Shake off fear, stress and anxiety and come back home to your body with my Self-Care Package

But, of course, this can be much easier said than done.

If you're ready to shift out of emotional heaviness, release fear, worries and anxiety from your nervous system and feel more connected to love and safety….

My Self-Care package is for you.

This free resource offers potent tools to help you keep your vibe high - no matter what’s going on in your life or in the world. You’ll get 5 free, super potent guided practices you can engage in to shake off negative emotions, become more grounded and uplift your spirit as often as you want… in as little as 5 minutes.

We all know how important it is to stay grounded and centered...

The powerful practices in the Self-Care package allow you to....

Uplift your spirit and feel safe

Connect to your heart and center yourself in high vibrational states of aliveness and love. Embody a reality where you feel safe in your body, safe with others and safe in the world.

Connect to pleasure and your body

Allow waves of pleasure to flow through your entire being. Become fully present in your body to relax your nervous system and stay centered even during conflict or challenging times.

Shake off heaviness and get grounded

Free yourself from heavy emotions by moving your body into relaxation, relief and lightness and feel more grounded no matter what hardships you're experiencing in your life.

Experience these powerful free practices and come back home into safety, groundedness and love at any time:

© Copyright  – Truth and Love Coaching International 2023 

Feel more safety, groundedness and love with these simple practices

Layla Martin as seen in:

Hi I'm Layla Martin.

I'm Layla Martin, and I created the VITA™ Coaching certification after 20 years of teaching and over 10,000 hours of practice because I believe the world needs professionals trained to go deeper than talking and into the body, to heal with the transformational and radical power of pleasure.

I’ve spent decades studying the history of human relationships and sexuality – and on my own healing journey through lifetimes of shame, conditioning and trauma. Along the way, I’ve created a holistic system of healing techniques that integrate the embodied teachings of Tantra and Sacred Sexuality with modern neurobiology and desire-based coaching models. I am so proud to have trained over 1,800 VITA™ graduates to date through this wild and utterly transformational process!


Are you ready to center yourself in high vibrational states of love, safety and connection? Get my FREE Self-Care Package now and give yourself permission to FEEL GOOD.


Give yourself permission to feel more safety, groundedness, connection, aliveness and love. Get my FREE Self-Care Package and I’ll show you how:


Shake off fear, stress and anxiety and come back home to your body with my Self-Care Package

Feel more safety, groundedness and love with these simple practices