Men's Sexual
Mastery Training

Develop advanced sexual skills designed to elevate your masculine confidence and power… both in and out of the bedroom.

  • Master a collection of the most incredible sexual techniques

  • Experience profound inner-freedom and transform yourself into a total Sex God? ;)

  • All in the comfort and privacy of your own home!

Men’s Sexual Mastery includes the detailed training, guidance and support you need thoughtfully designed into step-by-step practices…

So you can discover how to step into your masculine expression and become the most incredible lover she’s ever had.


Created from over 10,000 hours of experience and the successful results of working with over 15,000 paying clients...

This training will guide you to the primal sexual and personal power and freedom you were born to experience.

Men’s Sexual Mastery is the only training that combines custom-designed, 25-minute training sessions designed to unlock your sexual potential…

Along with potent personal practices that will dissolve the layers of sexual repression, toxic conditioning and shame that hold you back from your most liberated freedom.

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Four monthly payments of

$97 USD

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This training shows you how to master the sexual foundations of:




What will this training show you how to do?

  • Experience multiple orgasms
  • Expand and harness your sexual energy
  • Feel more in control of ejaculation
  • Feel a deeper, primal power awaken within you
  • Increase testosterone levels
  • Drive any lover wild with pleasure

So what holds most guys back?


I’ve noticed what keeps a lot of guys from sexual training and mastery is the fear that it will make sex feel


You’ve already got enough stress in your life.


Why make sex one more thing that needs work?


I get it... and I've found that this specific attitude comes from techniques widely taught by books that make it seem like sex has to do mostly about trying and staying in control in order to be incredible.


But you already have awesome sex, so what’s the point of working so hard?


Here’s the thing… in this training, you won’t have to change how you have sex at all.


You can keep having sex exactly how you like it.

What you’ll do is the exercises and trainings each week on your own.


Each training will naturally shift your sexual response and experience.


Meaning, without having to change how you have sex, your body will shift and evolve…


And before you know it, you’ll be experiencing sex at completely new heights.


Yes, it will make a huge difference in your own body, but your partner will really notice it.


You’ll also come to actually love the sexual training, just like you can get really into your workouts…


Because once you get over the initial psychological blocks, you start to enjoy how great the breathwork feels, how powerful the focus-building practices are and the power that comes with the sexual strength training.


And all of this is built on relaxing into the experience rather than stressing out.

What kind of results can you expect?

With fitness training – you get incredible physical results, like improved muscle strength – but you also get other important benefits like a more positive mindset and improved health…
Training your sexuality is the same.

You can expect physical benefits like:

  • Stronger and longer-lasting erections
  • Stronger pelvic muscles that give you greater sexual control
  • Greater pleasure

You can expect emotional benefits like:

  • Experiencing greater intimacy during sex
  • Feeling a deeper, primal power awaken in you
  • A healthy, integrated relationship to sex

You can also experience health benefits like:

  • Stronger sexual vitality
  • Increased testosterone
  • A youthful sexual stamina and desire

The Effect Your Training Will Have On Women

When we’re talking sex, we’re not just talking benefits for you, we’re also talking benefits for your lover or partner.

She can expect benefits like:

  • Experiencing a powerful sexual surrender
  • Deep cervical orgasms
  • Sexual healing that awakens a primal desire in her

And sex isn’t just about the number of orgasms or how long you last, it’s also about the kind of man you are being as you make love.

So this course also includes a number of exercises that will allow you to:

  • Discover a lasting inner peace
  • Heal negative aspects left over from your father's teachings
  • Remove sexual shame and mental limitations



And that’s just the start of what this program can offer...

Imagine being able to guide your lover through her sexual fears and open her up into powerful states of ecstasy she’s never experienced before…
Staying centered and present as she gushes through deep cervical orgasms one after another, spreading through her entire body.
She goes totally wild with sexual abandon due to your powerful masculine expression…
Looking at you afterward and saying, “That was the most amazing lovemaking I’ve ever experienced..."

I’m promising to show you how consistent sexual training with the right methods can activate the kind of natural-born lover you’re meant to be.

If you put in the time…
And do the exercises and trainings…
You will be capable of holding her through every emotional experience (something every woman dreams of, by the way)
You will be able to last through her greatest ecstasies and orgasms…
Show up in your mind and body so she feels your presence, trusts it and surrenders (most women crave a level of sexual surrender they’ve never experienced)...
Understand how to unlock the parts of her body that are the key to her biggest orgasms (the cervix, g-spot and her mind ;)
And, all of this is taught with the deepest respect and love for women.
Your sexual power comes from being centered in your truth, your body and your consciousness…
And when you rise to that kind of integrity…
It allows her to express her greatest sexual pleasures in response.
You will both grow in power and love, and that’s the best part of a true sexual training grounded in respect.

