and sexual hangups…

All while laughing, crying and having the most mind-blowing orgasms.

Step into your Tantric journey with some of my most-loved free resources, all designed to help you reach ecstatic heights of pleasure and power.

Discover More

What Makes Me Different

My work has reached over 165 million people through my YouTube channel, 325,000+ people through my email list and hundreds of thousands more through my top-rated podcast, This Tantric Life

Helping them experience levels of magic, pleasure and (of course!) the kind of epic, delicious orgasms they never even knew existed.

I’ve spent over 20 years devoted to Tantric practice, and since 2007, have been teaching a powerful combination of mystical practices and up-to-date scientific approaches to healing.

I believe you deserve outrageously amazing pleasure…

And I’m here to celebrate exactly who you are, way down at your sexy, soulful core.


The Highest Level Mastery

Having studied human sexuality, neuroscience and biology at Stanford University, I combine cutting-edge education with over 20 years studying Tantra, Taoism and early witchcraft.

Science Meets Spirituality

My proven system, The VITA™ Method, is a dynamic approach rooted in 10,000+ hours of practice that blends ancient traditions with modern science to heal trauma and activate pleasure.

Unparalled Global Reach

With over 165 million YouTube viewers, a 325,000-strong email community and a top-rated podcast, This Tantric Life, my work transforms lives all over the world.

A Balanced Approach to Healing

My teachings are playful and celebratory while being deeply healing and trauma-aware, inviting you to step into the most epic sex and legendary love you're capable of experiencing.

My journey to Tantric healing

Play Video About Layla Martin

How I went from childhood sexual abuse, deep trauma and being totally freaked out by lace underwear, my body and all things sex-related...

To believing sex is one of the most beautiful parts of our human experience.

Get your free weekly trainings and podcasts here:



Powerful practices to deepen your pleasure


New episodes of the top-rated This Tantric Life podcast


Invites to exclusive events and workshops

The Transformative Power of the VITA™ Method

Experience a Tantric approach to sex, love and relationships through an empowering, holistic process designed to heal and awaken through sexuality.


Ancient Tantric Wisdom

Embrace Tantra's ancient practices and traditions to deepen your relationships, experience epic pleasure and step into life-changing spiritual awakening.


Science-Informed Approach

A system backed by cutting-edge research to offer the deepest healing and transformation supported by the latest in modern science.


Profound Personal Transformation

Resolve your deepest inner wounds and step into your most empowered transformation through releasing past traumas and embracing your pleasure and power.

What Makes Us Who We Are

Discover what's at the heart of everything we do here at Layla Martin...

Our mission is...

To uplevel the planet through teaching tools and philosophies that encourage unconditional love, deep intimacy and sacred sexuality.

Our purpose is...

To initiate people into the beautiful path of Tantra and ecstatic living.

Our core values include...

  • Creating an environment of safety and respect through unconditional love
  • Deepening our relationships to ourselves and others through transparent communication
  • Uplifting and supporting one another through the power of community
  • And taking time to celebrate, play and bask in the depth of our deepest pleasure

Magnetic Energy Training

Discover How to Use Pleasure to Activate Your Dream Life in This 30-Minute Free Training
