If you want to be guided step-by-step through a gentle practice that helps you release and integrate difficult emotions, then get my FREE Healing Breathwork Practice below!

If you find yourself experiencing uncomfortable feelings that seem more intense than a situation calls for…

That could be a trauma response.

Your brain and body instinctively jump into action with protective measures when you’re in a situation your body deems unsafe.

However, you probably don’t want to be experiencing these stressful activations to situations that aren’t actually threatening…

Like for me, this can show up as feeling incredibly anxious after I’ve sent a text to a love interest when they haven’t texted back for a while.

When you’re having an emotional reaction to a situation like this, it can distort your mental field and your brain can start spiraling into stories that may not be based in reality – which is not fun.

But the amazing thing is, pleasure and different sacred sexuality tools can help you release and integrate these responses…

So that you can show up as your best self and experience less stress and anxiety and way more pleasure in your life.

In this week’s episode, I’m offering you some easy-to-apply tools so that you can hold yourself through these experiences, lessen their impact on your life, and show up as the magical, brilliant Queen or Royal Sovereign that you are.

These tools help you feel and process your emotions in a gentle way while then reintroducing pleasure and safety to your nervous system.

Healing and integrating your trauma and wounds turns you into a resilient, sexy, mature AF individual who can show up to life in the most extraordinary and compassionate way.

We do SO much healing and integration work in my VITA™ Sacred Sexuality program (along with ultra orgasmic pleasure practices) and it is astounding to see the level of transformation members experience.

(If you feel ready to totally uplevel your sexuality and life, my VITA™ Sacred Sexuality program, get all of the details and sign up for the waitlist here to be the first to know when the program opens and to receive some free practices we use in the program.)

Now, I do want to offer a disclaimer that if you have really intense trauma and you’ve never worked on it before, then you really want to see an expert.

These tools are meant for emotional reactions you know are there and you want to release them, but they’re not totally overwhelming your life.

So if you’re ready to move past certain anxieties and defenses that are showing up in your life…

I can’t wait for you to watch today’s video and experience these powerful tools for yourself!



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