So who am I?

I’m Layla Martin, and I’ve reached millions of people and trained tens of thousands in these elite sexual practices that create more pleasure and love.
When I used to do live one-on-one sessions, I worked extensively with all kinds of male clients. I worked with financial analysts from J.P. Morgan, personal development gurus, yoga teachers, professors and Apple engineers to show them how to access their greatest sexual ability and go to incredible places with their lovers and partners.
When I took my work online, I first focused on reaching women and saw how great the online medium is for these practices.


To really get results, you need to do the practices over and over again.

And with sexuality practices, this really lends itself to a program that you can access easily and consistently in the privacy of your own home.
I began seeing that men wanted to experience the same results women were getting in my programs…
And one of the things that makes my programs so effective is that I don’t just teach you sexual practices…
I also teach you practices that release limiting beliefs and cultural conditioning around your sexuality, along with mindset principles, self-love and the depth of acceptance that is crucial to really enjoying this process.
Because the thing is: just learning tools doesn’t get you very far.


Sex is as much about psychology as it is about performance.

A lot of average teachers give technique after technique without realizing that sexuality is actually a product of your psyche, your upbringing and your sexual habits over a lifetime.
So, if you really want to evolve sexually, just giving you techniques isn’t going to work.
And that’s exactly what I’ll be doing: showing you how to evolve who you are just as much as you evolve what you are doing during sex.
I also don’t believe in telling you how to be a man.
Instead, I invite you to do deep practices that release whatever is holding you back from fully expressing your unique masculinity, something that will be magnetically attractive to the right women.

The Course Breakdown—
AKA Your Sexual Mastery Tools

This 7-module course contains 25 powerful transformative practices and 3 foundational trainings…


All drawn from deep Tantric and Taoist wisdom, plus years of learnings from men in my live workshops.


Each practice and training is simplified into easy-to-learn video and audio exercises designed to help transform you into a modern-day sex god.

The 3 Foundational

25-minute Beginner Foundational Training

Even if you just did this training 3 times a week for a month, you’d revolutionize your experience in bed. These are the most basic essentials: no more wondering what to do, or how often. This one training will advance your sex skills and abilities considerably above anything else out there.

25-minute Intermediate Foundational Training

Improve on your initial training: deepen your ability to use breath during sex and fine-tune your focus to have incredible control and relaxation.

25-minute Advanced Foundational Training

Master Tantric and Taoist teachings that bring incredible pleasure and outrageous sexual experiences for you and your partner.

The Training Week by Week

The Sexual Mastery 7 Modules Breakdown


  • Release your “nice guy” shell and claim your primal instincts with awareness.
  • Discover practices that allow you to experience profound inner peace and freedom, regardless of what’s going on in your life.
  • Use nature to unleash your impulsive side (the side she craves ;)


  • Release your “nice guy” shell and claim your primal instincts with awareness.
  • Discover practices that allow you to experience profound inner peace and freedom, regardless of what’s going on in your life.
  • Use nature to unleash your impulsive side (the side she craves ;)


  • Release sexual conditioning and habits that block your pleasure.
  • Undo the effects of porn and habitual masturbation to recover a fresh connection to sex.
  • Penetrate with true inner power, the kind she can really feel.


  • Embrace your dark side, shadow parts and your biggest fears to become a deep, spacious and present lover.
  • Heal the father-wound in profound ways, releasing any baggage from the past and setting yourself free.
  • Own your primal power, allowing you to step out of sexual hang-ups and addictions.


  • Undergo a deep healing process with the women in your life to reset your relationship to the feminine.
  • Learn how to hold a woman through all of her emotions through a detailed training process.
  • Feel that your cock, heart and mind are all created to operate together in integrity.


  • Discover the Tantric practice of masculine empowerment that allows your partner to sexually surrender.
  • Experience an embodied presence that will leave both you and your partner tingling with pleasure.
  • Learn to hold the deep, embodied presence of athletes, meditators and high thinkers (this combination is electric during sex).


  • Undergo a warrior training and breath training process to get super clear on your mission in life.
  • Be challenged to truly discover what your deepest desires are.
  • Commit to yourself and your mission completely.

Women and Sex

  • Learn how to give cervical, g-spot and breast orgasms.
  • Discover the 3 keys of the most incredible, epic sex.
  • Train in the 5 essential practices to become a master lover.

My Courses are Unique in How Deep They Go

Seriously, if you want to learn a few sexual practices and go on your way, then this is not for you.
Want to learn a few gimmicky tricks to pick up women? This program is definitely not for you…
And if you want to be told what it is to be a man and spend time trying to fit yourself into someone else’s mold, this program is also not for you.
I also see a lot of sexual programs for men that don’t have any actual love in them…
This program has deep love, because being respectful is deeply important to me.


And it’s based in science.

I got my start studying sexuality and neurobiology at Stanford University.
I don’t believe in spouting pseudoscience theories that someone made up and acting like they’ve been verified and vetted as truth.


I believe in using ancient wisdom in alignment with modern science to get the most effective results.

And, I don’t believe you need to swallow dogma about never ejaculating or “sacred sexuality” principles in order to evolve sexually.
I’ll present sound ideas and let you test what feels right for you and what works for you in your own body and life.
This isn’t a one-size- fits-all program: there’s flexibility and room for you to expand and decide what’s right for you…
Because I also trust and respect your own wisdom.


You get to be curious and experiment for yourself without me telling you how it has to be.

That being said, I will recommend that you fully apply yourself to the practices and that you take a break from porn and regular masturbation for 14 to 30 days. This allows the new techniques the chance to really work in your system.


After that, you can do whatever feels right for you.

Why would you want sexual mastery?

Every guy is different in why he wants to
experience sexual mastery...




But some of the desires that I come across again and again are:

  • I want to be the absolute best lover she’s ever had

  • I want to re-awaken the desire in my marriage

  • I want to avoid sexual decline with age

  • I want to heal a sexual issue, like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation

  • I want to attract a higher quality woman

  • I want to have spiritual experiences through sex

  • I just know that there is something awesome here and I’m a curious dude, so why not?

You can address all of these and many more through training your sexuality.

But one of the traps I often see is, because this work can create such massive amounts of transformation, it can also come with fear and resistance.
Just like going to the gym…
Launching a new business…
Or asking for a raise…
Upleveling your life in any way can bring uncomfortable feelings.

The same exact thing is true for sexual mastery.

It’s totally normal to feel afraid, or skeptical, or resistant…
Those feelings basically come with the territory of transformational change.
And, they are especially strong when it comes to working with something as core as sexuality.

If you are willing to feel them and choose to train anyway… the results go way beyond just the sexual benefits and can deeply impact your entire outlook on life.

What You’ll Master In This Course


This will allow you to circulate pleasure and last longer while expanding the pleasure you feel from the tip of your penis throughout your whole body. When you master breath, it’s like being able to get high with no come-down. It also leads to full-body orgasm and an electric sexual experience.


Where you put your attention is everything. You’ll learn to laser-focus your awareness where it counts during sex, so you can master your sexual experiences without having to get in your head or control from a space of stress. Focusing during sex also enhances your sensations, makes her feel incredible and brings a spaciousness to sex that brings peace and inner freedom.


You’ll strengthen your PC muscles and develop the capacity of your prostate and other key parts of your anatomy by doing pull-ups, presses and holds to vastly increase your power and control.


You’ll use this under-utilized but incredibly effective tool for creating sexual chemistry and full-body orgasms. It also liberates stress from your body allowing you to enter primal states of instinct.


Discover the science of moving sensations throughout your body to create different sexual experiences. You’ll learn the Tantric and Taoist practices of feeling and moving sexual energy through your body to elevate sex to a whole new level.



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$97 USD

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My Commitment To You



This will be the most advanced and best virtual training you can do for men’s sexual mastery.

I have a full 30-day money back guarantee, allowing you to try Men’s Sexual Mastery for a full month and decide for yourself whether it’s right for you.
If you want a full refund, just send us an email and my team will refund your course, no questions asked.
Buying a sexual course on the internet can bring up some doubts, and I have full understanding of that. This is why I offer you a full chance to see how impactful this course is and the many ways it can support you.

Payment Options



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Four monthly payments of

$97 USD

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Real feedback taken from guys who have completed my other trainings…

I did this to improve my sex life and after only 2 sessions, I’ve learned so much and seen so many results.
Zach D., USA
I worked with Layla to improve my sex life, strengthen my relationship and to invest in myself and my marriage. I’m a business owner with a professional background in education and virtual learning. Her delivery is pitch-perfect in terms of blending emotional connectedness, honesty and constructive education. Compared to other things I could spend money on, this investment has been well worth it and an absolute no-brainer in hindsight.
Todd H., Canada
I wanted to learn how to orgasm in different ways and how to experience sex differently... I found this program to be effective, powerful and surprisingly fun.
Paul F., USA
After taking the program, my confidence is through the roof. I received both a promotion and a raise at my job and everywhere I go, I seem to magnetize people towards me... whether it be out of romantic interest or platonic interest.
Christopher D., USA

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